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研究生(外文):Yao, Huang-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Neuromorphic control of unmanned vehicles by attractor spiking neural networks
指導教授(外文):Lo, Chung-Chuan
口試委員(外文):Tang, Kea-TiongChen, Chun-Chung
外文關鍵詞:neuromorphic engineeringattractorautonomous controlnavigationunmanned ground vehicleunmanned aerial vehiclespiking neural network
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仿神經計算是近年的新興領域,該計算架構提供了平行運算與低功耗的特性,同時也有許多利用該計算架構的應用被提出。然而,大部分主流應用架構對仿神經計算中的吸引子特性著墨甚少。因此,本研究將重心放在遍布生物系統的吸引子特性上,且為了完整呈現其應用前景,我們提出三個吸引子仿生神經網路的應用情境。首先,我們在自行開發的Flyintel仿生自走車平台上實作一個簡單的覓食與迴避隨機行走(forage and avoidance random walk, FAR)網路,使自走車在一個固定圓環裡隨機行走並追縱特定標誌。接著我們將重心放在果蠅的中央複合體(central complex, CX)模型,該模型利用吸引子的空間位置來表示果蠅與特定標誌的相對關係,果蠅自身的旋轉會同步轉移吸引子的位置,以維持和標誌間的相對關係。藉此我們建立簡化中央複合體模型(simplified central complex, SCX),並同樣在Flyintel上呈現其功能。自走車能在原始標誌已經移除的情境下,依據記憶中的位置導航前往該地。另一方面,吸引子特性也可以應用於時間序列上,我們提出脈衝式神經網路序列控制(SNN sequence control, SSC)架構,吸引子在這裡代表的是一個任務序列的進度,每當一項任務完成,吸引子就會傳遞至後一個神經網路節點。最後我們透過SSC控制一架模擬四軸飛行器執行一連串飛行動作,並且加上簡單的例外處理功能,以凸顯SSC實際應之可行性。
Neuromorphic computing is an emerging field with the advantages of parallel computing and low power consumption. Recently, researchers have proposed numerous neuromorphic algorithms and application scenarios to harness the new technology’s potential. However, only a few studies have shown dedicated applications of attractor dynamics, a ubiquitous property in biological systems, in neuromorphic engineering. To fully exploit the potential for neuromorphic computing, we build three bio-inspired neural networks by utilizing attractor dynamics. Starting from the forage and avoidance random walk (FAR) network on the Flyintel mobile robotic platform, the robot demonstrates the decision-making capability in an arena with a visual landmark. We further refer to the fruit fly central complex model. A bump attractor denotes a specific position in space, and the attractor is transient and can be repositioned through asymmetric connections. We derive a simplified central complex (SCX) model and realize it on the Flyintel by preserving the same principle. The learned spatial memory leads the robot back to the landmark when the landmark is absent. Next, we chronologically apply the attractor dynamics. In the SNN sequence control (SSC) framework, the bump denotes the progress of a sequence of tasks. The bump advances by one while the task in hand is completed. We demonstrate that the SSC controls a simulated quadcopter to maneuver a preprogrammed mission with essential capability in handling exceptions.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Attractors in SNN 1
1.2 Application subjects 2
1.3 Related Works 3
1.3.1 Decision-making in robot control 3
1.3.2 Spatial memory for robot navigation 4
1.3.3 Memory for sequential task control 5
1.4 Structure of this thesis 6
Chapter 2 SNN Application Platforms 8
2.1 Flyintel 8
2.1.1 FlyintelBot 8
2.1.2 Flysim – the SNN simulator 11
2.1.3 Flyintel – spike data handling 11
2.1.4 Flyintel arena 12
2.2 Simulated Quadcopter 15
2.2.1 SNN simulator and spike handling 15
2.2.2 Drone simulation and piloting 15
Chapter 3 Forage and avoidance random walk network 18
3.1 Network model 18
3.2 Stimulus encoding and activity decoding 21
3.3 Experiment design 23
3.3.1 Risk avoidance task 23
3.3.2 Forage task 23
3.4 Results 24
3.4.1 Risk avoidance task 24
3.4.2 Forage task 25
Chapter 4 Simplified Central Complex Model 27
4.1 The Drosophila central complex model 27
4.2 Simplified Drosophila central complex model 28
4.3 Experiment design 31
4.3.1 Spatial working memory task 31
4.4 Results 33
Chapter 5 SNN Sequence Control 34
5.1 Networks and experiment design 34
5.1.1 Linear sequence network 34
5.1.2 Branched sequence network 37
5.1.3 Task condition of satisfaction unit 39
5.1.4 An example of drone application 41
5.2 Robustness 42
5.3 Results 42
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Discussion 45
Bibliography 47
Appendix A Models and Parameters 52
A.1 Spiking neuron model 52
A.2 Neuron and synapse parameters 53
A.2.1 FAR network 53
A.2.2 SCX network 54
A.2.3 SSC 54
A.3 Spike generation thresholds 55
A.4 Network configurations 56
A.4.1 FAR network (standard 1× inhibitory weights) 56
A.4.2 SCX network 57
A.4.3 Linear sequence network 57
A.4.4 Branched sequence network 57
A.4.5 CoS sequence network 57
Appendix B Assembly Information and Software Implementations 58
B.1 FlyintelBot wiring diagram 58
B.2 Mechanical models in the Flyintel project 59
B.3 Source codes 69
Appendix C Videos 70
C.1 Flyintel videos 70
C.2 SSC videos 70
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