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研究生(外文):Chung, Wen-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):The effect of breed on carcass traits and meat quality of wether
指導教授(外文):Wu, Hsi-HsunYang, Kuo-Tai
口試委員(外文):Chen, Wen-ShyanLin, Yih-FwuWu, Chean-Ping
外文關鍵詞:BreedCarcass characteristicMeat qualityWether
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本研究旨在探討品種對於閹公羊屠體性狀與肉質之影響。拍賣價中 努比亞雜交閹公羊(Nubian crossbred)每公斤均價高於阿爾拜因閹公羊 約 20 至 30 元新台幣,試驗一比較屠體性狀、肌肉物理性狀、化學組成、 肌纖維性狀;試驗二則進一步比較背最長肌與股四頭肌於肌肉物理性狀、 化學組成、肌纖維性狀及感官品評之差異;試驗三主要比較其腹脇肉燉 煮不同時間後對於感官品評之影響;試驗四針對肌肉物理性狀、感官品 評與肌纖維性狀測試。試驗一結果顯示,兩種品種閹公羊屠宰率及總肉 重皆無顯著差異,然而努比亞雜交閹公羊具顯著較高的消化道重量及比 例,且具顯著較低體腔脂肪重量及比例;此外,剪切力與肌纖維性狀兩 組間無顯著差異(P>0.05),但努比亞雜交閹公羊之硬度、彈性、膠著性 以及咀嚼性則有較高之趨勢(P<0.1)。試驗二結果顯示,阿爾拜因閹公 羊具顯著較高的多汁性與總接受度,其原因可能與蒸煮失重有關,而背 最長肌較股四頭肌有顯著較高的亮度值、脂肪含量與較低的蒸煮失重, 此可能與其肌纖維型態組成有關。試驗三結果顯示,兩品種間感官品評 並無顯著差異,但燉煮時間增加會使咀嚼性評分增加,但彈性則會降低, 而在蒸煮失重中阿爾拜因閹公羊會顯著高於努比亞閹公羊,推測為努比 亞閹公羊之腹脇肉脂肪較多,但燉煮時間對蒸煮失重卻無顯著影響;試 驗四之結果為努比亞閹公羊背最長肌之韌度(Firmness)稍高於阿爾拜因 閹公羊(P<0.1),而化學組成以阿爾拜因閹公羊具有顯著較高的脂肪, 而感官品評利用三角試驗發現受試者分辨兩品種之正確率僅 24%。綜合 上述,兩品種屠體性狀雖有部分差異,但可食用部分無顯著差異,且肉 質上阿爾拜因閹公羊會有較高之總接受度,而燉煮時間雖可改善其肉質, 但經燉煮後兩品種間並無顯著差異。但本試驗結果顯示,品種僅為影響 屠體品質以及肉質因子之一,推論市場價格可能是受肉販之偏好或有其 他未考慮之因子所影響。
The aim of this study was to investigate the difference of carcass traits and meat quality between Nubian crossbred and Alpine wether, the two specifications exist in the auction market. Nubian crossbred in average cost 20-30 dollars per kilogram more than Alpine wether. Trial 1 focused on carcass characteristics, muscle physical traits, chemical composition and myofiber characteristics. Trial 2 focused on muscle physical traits、chemical composition myofiber characteristics and sensory evaluation of Longissimus dorsi muscle and quadriceps femoris muscle (QF). Sensory evaluation of flank from three wethers of Alpine and Nubian crossbred were used in the trial 3. These flanks were stewed at different time respectively to determine the effect of different cooking time on sensory properties and cooking loss. Trial 4 was focus on muscle physical traits, sensory evaluation and myofiber characteristics. There was no significant difference on dressing percentage and meat yields between breeds, but significantly higher gastrointestinal tract (GIT) weight and ratio, lower internal fat and ratio for Nubian crossbred than Alpine wether. In terms of meat quality, there was non-significant difference on shear force and myofiber characteristics, but slightly higher (P > 0.1) hardness, springiness, gumminess, and chewiness were observed in Nubian crossbred. Results from the second trial revealed that Alpine’s meat was not only significantly juicier (P < 0.05) but also scored higher (P < 0.05) overall acceptability in the sensory test. This may be related to juiciness. LM demonstrated significantly higher (P < 0.05) L, fat percentage, and lower CL than QF. This could be due to the difference in in myofiber type composition. Result from the third trial exhibited no significant difference (P > 0.05) on sensory evaluation between breeds. However, increasing cooking time will increase chewiness. Regardless of breeds, increasing cooking time will improve meat quality. Higher (P < 0.05) juiciness, chewiness and ether extract in Alpine wethers were observed in trial four, only 24% correct rate in triangle test, moreover myofiber diameter toughness, and firmness are positively III correlated were observed in the trial, based on the results, some differences were observed on the carcass traits of Alpine and Nubian crossbred, but there was no significant difference in the edible parts. Alpine demonstrated higher juiciness and overall acceptability than Nubian crossbred, and two breeds can’t be distinguished via sensory evaluation. Meat quality can be improved by different cooking time albeit no significant difference between the two breeds. In conclusion, breed is one of factors which affect carcass characteristics and meat quality, and market price could be affected by the purchasers’ preferences or some other factors which may not have been considered.
摘 要 I
Abstract II
謝誌 IV
目錄 VI
圖表目錄 VII
壹、前言 1
貳、文獻回顧 2
一、 山羊品種介紹 2
二、 肉用山羊概況 4
三、 台灣肉用山羊概況 5
四、 品種對山羊屠體性狀之影響 7
五、 品種與肌肉部位對山羊肉質之影響 12
六、 肌肉性狀對肉質之影響 16
參、材料方法 17
一、 試驗一:不同品種閹公羊於屠宰性狀與肉質之影響 17
二、 試驗二:不同品種及肌肉部位對閹公羊肉質之影響 20
三、 試驗三:不同品種與蒸煮時間於對閹公羊肉質之影響 26
四、 試驗四:不同品種對於閹公羊背最長肌之物理性狀、感官品評及肌肉纖維性狀影響 30
肆、結果與討論 32
一、 不同品種山羊屠體性狀之差異 32
二、 品種與肌肉部位對於肉質之差異 38
三、 品種與肌肉部位對於化學組成之影響 53
四、 品種與蒸煮時間對於感官品評與失重之差異 59
五、 品種與肌肉部位對於肌纖維性狀之差異 62
伍、結論 67
陸、參考文獻 68
柒、作者簡介 75
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