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研究生(外文):Ting, Hung-Yang
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Nitride-Based Light-Emitting Diodes With High quality AlN Template
指導教授(外文):Kuo, Cheng-Huang
口試委員(外文):Sheu, Jinn-KongLai, Wei-Chih
外文關鍵詞:AlN TemplateNitride-Based LED
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由藍光發光二極體及紫外光發光二極體發光機制的差異及缺陷密度的影響可知,在發光層銦比例較高的藍光發光二極體會形成較深的局域態(localized states),使載子較不容易溢流(overflow),因此受缺陷密度影響較小,而紫外光發光二極體由於發光層銦比例很低使得局域態很少,造成載子容易受缺陷侷限導致內部量子效率下降,因此缺陷密度對其影響很大。由實驗結果可知,在氮化鋁薄膜退火2小時情況下的藍光發光二極體光輸出功率提升了10.93%,而紫外光發光二極體光輸出功率提升了76.97%,在發光層銦比例較低的紫外光發光二極體發光效率提升的效果確實較發光層銦比例高的藍光發光二極體明顯。
In this study, thermal annealing system is used to anneal the aluminum nitride(AlN) film prepared by physical vapor deposition(PVD) and the annealing temperature is 1650℃ under atmosphere. Subsequently, blue light-emitting(LED) device and ultraviolet(UV) LED device are fabricated using a photolithography process. The results are analyzed, including influences of PVD-AlN under various annealing times and photoelectric characteristics of blue LED and UV LED were prepared on various annealing times PVD-AlN template.
The emission mechanism of blue LED and UV LED was totally different. It’s well known that the blue LED with a higher proportion of indium in the active layer will form a deeper localized state, making the carriers less likely to overflow. Therefore, blue LED are less affected by the defect density. In contrast, UV LED with extremely lower proportion of indium in the active layer will form low localized state density. The carriers of UV LED can be easily trapped by dislocation. Therefore, UV LED are considerably influenced by defect density. The result was shown that the light output power of the blue and ultraviolet LED by using annealing the PVD-AlN for 2 hours were increased by 10.93% and 76.97%,respectively. The light output power improvement of ultraviolet LED with a lower proportion of indium in the active layer is more significant than that of blue LED with a higher proportion of indium in the active layer.
摘要 i
英文摘要(ABSTRACT) iii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
第一章 序論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究動機與目的 3
第二章 實驗系統介紹 4
2.1實驗系統介紹 4
2.1.1高溫退火系統 4
2.1.2掃描式電子顯微鏡 4
2.1.3 X-ray繞射儀 4
2.1.4光激發螢光光譜(PL)量測系統 5
2.1.5電壓-電流特性量測系統 5
2.1.6積分球量測系統 5
2.1.7光強度(EL)量測系統 6
2.1.8二維光強度量測系統 6
2.1.9 Hot/Cold Factor量測系統 6
第三章 高品質氮化鋁模板應用於藍光發光二極體 7
3.1前言 7
3.2實驗規劃 7
3.3藍光發光二極體製程 7
3.4氮化鋁模板應用於藍光發光二極體之光電特性分析 10
3.4.1磊晶片光學顯微鏡量測分析 10
3.4.2磊晶片掃描式電子顯微鏡量測分析 11
3.4.3磊晶片X-ray繞射儀量測分析 11
3.4.4磊晶片光激發光(PL)頻譜量測分析 11
3.4.5晶粒於光學顯微鏡量測分析 12
3.4.6藍光發光二極體之電壓-電流及逆向偏壓-漏電流特性分析 12
3.4.7藍光發光二極體之光輸出功率-電流、正向光強度及二維光強度特性分析 13
3.4.8藍光發光二極體之外部量子效率及光電轉換效率特性分析 14
3.4.9藍光發光二極體之Hot/Cold Factor特性分析 16
3.4.10結論與分析 17
第四章高品質氮化鋁模板應用於紫外光發光二極體 19
4.1前言 19
4.2實驗規劃 19
4.3紫外光發光二極體製程 20
4.4氮化鋁模板應用於紫外光發光二極體之光電特性分析 21
4.4.1磊晶片光學顯微鏡量測分析 21
4.4.2磊晶片掃描式電子顯微鏡量測分析 22
4.4.3磊晶片X-ray繞射儀量測分析 22
4.4.4磊晶片光激發光(PL)頻譜量測分析 22
4.4.5晶粒於光學顯微鏡量測分析 23
4.4.6紫外光發光二極體之電壓-電流及逆向偏壓-漏電流特性分析 23
4.4.7紫外光發光二極體之光輸出功率-電流、正向光強度及二維光強度特性分析 24
4.4.8紫外光發光二極體之外部量子效率及光電轉換效率特性分析 25
4.4.9紫外光發光二極體之Hot/Cold Factor特性分析 27
4.4.10結論與分析 28
第五章 結論 30
第六章 未來工作 32
參考文獻 33
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