With the advent of the era of globalization and the rapid changes in thefinancial market, the life insurance industry has moved from compliance withlaws and regulations to compliance with International Financial ReportingStandards No. 17 (IFRS17). The international situation has shifted from aSino-US trade dispute to a protracted war, dragging down the performance of theglobal economy. At the same time, the impact of the new crown pneumonia hascaused a sharp freeze in economic activities, and since 2019, U.S. long-termand short-term Treasury interest rates have continued to decline. The insuranceindustry faces many challenges. In addition to the above-mentioned epidemic andchanges in the international financial situation, there are also domesticchanges in the commodity and insurance environment, an aging population, a lowbirth rate, a low-profit environment, and the insurance rate of life insuranceand annuity insurance reached 256% in 2019. , Financial technology impact andso on. Thisresearch is based on the above-mentioned market operation reforms anddevelopment trends of the life insurance industry, and studies the positioningof practitioners in the industry. The implementation is based on interviewswith senior executives in the industry as the research object. In view of the"operational reform" and "development trend" of the lifeinsurance industry, the conclusions of interviews with 7 professional seniorexecutives are summarized as follows: (1) commodity type, (2) compliance withlaws and regulations, (3) market competition, (4) population Structure, (5)Fintech. There are the following links to the "employee's position in theindustry": (1) Return to the essence of insurance, (2) Digitaltransformation, (3) Retirement planning expert. It is expected to be animportant reference and contribution to the industry.