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論文名稱(外文):An Isolated Three-Port Bidirectional DC–DC Converter with Leakage Energy Recycling
指導教授(外文):SHEN, CHIH-LUNG
外文關鍵詞:Bidirectional energy conversiongalvanic isolationhybrid power generation systemleakage energy recyclingthree-port converter
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本論文提出一具漏感能量回收功能之隔離型三埠雙向直流–直流轉換器,並將其應用在混合型 (hybrid) 太陽能發電系統。混合型太陽能發電系統是結合獨立型 (stand-alone) 與併聯型 (grid-connected) 兩種型式之優點,當日照充足時,採用太陽能發電來供應負載;當日照不足時,則由市電提供電力;當遇意外停電時,白天太陽能發電,多餘電力還能儲存於儲能設備,以供晚間或陽光不足時使用。

In this thesis, an isolated three-port bidirectional DC–DC converter with leakage energy recycling is presented. The proposed structure can be applied to hybrid power generation systems. The main advantage of this system is that it can operate in either stand-alone or grid-connected mode. While the generation system works in stand-alone mode, the PV power of the generation system not only can supply loads but also charges battery bank in the case of high illumination. But in low illumination, the load energy demand will be both fed from PV panel and battery banks. As for grid-connected mode, the utility is able to perform power conditioning to supply power to the generation system or to absorb energy from the system, depending on the condition of solar energy.
The proposed converter is derived from Flyback-type converter at primary side and based on Buck-Boost at the secondary. It is capable of recycling the energy of leakage inductance, therefore which can lower voltage stresses of semi-conductor elements and the overall efficiency can be thus improved. Additionally, the generation system can achieve high voltage ratio and possesses the features of galvanic isolation and bidirectional energy conversion.
The proposed circuit is validated by simulations and practical results measured from a prototype. In addition, converter operation, theoretical analysis, and parameter determination are comprehensively included in this thesis.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 內容大綱 8
第二章 三埠電能轉換器簡介 9
2.1 三埠直流–直流轉換器簡介 9
2.2 三埠電能轉換器 12
第三章 具漏感回收功能之隔離型三埠雙向轉換器 20
3.1 所提出轉換器之介紹 20
3.2 動作原理與操作模式 21
3.2.1 SISO (PV) 模式 22
3.2.2 SISO (Battery) 模式 24
3.2.3 DISO模式 26
3.2.4 SIDO模式 29
3.2.5 SOSI模式 32
3.3 穩態分析 33
3.3.1 電壓增益 33
3.3.2 元件電壓與電流應力 49
3.3.3 電感分析 54
3.4 設計注意事項 59
3.4.1 SISO (PV) 模式 59
3.4.2 SISO (Battery) 模式 60
3.4.3 DISO模式 61
3.4.4 SIDO模式 62
3.4.5 SOSI模式 64
第四章 軟體模擬與實驗結果 65
4.1 模擬與實驗波形 65
4.1.1 SISO (PV) 模式 66
4.1.2 SISO (Battery) 模式 72
4.1.3 DISO模式 77
4.1.4 SIDO模式 83
4.1.5 SOSI模式 89
4.2 轉換器效率 94
4.3 3D模型 95
4.4 實體電路 96
4.5 性能比較 97
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 99
5.1 結論 99
5.2 未來研究方向  99
參考文獻 100
附錄一 104
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