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研究生(外文):Yang, Jung-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Tightly-Coupled Lidar-Inertial SLAM with Autonomous Navigation for Quadrotors
指導教授(外文):Cheng, Teng-Hu
口試委員(外文):Cheng, Teng-HuChen, Tsung-LinWang, Chieh-Chih
外文關鍵詞:SLAMAutonomous NavigationQuadrotors
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In recent years, the field of robotics has attracted lots of attention. For the robot to perform high level tasks, SLAM becomes a fundamental technique to build on. The SLAM problem has been well studied for a period of time, but the importance of sensor fusion to complement each other was just investigated in the past ten years.
In this work, a tightly-coupled lidar-inertial SLAM system is developed with loop-closure and pose graph optimization. The estimate pose and map from the SLAM system provide the knowledge of the environment for the search-based motion planning method. By taking the obstacles in the surrounding and the motion constraints into consideration, a smooth and minimum-time trajectory is generated.
Finally, the lidar-inertial SLAM system is evaluated in KITTI dataset, and an indoor flight experiment has proven the capability of generating a locally-optimal trajectory in real-time.
Abstract i
摘要 ii
Acknowledgements iii
Contents iv
List of Figures vii
List of Tables viii
Notations ix
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Problem Statement 2
1.3 Contribution 2
Chapter 2 Background and Related Works 3
2.1 Lidar Ego Motion Estimation 3
2.2 Loop-Closure and Pose-Graph Optimization 4
2.3 Motion Planning 5
2.4 System Overview 6
Chapter 3 Front-End: Lidar-Inertial SLAM 7
3.1 Estimator Initialization 7
3.1.1 IMU Pre-Integration 8
3.1.2 Lidar Feature Extraction and Frame-to-Frame Odometry 11
3.1.3 Gyroscope Bias Estimation 11
3.1.4 Gravity and Velocity Estimation 12
3.1.5 Gravity Estimation with High Speed Motion 13
3.1.6 Completing Initialization 13
3.2 Tightly-Coupled Lidar-Inertial SLAM 14
3.2.1 Formulation 14
3.2.2 IMU Measurement Residual 17
3.2.3 Lidar Measurement Residual 17
3.2.4 Marginalization 19
3.2.5 Mapping for The Lidar Point Cloud 21
Chapter 4 Back-End: Loop-Closure and Pose Graph Optimization 22
4.1 Loop-Closure and Relocalization 23
4.1.1 Keyframe Selection 23
4.1.2 Ground Segmentation 24
4.1.3 Loop-Closure 25
4.1.4 Tightly-Coupled Relocalization 27
4.2 Global Pose Graph Optimization 28
4.2.1 Adding Keyframes into Pose Graph 28
4.2.2 4-DOF Pose Graph Optimization 30
4.2.3 Global Consistency Maintenance 31
Chapter 5 Search-Based Motion Planning 32
5.1 Optimal Trajectory Planning 32
5.2 Real-Time Heuristic Search 35
5.3 Collision Checking for Trajectory 37
Chapter 6 Experiments 39
6.1 Front-End Performance 39
6.2 Full Closed Loop Performance 40
6.2.1 Evaluate with KITTI Evaluation Tool 40
6.2.2 Evaluate with EVO 46
6.3 Indoor Planning Test 48
6.3.1 Comparison with Global Planning 48
6.3.2 Re-planning with Unknown Environment 50
6.4 Time Consumption 53
Chapter 7 Conclusion and Future Work 54
7.1 Conclusion 54
7.2 Future Work 55
Reference 56
Appendix 58
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