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論文名稱(外文):The Impacts of the Animated English Picture Story Book Instruction on the Word Recognition, Reading Comprehension and Learning Attitude of Taiwanese 4th Graders
指導教授(外文):Chin-Fen Chen
口試委員(外文):Wei-Ching LaiChieh-Fang Hu
外文關鍵詞:word recognitionreading comprehensionanimated English picture story book instruction
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The study aimed to investigate the impacts of animated English picture story book instruction on the word recognition, reading comprehension and learning attitude of Taiwanese 4th graders. Twenty-eight 4th graders at a public school in Taipei City participated in the study for every other week, and each time lasted for twenty minutes, for 19 weeks. Data were collected through the pre-and posttests of word recognition and reading comprehension and a feedback questionnaire, which were analyzed by paired-sample t-test and descriptive statistical analysis.

The major findings signify that the animated English picture story book instruction has elevated EFL 4th graders’ word recognition and reading comprehension abilities overall. Although the experimental group made more progress than the control group in the word recognition and reading comprehension, their progress differences didn’t reach significance value. Furthermore, the students in the experimental group expressed very positive attitude toward learning English via receiving the animated English picture story book instruction, in the aspects of interest, self-efficacy, and value. Finally, based upon the findings of the study, some suggestions for pedagogical applications and future studies are offered.

Background 1
Research Questions 6
Significance of the Study 7
Definitions of Terms 8
Animated English picture storybooks 8
Word recognition 8
Reading comprehension 9
Learning attitude 9

Significance of Reading Ability in Language Learning 11
Vocabulary 12
Word Recognition 13
Recognition of WS-WF 16
Recognition of WS-WM 17
Recognition of WF-WM 18
Storybooks and Language Learning 20
Strategies of Teaching Reading via Storybooks 22
Before Reading Strategies 24
Predicting 24
Setting a purpose 24
During Reading Strategies 25
Making inferences 25
Self-monitoring 25
Visualizing 26
Connecting prior knowledge to the text 26
Literary knowledge or text-to-text connection 26
Word knowledge or text-to-world connection 27
Life experiences or text-to-self connection 27
Small-group co-reading 27
After Reading Strategies 28
Retelling story elements 28
Drawing conclusions 28
Elaborating on the author’s intent 29
Multimedia in Language Teaching and Learning 31
Learning Attitude and Learning Achievement 32
Summary 34

Framework of the Study 35
Research Setting and Participants 40
Research Setting 40
Participants 42
The instructor and researcher 42
Participating students 42
Research Procedure and Timetable 53
Procedure 53
Timetable 53
Experimental Instruction 55
Teaching Materials 55
Teaching Schedule 59
Teaching Strategies 59
Teaching Activities 62
Questionnaire of Students’ English Learning Background 66
English Word Recognition and Reading Comprehension Tests 67
Learning Feedback Questionnaire 71
Data Analysis 74

Progress of Both Groups’ Word Recognition and Reading Comprehension 76
Progress of the Control Group in WR and RC 77
Progress of the Experimental Group in WR and RC 79
Comparison of Both Groups’ Performance in the Posttest 82
Students’ Feedback toward the Experimental Instruction 83
Self-efficacy 85
Interest of learning English 88
Value toward the Experimental Instruction 89

Conclusions 95
Limitations 97
Suggestions 98
For Pedagogical Applications 98
Utilize reading strategies adequately in the class. 98
Have students choose their own storybooks. 99
Have an alternate system 99
Have an award and punishment system 100
Provide students with attachments of animated English picture story books 100
For Future Studies 101

Appendix A: Parents’ Consent 107
Appendix B: Questionnaire of Students Background Information 108
Appendix C: Word Recognition and Reading Comprehension Tests 109
Appendix D: Questionnaire of Students’ Learning Attitudes 112
Appendix E: Lesson Plans 114
Appendix F: Teaching Material (Worksheet) 124
Appendix G: Teaching Material (Quiz) 128

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