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研究生(外文):Yan, Chu-Xiu
論文名稱(外文):Application of Generalized Particle Swarm Optimization for the Good-Picking Path Planning in Warehouse
指導教授(外文):Huang, Hsiang-Hsi
口試委員(外文):Hong, Chung-ChienOuYang, Yen-Ching
外文關鍵詞:Picking StrategyPath PlanningGeneralized Particle Swarm OptimizationEntrance and Exit Planning
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本研究應用具有動態自我適應慣性權重調整機制的通用型粒子群演算法規劃載具路徑與出入口規劃。同時,使用Excel VBA撰寫計算揀貨路徑之程式以演算出最短揀貨路線,使揀貨效率達到最佳化。在實驗分析中將本研究與改良式粒子群演算法結合基因演算法行走進行比較,距離優化了4.47%,證明本研究運用通用型粒子群演算法可有效提升倉儲揀貨路徑規劃的效率。
In the past, the traditienal logistic markets in Taiwan used manual picking methods for picking operations. The picking efficiency was extremely unsatisfied and it was difficult to bear a large number of orders. With the influence of ever-changing industrial technology, the introduction of a computerized or ever an automated warehousing system has greatly improved the overall benefits of the logistic center. When a large number of goods arriving and leaving, route planning is the core factor of affecting operations. With the ever-changing industrial technology, route planning has been paid more and more attention. In the case of more frequent arriving and leaving of trucks, problems often arise, such as improperly set up entrances and exits, and poorly designed walking lines. It often causes goods to accumulate and stock at entrances and exits, secondary handling and long walking paths. It often increases the operating time and cost in an intangible way.
In this study, a generalized particle swarm optimization with dynamic self-adaptive inertial weight adjustment mechanism was used to plan vehicle path and entrance and exit planning. This study also uses Excel VBA to write a program to calculate the picking route to calculate the shortest picking route to optimize the picking efficiency. In the experimental analysis, this study is compared with the modified particle swarm optimization combined with the genetic algorithm walking, and the distance is promoted to 4.47%, which proves that the generalized particle swarm optimization used in this study can effectively improve the efficiency of storage picking path planning.
摘要 I
Abstract III
謝誌 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XI
第一章、緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機與目的 2
1.3研究範圍與限制 3
1.4研究架構與流程 4
第二章、文獻探討 7
2.1倉儲佈置與揀貨路徑之探討 7
2.1.1倉儲佈置與出入口設置 7
2.1.2揀貨路徑 10
2.2 聯合訂單批次 11
2.3 啟發式演算法(Meta-Heuristics) 13
2.3.1 蟻群最佳化演算法(Ant Colony Optimization, ACO) 13
2.3.2 基因演算法(Genetic Algorithm, GA) 15
2.3.3 粒子群演算法(Particle Swarm Optimization, PSO) 18
2.3.4 改良型粒子群演算法(Modified Particle Swarm Optimization) 19
2.3.5 通用型粒子群演算法(Generalized Particle Swarm Optimization, GEPSO) 20
2.4 小結 24
第三章、研究方法 25
3.1數學模式 25
3.2研究流程 28
3.3通用型粒子群演算法路徑計算演算步驟 30
3.3.1確認倉儲與訂單資訊 30
3.3.2通用型粒子群演算之建立初始族群 30
3.3.3通用型粒子群演算法計算最短路徑 31通用型粒子群演算法方程式模式 31參數 32通用型粒子群演算法方程式 33粒子的速度更新之方程式解析 34
3.3.4更新適應值最佳解 35
3.3.5判斷是否滿足通用型粒子群演算法終止條件 35
3.4小結 35
第四章、研究架構與數據分析 36
4.1問題描述與架構 36
4.2模式建構 40
4.3參數設定 44
4.3.1通用型粒子群演算法需要設置的參數 44
4.3.2改良式粒子群演算法結合基因演算法參數需要設置的參數 45
4.4實驗參數 46
4.5參數設計分析及比較 50
4.6小結 52
第五章、結論與建議 53
5.1結論 53
5.2後續研究建議 54
參考文獻 56
中文文獻 56
英文文獻 58
附錄1 60
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