Many brands and businesses are undergoing digital transformation. Quick-serve restaurants (QSR) are also among them, striving to find ways to further grow the business and better connect with their consumers through a enhanced digital experience. Self-ordering kiosks (SOK) are now the norm in these QSR’s. Thus, this study will explore how SOK’s are designed to meet the customers’ needs, as well as how cashless, dual point service counters, and multi-channel delivery experiences can impact customers’ decision making and visit frequency. Digitalization today is inevitable for a business to survive in today’s competitive market; thus, this report hopes to understand consumers’ viewpoint and expectations on digitalization, and, in turn, not only to help other businesses in the industry, but also enhance the customers’ experience here in Taiwan.
This research will use McDonald’s Taiwan as a case example, and how it has transformed and developed various digital services. Thru consumer interviews, we discovered how they interact and feel about services such as cashless payment, pick-up counter system, and multi-channel delivery. Furthermore, under the uncertainties brough on by COVID 19, we also gained some insights as to how this impacted consumption behavior. This research also delved into the company’s internal management challenges and culture change, and how it was able to satisfy consumers needs and grow the business.