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論文名稱(外文):Weed growth inhibition of water extracts from the leaves of Litchi chinensis
外文關鍵詞:allelopathyLitchi chinensisWeedsDPPH assayTotal phenolic content assayMTT assay
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台灣農藥的用量逐年增加,政府提出政策改善效果不彰,而除草劑占農藥使用量的一半以上,若需減少農藥用量,先從化學除草劑的減量,以及開發除草劑的替代物最具效益。本研究藉由探討荔枝枝條水萃液(LCBW)及荔枝葉水萃液(LCLW)對雜草的防治效果,期許能對天然植物源除草劑的開發盡一份心力。實驗利用LCBW及LCLW對百慕達草及馬蹄金種子進行發芽檢定,並使用LCLW澆灌於野外採集土壤測試對雜草生長的影響,用DPPH試驗及總多酚試驗粗估有效成分,最終用MTT試驗測試細胞毒性。實驗結果顯示,荔枝葉除草效果比枝條佳,且LCLW濃度200 mg/mL時,對種子發芽抑制率馬蹄金為50.2 ± 7.2 %、百慕達草為52.4 ± 12.3 %,雖然對土中的雜草不能抑制種子發芽,但可以抑制生長。LCLW 對於DPPH自由基清除率IC50為2.5 mg/mL,總多酚含量相較於其他含相剋物質的植物多,且對細胞毒性相較於現有化學除草劑低。因此,LCLW具有開發成天然植物源除草劑的潛力,但同時也須克服現有化學除草劑競爭所處的劣勢。
The use of herbicides in Taiwan has been increasing year by year, and the government's improvement policy is not obvious, and herbicides account for more than half of the use of pesticides. If the use of pesticides needs to be reduced, it is the most beneficial to reduce the amount of chemical herbicides and develop alternatives to herbicides. This study explores weed growth inhibition of water extracts from the branches and leaves of Litchi chinensis (LCBW and LCLW), and hopes to contribute to the development of natural plant-derived herbicides. LCBW and LCLW are used to inhibit the germination of Cynodon dactylon and Dichoondra micrantha Urb., and LCLW irrigates the soil collected in the field to test the effect on the growth of weeds. The antioxidant DPPH assay and total polyphenol test are used to roughly estimate the active ingredients, and finally the MTT assay is used to test the cytotoxicity. The results show that weed growth inhibition of leaves is better than branches, and when the LCLW concentration is 200 mg/mL, the germination inhibition rate of Dichoondra micrantha Urb. is 50.2 ± 7.2%, and Cynodon dactylon is 52.4 ± 12.3%. LCLW cannot inhibit weed germination, but it can inhibit its growth. The DPPH free radical scavenging rate IC50 is 2.5 mg/mL. The total phenolic content is higher than other plants containing allelochemicals, and its cytotoxicity is lower than that of existing chemical herbicides. Therefore, LCLW has the potential to be developed into a natural plant-derived herbicide, but at the same time it must overcome the disadvantages of competition with existing chemical herbicides.
摘要 I
誌謝辭 IV
縮寫表 V
目次 VI
表目次 IX
圖目次 X
第一章 前言 1
第二章 前人研究 3
2.1 雜草的介紹 3
2.2 除草劑的介紹 4
2.3 植物相剋作用 7
2.4 植物相剋物質 9
2.5 植物相剋物質萃取方法 10
2.6 抑制雜草實驗方法 11
2.7 荔枝基本資料 12
2.8 研究目的 14
第三章 研究方法與材料 17
3.1 材料來源 17
3.2 製備萃取液 17
3.3 種子發芽生物測定 17
3.4 土壤發芽法 18
3.5 抗氧化活性分析DPPH試驗 18
3.6 總多酚含量測試 19
3.7 細胞存活率MTT試驗 21
3.8 統計分析 22
第四章 結果 23
4.1 種子發芽生物測定 23
4.2 土壤發芽法 26
4.3 抗氧化活性分析:DPPH試驗 28
4.4 總多酚含量試驗 28
4.5 細胞存活率MTT試驗 29
第五章 討論 30
5.1 種子發芽生物測定 30
5.2 土壤發芽法 33
5.3 抗氧化活性分析:DPPH試驗 34
5.4 總多酚含量試驗 35
5.5 細胞存活率MTT 試驗 37
第六章 結論 39
參考文獻 40
表 51
圖 59
附錄 69
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