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研究生(外文):Chen, Tzu-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Resource Allocation for Dual-Connectivity with NOMA-Based Mixed Numerology System
指導教授(外文):Sheu, Jang-Ping
口試委員(外文):Yang, De-NianYang, Shun-Ren
外文關鍵詞:NRLTENOMAPRB allocationalgorithm
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未來行動裝置將會大量增長且趨向多樣化,因此佈建新空中介面(New Radio, NR)勢在必行。新空中介面制定了參數集(Numerology),定義了不同子載波(Subcarrier Spacing, SCS)的資源塊(Resource Block, RB)來滿足行動裝置多樣的需求。此外新空中介面提供非正交多址接入(Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access, NOMA)來疊加訊號以提高頻譜效率。當長期演進技術(Long Term Evolution, LTE)和新空中介面共存在行動網路中時,雙基地台連線(Dual Connectivity, DC)使用戶能夠同時訪問兩個基地台 (Base Station, BS),以聚合無線電資源,最終支持用戶的流量需求。此外,為了保持基地台的大覆蓋率,長期演進技術與新空中介面共用了具有低路徑損耗的特性的低頻譜。然而,當兩個用戶復用一個頻道時,載波之間會產生交互參數集干擾 (Inter-Numerology Interference, INI)的問題。本研究在4G與5G共存的情境下,將雙連線結合非正交多址接入與混合參數集系統,以提供更高的頻譜效率。5G基地台(Next Generation NodeB, gNB)透過混合參數集滿足不同用戶的傳輸需求,並通過非正交多址接入增加基地台容量。而4G基地台(E-UTRAN NodeB, eNB)部分覆蓋了5G基地台,並為雙連線的用戶提供服務。同時,兩個基地台共享部分頻譜。本研究定義了一個資源分配問題,為用戶選擇連線的基地台,並以最大化總吞吐量為目標分配資源塊給用戶。此資源分配問題被證明為非多項式複雜度(Non-Deterministic Polynomial-Time Hardness, NP-hard)。為了獲得近似解,本研究提出了資源疊用形成演算法(Zone Pile Formation, ZPF)與雙連線資源切割演算法(DC Slicing),以降低交互參數集干擾與跨基地台索取資源。數據結果表明,所提出的演算法在吞吐量和干擾方面優於現有的其他方法。
New Radio (NR) is capable of serving a diverse and massive amount of users through the numerologies with different Subcarrier Spacing (SCS). Moreover, to improve spectral efficiency, NR proposes Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) that superimposes signals. The coexistence of Long Term Evolution (LTE) and NR requires Dual Connectivity (DC), which enables users to access both Base Stations (BSs) simultaneously, to aggregate the radio resources and support the traffic requirements. Besides, to extend the coverage of BSs, the spectrum with low path loss is shared by LTE and NR. An issue to be solved is the unalignment of SCS, when two users reuse a channel, which causes Inter-Numerology Interference (INI). In this thesis, we introduce DC into a NOMA-based mixed numerology system to provide a high-loading spectrum. The Next Generation NodeB (gNB) may fulfill diverse users with unique numerology and increase BS capacity by NOMA, and the E-UTRAN NodeB (eNB) covers the gNB and serves the DC users. Meanwhile, the two BSs shares part of the spectrum. A resource allocation algorithm is formulated to associate the users to the BSs and allocates the Resource Blocks (RBs) to users aiming to maximize total throughput, which we prove to be an NP-hard problem. To obtain an optimal solution, the RBs are managed by Zone Pile Formation (ZPF) to decrease the INI, and by DC Slicing for BS association. Numerical results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms regarding throughput and interference.
1 Introduction ............................................... 1
2 Related Works .............................................. 6
2.1 Resource Allocation of Numerology and NOMA in 5G ......... 6
2.2 Resource Allocation in DC ................................ 7
2.3 Resource Allocation in Sharing Spectrum .................. 7
3 Network Model .............................................. 9
3.1 Resource Grid ............................................ 9
3.2 System Model ............................................. 11
3.3 Channel Model ............................................ 13
4 Problem Formulation ........................................ 15
5 Algorithm .................................................. 19
5.1 Algorithm Description .................................... 20
5.2 Approximation Ratio ...................................... 31
5.3 Complexity Analysis ...................................... 35
6 Simulation ................................................. 37
6.1 Simulation Settings....................................... 37
6.2 Simulation Results ....................................... 38
7 Conclusions ................................................ 44
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