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研究生(外文):Chen, Wei-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Badminton Data Analysis and Visualization
指導教授(外文):Wang, Yu-Shuen
口試委員(外文):Yi, Chih-WeiPeng, Wen-ChihWang, Chih-ChuanWang, Yu-Shuen
中文關鍵詞:Badminton Data AnalysisImage ClassificationSemi-supervised LearningBadminton Data Visualization
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This paper presents several computer vision and deep learning methods to predict the players' trajectory and the distribution of the players' hitting points from the broadcast videos of sports games, and statistics the distribution of these hitting points. We collected hitpoint data and visualize these data, so that the coach can use this visual interface to observe the hitting behavior of the players to develop tactics or training methods. In order to extract useful information from the broadcast video, we propose some methods to pre-process the broadcast video of the game, including noise filtering, video segmentation, and then use YOLO-v3[1] to detect the position of the players, and obtain the players’ real position through coordinate transformation. Uses the optimized OpenPose [2]model to detect the player's posture, input the player's posture into the W-ResNet-28+LSTM [3,4]model to determine the player's hitpoints, and collects the detected hitpoint data , Collect players’ intelligence for the coach to observe the information, understand the players’ hitting habits in the game, and analyze the weak areas. Observing through the visualization system we designed can more intuitively and effectively observe the player’s characteristics. Finally, we find some examples to show the distribution of shots and the speed of the ball, we can find the players used to play in the game.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
一、序論 1
二、相關研究 3
三、方法 6
3.1 概觀 6
3.2 雜訊過濾與影片切割 7
3.2.1 比賽/非比賽畫面分類 7
3.2.2 影片切割 8
3.2.3 分數偵測 8
3.3 偵測球員跑位 10
3.3.1 抓取球員軌跡和動作 10
3.3.2 座標空間轉換 10
3.4 骨架資料收集與模型優化 12
3.4.1 資料收集 12
3.4.2 球員姿態偵測與模型優化 13
3.5 擊球動作偵測 16
3.5.1 球員擊球動作偵測 16
3.5.2 擊球點預測及收集 18
四、結果與分析 19
4.1 轉播影片的前處理 19
4.2 球員姿態偵測 21
4.3 球員跑位 23
4.4 球員擊球偵測 24
4.5 球員擊球分布視覺化 26
4.6 不足與限制 33
五、結語與展望 34
參考文獻 35
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