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研究生(外文):Yi-Ting Cai
論文名稱(外文):A study of the relationship between hole expansion behavior, microstructure and tensile properties of a medium-Mn steel.
指導教授(外文):Chih-Pu Chang
外文關鍵詞:electrical discharge machiningmechanical punchingtensile propertiesmicrostructure3rd AHSSmedium-Mn steelhole expansion properties
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The relationship between hole expansion behavior, microstructure and tensile properties of a medium-Mn steel has been studied. The results show that the increase of the heat treatment temperature and time can increase the depth of the shear affected zone (SAZ) of the test pieces, and the hole expansion ratio. Heat treatment has less effect on hole expansion ratio than hole opening method. Mechanical punching caused an SAZ on the specimens, and some microcracks were generated beside carbides within the SAZ, which is one of the reasons for the poor hole expansion ratio. For specimens with the hole of test pieces formed by wire electrical discharge machining, almost no cracks were found in the specimens, therefore, the hole expansion ratio obtained is higher. In this study, the higher the tensile strength obtained, the lower the hole expansion ratio of the specimens, and the higher the yield strength / ultimate tensile strength ratio, total elongation, true fracture strain and reduction of cross sectional area, the higher the hole expansion ratio obtained.
An ion polishing machine was used to prepare specimens for microstructural characterization. The results show that some microcracks near the main crack of tested specimens grow beside carbides and inclusions, and a large number of cracks grow at the phase boundaries of ferrite and martensite or austenite. During hole expansion test, a plastic zone is generated by the crack, and deformation induced martensite is formed. The strength difference between martensite and ferrite may promote the growth of cracks so that leads to a low hole expansion ratio.
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 xvi
一、前言 1
二、文獻回顧 2
2-1 中錳鋼 2
2-2 TRIP效應 2
2-3 剪切邊緣成型性 3
2-3-1 剪切表面和剪切影響區 3
2-3-2 剪切間隙 6
2-3-3 剪切邊緣成形性的預測 7
2-4 擴孔試驗 7
2-4-1 先進高強度鋼的擴孔性質 10
2-5 放電加工 14
三、研究目的 16
四、實驗方法 17
4-1 實驗材料 17
4-2 試片製備 17
4-3 拉伸試驗 17
4-4 擴孔試驗 17
4-5 試片前處理 18
4-6 顯微組織分析 18
4-7 開孔試片孔緣橫截面分析 18
4-8 顯微硬度分析 19
4-9 擴孔後裂縫顯微組織分析 19
五、實驗結果 20
5-1 母材顯微組織 20
5-2 機械衝孔孔緣組織 20
5-3 EDM開孔孔緣組織 22
5-4 擴孔後之孔緣組織 23
5-5 擴孔後裂縫之觀察 24
5-6 擴孔試驗結果 26
5-7 拉伸試驗結果 26
5-8 拉伸試驗與擴孔率之關聯性 26
六、討論 27
七、結論 30
八、參考文獻 31
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