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研究生(外文):Ru-Da Ji
論文名稱(外文):Service Provision for QoS UEs in 5G HUDN Supporting CoMP-JT
指導教授(外文):Wei-Kuang Lai
中文關鍵詞:自我組織網路(Self-Organizing NetworkSON)CoMP)優先度排程(Priority Scheduling)UDN)超密集式網路(Ultra Dense Networks第五代行動通訊系統(5th generation mobile networks多點協調(Coordinated Multipoint5G)期限限制(deadline constrained)
外文關鍵詞:5G(5th generation mobile networks)CoMP(Coordinated Multipoint)UDN(Ultra Dense Networks)SON(Self-Organizing Network)Priority SchedulingDeadline Constrained
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隨著許多無線網路應用興起,使得無線網路傳輸需求量大幅增漲。在第五代行動通訊系統 (5th generation mobile networks, 5G) 網路環境中,為了負荷如此龐大的需求,可以藉由佈署超密集式網路 (Ultra Dense Networks, UDN) 來提升頻譜重複使用率,解決龐大傳輸需求量的問題。然而,佈署 UDN 環境會使基地台之間重疊區域大幅提升,導致位於重疊區域之使用者受到嚴重地干擾。為了解決這個問題,採用多點協調 (Coordinated Multipoint, CoMP) 技術來降低干擾的訊號,使得基地台邊緣使用者的傳輸品質提升。
由於在現實環境中使用者呈現非均勻分布,且各自所需的服務品質 (Quality of Service, QoS) 不同,當有熱點 (hotspot) 出現時,容易發生頻譜資源不足的情形。以往文獻在處理此問題時只考慮滿足使用者需求的傳輸速率,沒考量使用者完成傳輸所需時間與 deadline 時間限制,因此本篇論文目標在異質性超密集式網路環境下,考量使用者傳輸需求速率、傳輸所需時間與 deadline 時間限制,來最大化完成使用者需求之數量,並採用 CoMP 技術來設計一個啟發式演算法 (Heuristic algorithm)。首先對環境中的基地台頻譜分群法 (Spectral Clustering) 進行基地台分群,並決策使用者傳輸模式與區分使用者為基地台群內或基地台群間使用者。接著,依據使用者的需求資源量、傳輸時長與 deadline 時間進行資源分配。最後,嘗試切換未滿足的使用者傳輸方式增加滿足需求的使用者數量。
With many new applications of wireless networks, the demands of wireless networks’ resources are increasing drastically. To handle such a lot of demands, in the 5G (the fifth generation mobile networks) environment it can raise the repetition use rate of the spectral resources through deploying UDN (Ultra Dense Networks) to deal with it. However, deploying UDN would make the overlapping area increase a lot. It would result in users suffering from the serious interference in the overlapping area. To solve this problem, it can use the technology of CoMP (Coordinated Multipoint) to reduce the interference. Hence, it can improve the QoS (Quality of Service) of these users.
Since the distribution of users is irregular in real scenario and the demands of users’ QoS are different, it is easy to occur that the spectral resources are insufficient when hotspots appear. The related researches handled this problem before, just considered how to optimize this problem with users’ request data rate. But they did not consider the time users need to receive complete data successfully and the deadline of data. Therefore, in this paper our object is satisfy maximum QoS UEs within a budget period with CoMP in heterogeneous ultra dense network. we will consider users’ request data rate, transmission time, and deadline to propose the heuristic algorithm to achieve our object. First, we use spectral clustering method to the base station in network environment. Second, we will select users’ transmission mode, and distinguish users as two types within the base station clusters and between the base station clusters. Third, resource allocation is performed according to the users’ request. Finally, try to change unsatisfied users’ transmission mode to increase the number of satisfied users.
論文審定書 i
誌謝 ii
論文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
第一章 導論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 論文架構 5
第二章 相關背景與研究 6
2.1 超密集式網路 (Ultra Dense Networks, UDN) 6
2.2 多點協調 (Coordinated Multipoint, CoMP) 9
2.3 自我組織網路 (Self-Organizing Network, SON) 13
2.4 相關研究探討 19
第三章 研究方法 23
3.1 系統架構 23
3.2 問題定義及描述 25
3.3 系統流程 31
3.4 基地台分群機制 33
3.5 決策使用者傳輸組合機制 37
3.6 使用者服務機制 41
3.7 調整使用者傳輸組合機制 47
第四章 效能分析 50
第五章 結論 60
參考文獻 61
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