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研究生(外文):Su, Hung-Ta
論文名稱(外文):Angle-of-arrival and Angular Spread Estimation for OFDM System with Antenna Array
指導教授(外文):Wu, Wen-Rong
外文關鍵詞:AoAAngular Spread
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This thesis proposes a new method for mean angle-of-arrival (MAoA) and angular spread (AS) estimation method. With OFDM pilots, the channel impulse response is first estimated with a matching pursuit MP based method. After that, the correlation matrix for each channel tap is calculated, from which the MAoA is first estimated. Then, the distributed-signal-parameter-estimator (DSPE) method is used for AS estimation. For a system with uniform linear array, the DSPE method requires a two-dimensional search while the proposed method only requires one-dimensional. The proposed method is then extended to system with uniform planar array. In this case, DSPE requires a four-dimensional search while the proposed method requires two. The reduction in computational complexity is significantly. Simulations show that the proposed method greatly outperforms conventional methods for MAoA and AS estimation.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii
Content iv
List of tables vi
List of figures vii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. MAoA and AS Estimation Methods 4
2.1 SR-MUSIC method 4
2.1.1 System model 4
2.1.2 MAoA and AS estimation 6
2.2 Two-ray correlation matrix method 8
2.2.1 System model 8
2.2.2 MAoA and AS estimation 9
2.3 Distributed signal parameter estimation method 11
2.3.1 System model 11
2.3.2 MAoA and AS estimation 12
Chapter 3. Joint AoA and Channel Estimation 15
3.1 Time domain channel estimation 15
3.1.1 System model 15
3.1.2 Channel estimation with MP-based method 18
3.2 Joint AoA and channel estimation 20
3.2.1 System model 20
3.2.2 Channel estimation 22
3.2.3 AoA estimation 24
Chapter 4. Proposed Method 26
4.1 Joint AoA, AS, and channel estimation for ULA 26
4.1.1 System model 26
4.1.2 Proposed MAoA and AS estimation method for ULA 27
4.2 Joint AoA, AS, and channel estimation for UPA 31
4.2.1 System model 32
4.2.2 Proposed MAoA and AS estimation method for UPA 34
Chapter 5. Simulations 39
5.1 Scenario 39
5.2 Joint AoA, AS, and channel estimation for ULA 41
5.2.1 SR-MUSIC method 43
5.2.2 TRCM method 47
5.2.3 DSPE method 54
5.2.4 Proposed method 61
5.3 Joint AoA, AS, and channel estimation for UPA 68
Chapter 6. Conclusions 84
References 85
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