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研究生(外文):CHOU, HSIN-YI
論文名稱(外文):A study on the Movement Skills and Executive Functions of the Students with Learning Disabilities and General Barriers in Elementary Schools
指導教授(外文):Pan, Chien-Yu
口試委員(外文):Chia-Hua Chu
外文關鍵詞:learning disabilitymotor skillexecutive functio
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目的:(一) 比較學習障礙學生與一般無障礙學生動作技巧之差異;(二)比較學習障礙學生與一般無障礙學生執行功能之差異;(三) 探討學習障礙學生動作技巧巧與執行功能之相關;(四) 探討一般無障礙學生動作技巧與執行功能之相關。方法:本研究對象為 60 位國小高年級男學生,30位一般無障礙學生和 30 位學習障礙學生,所有研究參與者皆以布魯茵克斯-歐西瑞斯基動作精練度測驗第二版 (Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of MotorProficiency, 2nd edition, BOT-2) 進行動作技巧的測驗;以 Stroop 色字測驗(Stroop Color and Word Test)、劍橋河內塔測驗 (Stockings of Cambridge)、空間工作記憶測驗 (Spatial Working Memory) 進行執行功能測驗。資料處理以獨立樣本 t 檢定比較學習障礙學生和一般無障礙學生動作技巧及執行功能之差異,使用皮爾森積差相關分析動作技能與執行功能之相關,考驗之顯著水準訂為 p < .05。結果:(一) 在動作技巧方面,整體動作技巧 (t= -14.16, p < .05);精細操作控制 (t = -11.11, p < .05);手部操作協調 (t = -8.08, p < .05);身體協調 (t = -6.58, p < .05) 及力量與敏捷性 (t = -10.83, p< .05) 優於學習障礙學生;(二) 在執行功能方面,一般無障礙學生在Stroop 色字測驗 ( t = -3.99, p < .05 )、SWM 錯誤總計 (t = 6.89, p < .05) 及III策略運用 (t = 11.81, p < .05) 顯著優於學習障礙學生;(三) 學習障礙學生在動作技巧與執行功能之相關情形,整體動作技巧與 Stroop 色字測驗相關係數 r 值.39 達顯著的正相關;整體動作技巧、精細操作控制、身體協調性和力量與敏捷性與劍橋河內塔測驗的接續思考時間相關係數 r 值分別呈現-.43、-.43、-.37、-.42 達顯著負相關;其中手部操作協調與 Stroop色字測驗相關係數 r 值.51 顯示達顯著正相關;(四) 一般無障礙學生在動作技巧與執行功能之相關情形,精細操作控制與空間工作記憶測驗錯誤總計的相關係數 r 值.45 達顯著的正相關。結論:學習障礙學生在動作技巧和執行功能上與一般無障礙學生相比皆有一段落差,動作技巧和執行功能有許多神經網絡重疊,增加學習障礙學生的動作技巧指導與練習時間或許可以提升執行功能上的能力。 
The Motor Skills and Executive Functions ofElementary School Students with and withoutLearning Disabilities AbstractPurposes: (1) To compare students with and without learning disabilities ontheir motor skills; (2) to compare said students on their executive functions; (3)to explore the relationship between the motor skills of students with learningdisabilities and their executive functions; (4) to explore the relationshipbetween the motor skills of students without learning disabilities and theirexecutive functions.Method: A total of 30 male fifth- and sixth-grade elementary students withlearning disabilities and 30 without said disabilities participated in the secondedition of the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency. They alsoparticipated in a series of executive function tests, namely the Stroop color andword test, the stockings of Cambridge, and the spatial working memory test. Anindependent sample t-test was conducted to compare the students with andwithout learning disabilities on their motor skills and executive functions, andthe Pearson correlation analysis was performed to determine the correlationbetween motor skills and executive functions (p < .05).Results: (1) On the motor skills, the students without learning disabilitiesoutperformed those with learning disabilities on the overall motor skill (t = -14.16, p < .05), fine motor control (t = -11.11, p < .05), hand coordination (t = -8.08, p < .05), physical coordination (t = -6.58, p < .05), and strength andagility (t = -10.83, p < .05). (2) On the executive functions, the students without Vlearning disabilities outperformed those with learning disabilities substantiallyon the Stroop color and word test (t = -3.99, p < .05). They also made fewertotal errors (t = 6.89, p < .05) and more satisfactory use of strategies (t = 11.81,p < .05) in the spatial working memory test. (3) Regarding the correlationbetween the motor skills of students with learning disabilities and theirexecutive functions, their overall motor skills were significantly positivelyassociated with their Stroop color word test performance with a correlationcoefficient of r = .39. Their overall motor skill, fine motor control, physicalcoordination, and strength and agility were significantly negatively correlatedwith their stockings of Cambridge performance with respective correlationcoefficients of -.43, -.43, -.37, and -.42. Their hand coordination wassignificantly positively associated with their Stroop color word testperformance with a correlation coefficient of .51. (4) Regarding the correlationbetween the motor skills of students without learning disabilities and theirexecutive functions, their fine motor control was significantly positivelyassociated with the total number of errors they made in the spatial workingmemory test with a correlation coefficient of r = .45.Conclusion: The students with and without learning disabilities differsubstantially in their motor skills and executive functions. Because motor skillsoverlap with executive functions in many of the neural networks involved,improving the motor skills of students with learning disabilities may enhancetheir executive functions.
第壹章    緒論
第一節        研究背景與動機……………………………………………….1
第二節        研究目的與問題……………………………………………….5
第三節        名詞操作性定義……………………………………………….7
第四節        研究範圍與限制…………………………………………....10
第五節        研究重要性…………………………………………….…....11
第貳章    文獻探討與回顧
第一節        學習障礙…………………………………………….....……12
第二節        學習障礙與一般無障礙學生動作技巧之研究………21
第三節        學習障礙與一般無障礙學生執行功能之研究………29
第四節        動作技巧與執行功能之相關性研究………………..…33
第五節        文獻小結………………………………………….…….......41
第參章    研究方法及步驟
第一節    研究參與者……………………………………………….…....42
第二節    研究工具………………………………………………………...43
第三節    研究流程與步驟………………………………………........47
第四節    資料處理與統計分析………………………………………..50
第肆章    研究結果
第一節    研究參與者基本資料………………………………………..51
第二節    學習障礙生與一般無障礙生動作技巧與執行功能之差異.......52
第三節    學習障礙生與一般無障礙生動作技巧與執行功能之相關.......56
第伍章    討論
第一節    學習障礙學生與一般無障礙學生動作技巧之差…...59
第二節    學習障礙學生與一般無障礙學生執行功能之差異….62
第三節    學習障礙學生動作技巧與執行功能之相關………....65
第四節    一般無障礙學生動作技巧與執行功能之相關……..…68
第五節    學習障礙生與一般無障礙生動作技巧與執行功能之相關.71
第陸章    結論與建議
第一節    結論……………………………………………………………...72
第二節    建議……………………………………………………………...72


   表4-1 研究參與者基本資料…………………………………………51
   表 4-2 動作技巧之獨立樣本t撿定之結果…………………....53
   表 4-3 Stroop色字測驗差異性比較…………………………...53
   表 4-4 劍橋河內塔測驗差異性比較……………….............50
   表 4-5空間工作記憶測驗差異性比較…………………….......51
   表 4-6 國小學習障礙學生動作技巧與執行功能之相關……57
表 4-7 國小一般無障礙學生動作技巧與執行功能之相關……58

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