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研究生(外文):Cheng, Yen-Yin
論文名稱(外文):A hybrid approach of fuzzy multiple-attribute decision making methods and Fuzzy C-means to Importance-Performance Analysis problems
指導教授(外文):Chen, Liang-Hsuan
口試委員(外文):Wang, Tai-YueHsieh, Chung-Chi
外文關鍵詞:Importance-performance analysis (IPA)Decision making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL)VIKORFuzzy C-means
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重要性-績效分析(Importance-Performance Analysis;IPA)為一種協助組織了解自身競爭優、劣勢之決策工具,組織透過IPA能找出優越之處以及迫切待改善之重要屬性,因此被廣泛應用於各領域之研究。IPA是由重要性和績效表現兩面向所構成,並將屬性落點於四個象限進行特性分析,組織藉此能更加了解目前的策略營運狀況,並針對劣勢部分進行改善。在IPA的應用上,相關文獻根據屬性重要性或績效表現進行深入探討,並提出調整方法,其中之一為決策實驗室分析法(DEcision MAking Trial and Evaluation Laboratory;DEMATEL),考慮部分屬性存在相互關係而產生相對重要性並藉此進行重要性之調整。另外,VIKOR法用於處理評估績效表現欠缺與理想值比較而造成評估不準確的問題。對於決定象限界值之方式,在不同的IPA象限分界方法下可能造成分析結果不一致的情況。在執行IPA上,由於決策者處於複雜環境使人為主觀認知存在不明確性,故明確值已無法完整表達決策者之意見。
Importance-performance analysis (IPA) is a decision making method that is widely used to assist organizations with planning their corporate strategies. Although IPA has been used in several fields by modifying the original IPA in order to overcome the disadvantages inherent in the traditional approach, there are still some shortcomings and that can be improved.
In this study, a new hybrid approach for IPA is proposed that covers three aspects of a problem. First, considering the fuzziness of the obtained attribute information in decision makers’ (DMs’) subjective opinions, fuzzy set theory is combined with the modified IPA. Second, to deal with the relative importance and the performance gap among attributes which resulting from the mutual relationship between the attributes and the lack of a comparison with an ideal performance value, the proposed approach uses the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) and VIKOR to analyze such problems. Third, fuzzy C-means is used to classify attributes according to their characteristics. In addition, the proposed approach ranks the priority of attributes in the areas in which they need to be concentrated, where higher priority attributes can be defined as the most important but less effective than less important attributes, so DMs can clearly understand what attributes need to be improved right away and can allocate resources effectively.
Using a comparison with the fuzzy IPA reference, the proposed approach further involves the modification of attribute information and revises some drawbacks related to distributing attributes to specific areas to provide a more appropriate result with the expectation of more suitable strategic approaches to problem solving in organizations.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 VI
目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究範圍與假設 2
第四節 研究流程 3
第五節 論文架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 模糊集合理論 5
第二節 重要性-績效分析 8
第三節 決策實驗室分析法 15
第四節 VIKOR法 16
第五節 模糊C均值法 19
第三章 研究方法 25
第一節 研究構想 25
第二節 方法建立 27
第三節 小結 36
第四章 範例演算 38
第一節 範例說明 38
第二節 範例演算 42
第三節 結果比較與分析 56
第五章 結論與建議 66
第一節 研究成果 66
第二節 未來研究方向 67
參考文獻 68
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