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研究生(外文):Tidawadee Rangabpai
論文名稱(外文):The effect of banana blossom on growth performance, immune response, disease resistance and anti-hypothermal stress of Macrobrachium rosenbergii
指導教授:鄭文騰 博士
指導教授(外文):Prof. Winton Cheng
口試委員:黃榮富 博士郭信威 博士
口試委員(外文):Prof. Huang, Jung-FuAssist Prof. Hsin-wei Kuo
外文關鍵詞:Macrobrachium rosenbergiiBanana blossomImmune responseDisease resistanceHypothermal stress
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摘 要

本實驗為淡水長臂大蝦餵食含有香蕉 (Musa acuminata) 花蕊 (Banana blossom) 之飼料,實驗飼料分別含有每公斤10克與20克之香蕉花蕊粉末 (banana blossom powder, BBP) 與每公斤10克與20克香蕉花蕊熱水萃取物 (Hot-water banana blossom extract, BBH),於餵食7、14、28、56天後檢測其免疫參數、抗病能力、體重增加率、體長增加率與飼料效益。淡水長臂大蝦餵食每公斤20 克BBH 21天、餵食每公斤20克 BBP、 每公斤10 克與20克BBH 28天後其體重增加率顯著提升。餵食每公斤10 克BBH 21、28、35天後其體長增加率顯著提升。餵食每公斤20克 BBP 35、42、49天後其飼料效率顯著提升。餵食實驗飼料56天後各組間活存率均無顯著差異。餵食每公斤10 克 BBH 28天後其總血球數、不同血球數、透明血球數、顆粒血球數與半顆粒血球數顯著高於控制組別。餵食試驗組飼料56天後其酚氧化酵素活性均顯著高於控制組別。餵食試驗組飼料7天後其吞噬活性與清除效率均顯著高於控制組別。在 L. garvieae攻擊實驗中,餵食每公斤10 克BBP、每公斤20克BBP、每公斤10 克BPH、每公斤20克BPH其活存率與控制組相較之下分別顯著提升20.0%、20.8%、20.6%、30.0%。在低溫緊迫 (18°C) 實驗中,餵食試驗組飼料的組別其血淋巴葡萄糖含量與腎上腺素含量顯著低於 組飼料組別。實驗證實飼料中添加BBP與BBH可提高淡水長臂大蝦初期生長表現、免疫抗病能力與抗低溫緊迫能力。

關鍵詞: 淡水長臂大蝦, 香蕉花, 免疫反應, 抗病性,低溫脅迫

In the present study, Macrobrachium rosenbergii were fed diets containing banana, Musa acuminata, blossom (Banana blossom). The experiment diet containing with banana blossom powder (BBP) and Hot-water banana blossom extract (BBH) at 10 and 20 g kg-1 The non-specific immune parameters, disease resistance was evaluated at 7, 14, 28 and 56 days of post feeding. Also, we demonstrated Percentage weight gain (PWG), Percentage length gain (PLG), Feed efficiency (FE) and Survival rate of giant freshwater prawn at 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49 and 56 days of post feeding. The PWG prawn fed with BBH containing at 20 g kg-1 was increase at 21 days and prawn fed with BBP at 20 g kg-1 BBH 10 and 20 g kg-1 were increase at 28 days. The PLG prawn fed with BBH containing 10 g kg-1 was increase at 21,28 and 35 days. The FE prawn fed with BBP containing at 20 g kg-1 was increase at 35, 42 and 49 days. For the survival rates no significant different were observed among prawns fed with control and experiment diet. The Total hemocyte count (THC), hyaline (HCs), semi-granular (SGC) and granular cell (GC) of prawns fed with BBH containing diets at 10 g kg-1 were significantly higher than those of prawns fed with control diet at 28 days. PO activity of prawns fed with experimental diet were higher than control diet at 56 days. The phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency of prawn fed with experimental diet were significantly higher than those of prawns in the control diet at 7 days. Prawns challenged with L. garvieae after 56 days of feeding BBP and BPH at 10, 20 g kg-1 had a significantly higher survival rate (20.0%, 20.8%, 20.6%, and 30.0%) than those fed with the control diet. For the hypothermal (18 ℃) stress test, we observed the hemolymph glucose level and norepinephrine level were significantly lower. It was concluded that the banana blossom can be employed to enhance the growth performance in the early stage, anti-hypothermal stress, immunity and resistance against L. garvieae in M. rosenbergii. both in Banana blossom powder (BBP) and Hot water Banana blossom extract (BBH)

Key words: Macrobrachium rosenbergii, Banana blossom, Immune response, Disease resistance, Hypothermal stress
Table of Content
摘要 I
Abstract II
Acknowledgements III
Table of Content IV
List of Table VIII
List of figures IX
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Literature review 3
2.1 Giant freshwater prawn taxonomy 3
2.2.1 The giant freshwater prawn production 4
2.2.2 Problem of disease 6
2.2.3 Innate defense mechanism 7
2.2 The immune system of crustacean 8
2.3 The circular system of haemocyte of crustacean 12
2.3.1. Haemocyte and immune pattern recognition
receptors (PRR) 12
2.3.2. Prophenoloxidase (proPO) system 13
2.3.3 Phagocytosis activity 13
2.4 Anti-hypothermal stress 16
2.5 Plant extraction as immunostimulant in aquaculture 17
2.5.1 Biological information of banana blossom
Musa acuminata 18
2.5.2 Nutrition composition of banana blossom 18
Chapter 3 Material and Method 20
3.1 Preparation of the banana blossom powder (BBP),
banana blossom hot water-extract (BBH) and diet 20
3.2 Experimental animal 20
3.3 Culture pathogens 21
3.4 Effect of oral BBP and BBH on the growth out of
M. rosenbergii 21
3.5 Effect of oral BBP and BBH on the susceptibility
of M. rosenbergii 21
3.6 Effect of oral BBP and BBH on the immune parameter
of M. rosenbergii 22
3.7 Effect of oral BBP and BBH on the phagocytosis
and clearance of M. rosenbergii 23
3.8 Effect of oral BBP and BBH on the tolerance
of hypothermal of M. rosenbergii 24
3.9 Statistic analysis 24
Chapter 4 Result 26
4.1 Effect of oral BBP and BBH on the growth out of M. rosenbergii
4.4.1 Growth performance 26
4.2 Effect of oral BBP and BBH on the susceptibility
of M. rosenbergii 26
4.3 Effect of oral BBP and BBH on the immune parameter
of M. rosenbergii 27
4.4 Effect of oral BBP and BBH on the phagocytosis
and clearance of M. rosenbergii 27
4.5 Effect of oral BBP and BBH on the tolerance
of hypothermal of M. rosenbergii 28
Chapter 5 Discussion 40
Chapter 6 Conclusion 44
References 45
Appendix 1. Solutions and buffers used in the assays 55
Bio-sketch of Author 57
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