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論文名稱(外文):As the p4c tree grows-narrative inquiry of a Philosophy for Children practitioner
指導教授(外文):Wang, Ching-Sze
外文關鍵詞:philosophy for childrenself-narrative
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  儘管知道自己要追求什麼,卻對於成為一位怎樣的老師感到模糊,直到邂逅了兒童哲學”p4c"。是 p4c 一路指引我看見自己,形塑我的教師形象,並協助我如何陪伴來到我面前的每個孩子,又在我陷入迷惘時拉我一把,重新喚醒愛孩子的心,這裡頭是一個又一個值得被傾聽的生命故事。
  一本好書值得一讀再讀,當一個人有好故事就值得一說再說,而人也在故事中成為傳說。因此,我想將自己與 p4c 相遇後經歷的點點滴滴,透過說故事、寫故事的方式傳承下去。採用自我敘說研究方法,讓現在的我重回過往,再一次與過去的我對話,與走進我生命故事裡的每個主人翁對話,並重新解構我們的故事,賦予嶄新的意義,做為持續滋養我成長的力量。
  On the teacher's road, this road, from confusion to firmness, from childish to mature, is the child's achievement of me, but also the philosophy for children
made me. After losing the important others in life, I also lost the meaning of life struggle, day and night alternate for me to become a constant color, day I am like a machine, automatically shield all emotions, maintain normal daily operation; At night I sleep with the pillows that are broken by tears, and welcome the next dawn.
  With the company of friends and family and time this healing holy medicine, so that the day before the gray, once again have a bright color embellishment. But the goal of life has been slow to move, I wonder why some 
people can be so clear about what they want to pursue? I also imagine that they, like them, have such a strong  desire to be what kind of person, have a clear vision of what their future looks like. It was something I had never experienced before, until I met a group of underage criminal flying teenagers. It was they who drew the outlines of my life, they set the course and the goals I wanted to fight for, and I was eager to be a teacher and have the opportunity to meet my children before they entered the justice system.
  Knowing what you're after, I was vague about what kind of teacher I was going to be until I came until I came until I got to the children's philosophy of p4c. It was p4c that guided me all the way to see myself, shaped my teacher's image, and helped me with every child who came to me, and pulled me up when I was lost, to awaken the love of my child's heart, and here is one life
story after another worth listening to.
  A good book is worth reading again, when a person has a good story is worth saying again, and people also become legends in the story. Therefore, I want to meet with p4c experience bit by bit, through the story, write a story way to pass on. Using the self-narrative research method, let me go back to the past, once again with the past I talk, with each of the masters into my life story dialogue, and re-deconstruct our story, give a new meaning, as a sustained nourishment of my growing strength.
Keywords : philosophy for children, self-narrative
中文摘要…………………………………………………… ii
英文摘要…………………………………………………… iv
目次………………………………………………………… vii
表次………………………………………………………… x
圖次………………………………………………………… x
第一章 源頭
第一節 研究背景與動機…………………………………………… 1
第二節 研究目的與問題…………………………………………… 2
第三節 研究方法…………………………………………………… 4
第四節 名詞釋義…………………………………………………… 6
第五節 研究範圍與倫理…………………………………………… 8
第二章 p4c 基本功大補帖
第一節 唐老鴨爺爺的哲學工具…………………………………… 9
第二節 小蘋果老師的課室經營工具…………………………… 11
第三節 唐老鴨爺爺和小蘋果老師的兒哲精神………………… 15
第三章 巧得兒哲種籽-邂逅兒哲之樹
第一節 與兒哲相識(觀察員)………………………………… 18
第二節 與兒哲相熟(參與者)………………………………… 20
第四章 培植兒哲種籽
第一節 播下種籽待萌芽………………………………………… 30
第二節 種籽萌芽伊始…………………………………………… 72
第三節 嫩芽恣意生長…………………………………………… 81
第五章 花開兒哲之樹
第一節 兒哲之樹開花結果……………………………………… 94
第二節 兒哲之樹養成省思……………………………………… 101
中文部分………………………………………………………… 111
外文部分………………………………………………………… 111
附錄一 許由不受天下文本 1…………………………………… 112
附錄二 許由不受天下文本 2…………………………………… 113
附錄三 課文雕刻一座小島 1…………………………………… 114
附錄四 課文雕刻一座小島 2…………………………………… 115
附錄五 課文雕刻一座小島 3…………………………………… 116
附錄六 課文雕刻一座小島 4…………………………………… 117
附錄七 課文雕刻一座小島 5…………………………………… 118
附錄八 課文雕刻一座小島 6…………………………………… 119
附錄九 啊災的思考心智圖筆記………………………………… 120
附錄十 墨的思考心智圖筆記…………………………………… 121
附錄十一 矮子的思考心智圖筆記……………………………… 122
附錄十二 章魚燒的思考心智圖筆記…………………………… 123
附錄十三 阿均的思考心智圖筆記……………………………… 124
附錄十四 胖子的思考心智圖筆記……………………………… 125
附錄十五 織織的思考心智圖筆記……………………………… 126
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