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研究生(外文):Chien-Yu Huang
論文名稱(外文):Ti-Cu-Ni-Al 800℃ Phase Diagram Study
外文關鍵詞:Shape memory alloysTi-Cu-Ni-Alisothermal sectionEPMAXRD
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Shape memory alloys have been developed for decades, and there are many related journal articles in both the binary and ternary alloy systems. At present, common shape memory alloys include nickel-titanium alloys, copper-based alloys and iron-based alloys. In applications, not only binary alloy systems are used, but many studies have pointed out that adding different elements can effectively enhance its performance. In this study, we will explore the equilibrium phase diagram of four elements commonly used in shape memory alloys: titanium, copper, nickel, and aluminum.
The CALPHAD method was applied to calculate the 50at%-Ti cross section in the Ti-Cu-Ni-Al quaternary section at 800°C based on our own database, and uses the calculated phase diagram as the guide to select the examination alloy compositions. Those selected alloys were homogenized at 800°C for 21 days and analysis the equilibrium phase types and compositions. The main target is to determine the phase relationships in order to provide the alloy design guide for the new shape memory alloy in this quaternary system.
In this study, we found two four-phase regions along with related three-phase regions and two-phase regions. No new quaternary phase was found in the examined alloy regions. We observed that τ4-AlNi2Ti and AlCu2Ti form a complete solid solution as Al(Cu,Ni)2Ti. The solubility ranges of many binary and ternary intermetallic phases are also determined.
論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 xi
壹、 前言 1
貳、 文獻回顧 3
2-1 形狀記憶合金 3
2-1-1 鎳鈦合金 5
2-1-2 鎳鈦銅合金 5
2-1-3 銅鋁鎳合金 6
2-2 相平衡圖 7
2-2-1 Ti-Cu二元系統相平衡圖 7
2-2-2 Ti-Ni二元系統相平衡圖 7
2-2-3 Ti-Al二元系統相平衡圖 8
2-2-4 Cu-Ni二元系統相平衡圖 8
2-2-5 Cu-Al二元系統相平衡圖 8
2-2-6 Ni-Al二元系統相平衡圖 9
2-2-7 Ti-Cu-Ni三元系統相平衡圖 13
2-2-8 Ti-Cu-Al三元系統相平衡圖 13
2-2-9 Ti-Ni-Al三元系統相平衡圖 13
2-2-10 Cu-Ni-Al三元系統相平衡圖 13
參、 實驗步驟 17
3-1合金配置 17
3-2合金熔煉 17
3-3合金熱處理 18
3-4合金處理 18
3-5高解析電子微探儀(EPMA)之分析 18
3-6 X光粉末繞射儀(XRD)之分析 19
肆、 結果與討論 23
4-1 Ti50(Cu,Ni,Al)50之截面相圖研究 27
4-1-1 CuTi2-NiTi2-NiTi-τ4四相區 32
4-1-2 AlTi3-CuTi2-NiTi2-τ4四相區 41
4-1-3 AlTi3-Laves_C14-τ4三相區 49
4-1-4 AlTi3-CuTi2-AlCu2Ti三相區 53
4-1-5 CuTi-CuTi2-AlCu2Ti三相區 57
4-1-6 AlTi3-NiTi2-τ4三相區 60
4-1-7 NiTi-NiTi2-τ4三相區 66
4-1-8 AlTi3-τ4兩相區 71
4-1-9 NiTi-NiTi2兩相區 73
4-2 τ4相之相關探討 75
4-2-1 τ4相之晶格常數 75
4-2-1 τ4相與AlCu2Ti之比較 77
4-3 Ti-Cu-Ni-Al 800℃平衡相圖 79
伍、 結論 80
陸、 參考文獻 81
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