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研究生(外文):Lai, Ruei-Shian
論文名稱(外文):Jerk-based FIR Filters for Motion Planning and SLM Process Planning with Heat Accumulation Improvement
外文關鍵詞:cornerFIR filterfeedrate schedulingacc/dec after interpolationjerkselective laser meltingdata-driven modelheat accumulation
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The study presents that implementing the time-optimal motion planning by jerk-based FIR Filters can be applied to the G01 trajectory. Subject to the constraints, the trajectory profile generated by the method at corner can satisfy the corner error and keep the velocity, acceleration and jerk away from discontinuity. Besides, ADAI based on jerk profile does not limit the initial values of velocity and acceleration must be zero. Make the motion planning become more flexible. The study verifies the method of motion planning through simulating the G01 trajectory, and the properties of results are consistent with the theory. It also reduces the spending time compare with the acceleration-based around 5%.
Selective laser melting is an additive manufacturing method which has the advantage of manufacturing high-complexity workpieces. But the process of SLM is difficult to keep consistent and stable. To solve the problem, the study proposes the model of multi-substrate track width, the model of track height and the model of heat accumulation. The study conducts many experiments with different parameters including the width of melting track, the power of laser and the speed of scanning. The experimental results can be established as databases, then figure out the related equation by using symbolic regression. Besides, applying the model of height and power correction coefficient to the process is useful for improving the consistency of track and porosity.
摘要 i
誌謝 iii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究目的與動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 研究方法 4
1.4 內容大綱 6
第二章 急衝度基底之後加減速運動規劃 7
2.1 急衝度基底之FIR 濾波器速度規劃 9
2.2 轉角的後加減速規劃 11
2.2.1 單一方塊急衝度命令分析 13
2.2.2 轉角分軸急衝度 18
2.2.3 轉角分軸加速度 20
2.2.4 轉角分軸速度 22
2.2.5 轉角分軸軌跡 25
2.3 轉角誤差 28
2.4 G01軌跡運動規劃 28
2.4.1 轉角運動規劃 29
2.4.2 直線段運動規劃 31
2.5 模擬與討論 35
2.5.1 模擬一:偶數長度濾波器 36
2.5.2 模擬二:奇數長度濾波器 38
2.5.3 模擬三:方形軌跡 40
2.5.4 模擬四:鑽石軌跡 43
2.5.5 分析與討論 47
第三章 SLM製程模型 49
3.1 設備系統介紹 49
3.2 多底材軌跡線寬之數據驅動模型 51
3.3 轉角熱堆積區域補償 59
3.4 線高模型 73
3.5 分析與討論 76
第四章 總結 79
4.1 結論 79
4.2 未來展望 80
參考文獻 81
附錄一 製程參數實驗線寬數據 84
附錄1.1 第一層線寬數據 84
附錄1.2 第二層線寬數據 88
附錄1.3 第三層線寬數據 93
附錄二 轉角補償實驗照片 98
附錄2.1 線寬240um 98
附錄2.2 線寬260um 100
附錄2.3 五層薄壁線寬220um 101
附錄2.4 五層薄壁線寬240um 103
附錄2.5 五層薄壁線寬260um 105
附錄三 製程參數實驗線高數據 107
附錄四 Droplet驗證實驗照片 109
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