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研究生(外文):Yung-Chen Tang
論文名稱(外文):Seismic Design and Evaluation of Steel Building with Fluid Viscous Dampers
外文關鍵詞:Fluid Viscous DamperSeismic Design and EvaluationNonlinear Static AnalysisNonlinear Dynamic Analysis
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現今工程界在利用液態黏滯性阻尼器補強結構物之耐震能力時,時常使用試誤法設計,此舉可能會耗費大量時間且缺乏效率,因此本文提出一套利用側推分析配合性能目標設計法之快速有效率的流程,在欲提升的耐震能力條件已知下,決定液態黏滯性阻尼器的數量、位置、阻尼器參數(C & α)及支撐構架尺寸,以設計出能達成預期耐震性能目標的液態黏滯性阻尼器之各項參數。另外,本文也詳細說明不含液態黏滯性阻尼器建築結構與含液態黏滯性阻尼器建築結構耐震能力的評估方法。
由於目前工程界在考量時間成本以及受限於電腦設備計算能力及容量不足的前提下,進行結構耐震能力評估時,經常以非線性靜力分析取代非線性動力分析。為釐清兩者之關聯性,本文以相同鋼構建築模型,比較以非線性靜力分析(側推分析)及以非線性動力分析(非線性歷時反應分析) 來評估其耐震能力的差異性。首先,將鋼構建築欲執行非線性歷時反應分析模型中梁柱之彎矩及剪力塑鉸遲滯迴圈參數,設定成與側推分析中依據FEMA遲滯模型自動計算出的塑鉸參數相同,並輸入已擬合回歸週期475年、阻尼比2%之反應譜的數個921地震歷時紀錄進行分析,以改變各組地震最大地表加速度的方式重複進行並取出相關數據,比較兩分析方法所得耐震能力的差異。經由數值驗證結果顯示,利用側推分析法相較於利用非線性歷時反應分析進行評估建築結構耐震能力時,是可行且保守的。
Nowadays, when civil engineers use fluid viscous dampers to improve the seismic resistance of structures, they often use trial-and-error design methods, which may take lots of time and lack efficiency. Therefore, we proposed a fast and efficient process using pushover analysis and performance target design method in this article. Under the conditions of the seismic resistance to be improved, determine the number, position, damper parameters (C & α) and the section of supporting frames of the dampers to design the properties of fluid viscous dampers that can achieve the expected seismic performance target. In addition, we also describe in detail the methods for evaluating the seismic resistance of buildings without fluid viscous dampers and buildings with fluid viscous dampers.
Due to the current civil engineers considering the time cost and being limited by the lack of computing power and capacity of computer equipment, nonlinear static analysis is often used to replace nonlinear dynamic analysis when evaluating structural seismic capacity. In order to clarify the relationship between the two, we use the same steel building model to compare the difference between nonlinear static analysis (pushover analysis) and nonlinear dynamic analysis (nonlinear response time history analysis) to evaluate the difference in seismic resistance. First, set the bending moment and shear force plastic hinge hysteresis model parameters of the beams and columns in nonlinear response time history analysis model of the steel building to be the same as the plastic hinge parameters automatically calculated according to the FEMA hysteresis model in pushover analysis, and input several 921 earthquake duration records which consist with a regression period of 475 years and a damping ratio of 2% response spectrum. Repeat the process by changing the peak ground acceleration of each earthquake duration records and extract relevant data to compare the seismic resistance obtained by the two analysis methods. Numerical verification results show that the use of pushover analysis is more feasible and conservative than the use of nonlinear response time history analysis to evaluate the seismic resistance of buildings.
Furthermore, many high-tech factories or hospitals are very concerned about whether earthquakes cause damage to precision instruments or equipment. Generally, if buildings are subjected to earthquakes, the absolute acceleration of the floor will be too large, which will damage some precision instruments or equipment and cause significant loss or loss of function. Therefore, we also developed a set of method to predict the maximum absolute acceleration value of each floor based on the data obtained from the more commonly used pushover analysis in the engineering field, and verified it with nonlinear response time history analysis, and found that the prediction method proposed in this article was extremely accurate.
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
目錄 vi
表目錄 x
圖目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 文獻回顧 3
1.2.1 側推分析 3
1.2.2 含黏滯性阻尼器之結構物研究 4
1.3論文架構與內容 9
第二章 含液態黏滯性阻尼器結構物之耐震評估方法 10
2.1 一般結構物之耐震評估方法 10
2.1.1 側推分析法與容量曲線 10
2.1.2 將容量曲線轉換成容量震譜 12
2.1.3 結構物之等效週期與等效阻尼比 14
2.1.4 性能目標地表加速度 18
2.1.5 ㄧ般結構物耐震評估流程 20
2.2 含液態黏滯性阻尼器結構物之耐震評估理論與流程 22
2.2.1 液態黏滯性阻尼器介紹 22
2.2.2 液態黏滯性阻尼器與支撐構架所提供之等效勁度 24
2.2.3 液態黏滯性阻尼器所提供之等效阻尼比 29
2.2.4 側推分析與耐震評估流程 30
第三章 以液態黏滯性阻尼器作耐震補強之性能目標設計流程 34
3.1 性能目標設計流程 34
3.1.1 設計流程概述 34
3.1.2 計算液態黏滯性阻尼器所需提供之阻尼比 38
3.1.3 液態黏滯性阻尼器之間柱型支撐構架計算 41
3.2 案例說明與驗證 45
3.2.1 案例模型簡介 45
3.2.2 含FVD構架性能目標設計與耐震評估 47
第四章 非線性靜力分析與非線性動力分析耐震能力比較 55
4.1 非線性靜力分析 55
4.2 非線性動力分析 56
4.2.1 塑鉸設定 56
4.2.2 調整地震歷時紀錄 59
4.2.3 非線性歷時反應分析方法與結果 64
4.3 分析結果比較 69
第五章 以側推分析預測樓板最大絕對加速度值 72
5.1 預測樓板最大絕對加速度值流程 72
5.1.1 精準側推分析 72
5.1.2 預測流程 74
5.2 案例說明 77
5.3 非線性歷時反應分析驗證 81
第六章 結論與建議 92
參考文獻 95
附錄 100
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