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研究生(外文):Chu, Hsin-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Server PCIE Temperature Decoupling Control System Applied on Deep Learning Algorithm
指導教授(外文):Chen, Rong-Shun
口試委員(外文):Lee, Ming-TsangTung, Kai-YangLee, Cheng-Ming
外文關鍵詞:Server Heat Dissipation ControlGrouped Fan ControlMulti-feature Time Series Predict ModelGreedy Explore AlgorithmPreactive Heat Dissipation ControlDe-coupled Heat Dissipation Control
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Due to rapidly growing of AI Internet of Things (AIoT), a huge amount of servers have been used to process the signals of AIoT recently. As a result, the ability of removing heat from servers becomes very crucial. In a server, the most critical heat performance index is the temperature control of its PCIE riser cards. However, there are various types of PCIE riser cards, and their heat generation will be different according to their specifications. The temperatures of PCIE riser cards tend to be unevenly distributed and sometimes heat-coupling may occur. Different from using the same loading for all cooling fans, this thesis proposes a preactive controller, combining deep learning, greedy algorithm, and cost function, which has the capability to obtain optimal grouped fans combination that can achieve the temperature control for PCIE cards. The results of experiments show that the server can run with two less loaded fans, compared to the PID control, resulting in effective reduction of power consumption. Also, an auto-data-acquiring system and a real-time control system, alone with their GUI, are developed by integrating server, PCIE riser cards, fans, and temperature acquiring device. These two systems are made for collecting massive data and for real-time controlling the PCIE temperatures. The results demonstrate that the proposed preactive grouped fan-control can control the temperature of target riser card around the set point, while the fanspeeds are reduced by around 20% to 30%, compared to the conventional unified PID fan-control.
摘要 ------------------------------------------ II
Abstract ------------------------------------- III
目錄 ------------------------------------------ IV
圖目錄 -------------------------------------- VIII
表目錄 ---------------------------------------- XI

第一章 緒論------------------------------------- 1

1.1 前言 ----------------------------------- 1

1.2 研究動機及目標 ------------------------- 3

1.3 文獻回顧 ------------------------------- 4

1.4 本文架構 ------------------------------ 10

第二章 伺服器系統與軟硬體介紹 ------------------ 11

2.1 伺服器系統 -------------------------------- 11

2.2 硬體設備 ---------------------------------- 13
2.2.1 熱電偶 ------------------------------ 14
2.2.2 數據擷取器 -------------------------- 15
2.2.3 PWM 訊號控制器 ---------------------- 16
2.2.4 Arduino Mega 2560 ------------------ 16
2.2.5 繼電器模組 -------------------------- 17

2.3 軟體及套件 -------------------------------- 18
2.3.1 pySerial --------------------------- 19
2.3.2 PyVISA ----------------------------- 19
2.3.3 pyQt5 ------------------------------ 20
2.3.4 asyncio ---------------------------- 20
2.3.5 PTU -------------------------------- 22
2.3.6 socket ----------------------------- 22
2.3.7 Tensorflow ------------------------- 22

第三章 系統設計與實踐 ------------------------- 25

3.1 自動化資料擷取系統 ------------------------ 25
3.1.1 系統架構 ---------------------------- 25
3.1.2 I/O 阻塞問題解決 -------------------- 27
3.1.3 實時監控圖形化介面 ------------------ 27

3.2 特徵資料蒐集 ------------------------------ 29
3.2.1 風扇分組控制 ------------------------ 29
3.2.2 元件組態檔位 ------------------------ 30
3.2.3 資料蒐集種類與排程 ------------------ 31
3.2.4 測試數據資料蒐集 -------------------- 32
3.3 預測模型簡介 ------------------------------ 33
3.3.1 DARNN ------------------------------ 33
3.3.2 MTSMFF ----------------------------- 35
3.3.3 MsA -------------------------------- 36

3.4 預測模型比較實驗設計 ---------------------- 38
3.4.1 輸入特徵刪減 ------------------------ 38
3.4.2 DARNN ------------------------------ 39
3.4.3 MTSMFF 與MsA ----------------------- 39

3.5 預先控制器設計 ---------------------------- 40
3.5.1 貪婪探索演算法 ---------------------- 41
3.5.2 費用方程式 ------------------------- 42
3.5.3 兩步驟貪婪探索演算法 ---------------- 43
3.5.4 探索範圍限制 ----------------------- 44
.6 PID 控制器設計 ---------------------------- 45

3.7 實時控制介面 ----------------------------- 46

第四章 實驗結果 ------------------------------ 49

4.1 CPU 與PCIE 實際功率量測 ------------------ 49
4.1.1 CPU 功率量測結果 ------------------- 49
4.1.2 PCIE 擴充卡功率量測結果 ------------ 52

4.2 風扇分組溫度表現 ------------------------- 53

4.3 資料集蒐集 ------------------------------- 57
4.3.1 室溫影響 --------------------------- 57
4.3.2 已蒐集資料集 ----------------------- 58

4.4 預測模型實驗結果比較 ---------------------- 59
4.4.1 MTSMFF 測試結果演示 ---------------- 59
4.4.2 MsA 測試結果演示 ------------------- 62
4.4.3 兩者比較與預測模型選用 -------------- 67

4.5 預先控制器與 PID 控制器結果比較 ----------- 69
4.5.1 控制器實驗結果比較 ------------------ 69
4.5.2 控制器暫態響應比較 ------------------ 70
4.5.3 風扇統一控制的極限與分組控制的優點 --- 72
4.5.4 控制器比較結論 ---------------------- 73

第五章 結論與未來工作 ------------------------- 75

參考文獻 ------------------------------------- 78
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