The art I create illuminates subjects by triggering a memory landscape of people,events and objects. I do this by using the subjective vision, the innersubconscious and unconscious intuition which are awakened in me to explore theessence of life through artwork. The artwork style is created using artisticlanguage with the concept of full or half abstraction to explore the essence oflife and inner emotions. Contents: The first chapter: An introduction of the origin of artwork Throughstudying eastern philosophy, western painting concepts and applying uniquemedia materials, I create both abstract and concrete concepts to reconstruct myunique interpretation of an image. The designs I created are from differentmedia and materials to understand how to apply color, and style to help mebreak through any personal self-limitation. The second chapter: The theoretical foundation HereI explore the abstract painting in formal style and by the painting elements.By combining the context of contemporary painting and abstract painting, I explorewhat I call the historical connection. In this chapter, I also brought out some objective judgement in regardto the differences between eastern artwork, western artwork and Taiwaneseabstract artwork. The third chapter: Technical skills and creativity study Thischapter discusses the creativity and technical skills which include theartistic elements, color aesthetics and visual design needed to create apsychological impact. Those three elements must combine to provide the neededimpact in each painting. During the process of creating my art, I was inspiredby my previous teachers and other well-known artists who encouraged me toexperiment with color aesthetics theory. That helped me accomplish a balance inthe spirit of western and eastern styles. The fourth chapter: The definition of my creative works This chapter contains three series: (1) The memory landscape series: We call it an innerlandscape, a way of bringing out my own styles of art through subjectiveimagery. (2) The mental abstract image series: It tries to definehalf abstract and fully abstract art to enhance the unique creativity. It’s anattempt at abstract expressionism. (3) New transformation series: Life is really full ofexperiences. Perseverance has transformed my inner views and forced me tocontemplate my path which also has brought me new spiritual vision. At thisstage of my creativity, I am trying to explore the spiritual level between selfand selflessness. The concept of freedom and creativity is my goal of pursuingintuitive artwork. Finally,the transformation of life brings new spiritual awareness. I’m entering intothe concept of the simple life. I justhope I can freely paint and express my artworks on my canvas of life withoutany regrets.