朱柏穎、陳立杰、俞維昇(2010)。產品認知價值之情感向度指標萃取與評價 模式研究。設計學報,15 (1),25-49。
林家屏(2002)。青少年自我概念與行為困擾之相關研究。國立成功大學教育研究所碩士論文。長町三生(1989)。感性工学 : 感性をデザインに活かすテクノロジー。海文堂出版。
徐啟賢(2004)。以臺灣原住民文化為例探討文化產品設計的轉換運用。長庚大學 工業設計研究所碩士論文。徐慈儂(2013)。消費者不同購買動機對購買意願之影響─以不同虛擬環境因素為調節變項。國立中央大學企業管理學系碩士論文。莊明振、張耀仁與陳勇廷(2010)。產品觸覺意象的探討-以握杯為例。臺灣感性學會研討會論文(頁223-228),臺中市:東海大學。
陳俊智、莊明振 (2006)。以行動電話為例探討灰色田口方法於產品美感品質最佳化設計之研究。設計學報,11(1),65-84。
陳秀羽(2009)。文化產品訊息設計之研究。銘傳大學設計管理研究所碩士論文。陳怡君(2014)。消費者知覺風險、自我形象一致性對其購買意願與口碑之影響-以文創產品市場的行銷溝通為調節變項。淡江大學企業管理學系碩士班論文。陳淑慧(2004)。促銷推廣對化妝品消費者之消費價值評估與購買意願之影響。南華大學管理科學研究所碩士論文。陳莉莉(2012)。促銷方式、參考群體、購買情境對購買意願之關聯性研究-以現調茶飲為例。大葉大學碩士論文。陳守仁(1997)。百貨公司保養品購買動機類 型與購買形象關係之研究。國立中興大學碩士論文。陳穎(2010)。星巴克品牌形象與消費者生活型態之自我一致性研究。國立臺北教育大學文化創意產業經營學系碩士論文。郭為藩(1996)。自我心理學。臺北:師大書苑。
張俊傑(2010)。創意產品特性、購買情境對大學生衝動性購買行為之影響-以衝動性購買特質與組合價格為區隔變數。正修科技大學經營管理研究所碩士論文。張文櫻(2007)。文化創意產業商業模式之研究-以文化創意商品產業價值鏈觀點。國立臺灣科技大學工業管理系碩士班碩士學位論文。彭紹燕(2011)。炫耀商品對提升自信與自我價值關聯。大葉大學碩士論文。楊士弘(2014)。文化資產的文創商品設計行銷與消費者購買行為之研究。國立屏東教育大學文化創意產業學系碩士論文。楊敏英、游萬來 (2008)。Alessi 產品之產品個性。設計學研究,11 (1),1-22。
Ashby, M., & Johnson, K. (2003). The art of materials selection. Materials today, 6(12), 24-35.
Beckett, et al., (2000). An Exposition of Consumer Behavior In the Financial Services Industry, International journal of Bank Marketing,18(1),15-26.
Blackwell, R. D. et al. (2001). Consumer Behavior, Ninth Edition,Publisher: Ohio, Mike Roche.
Berridge, K. C. (2003). Pleasures of the brain. Brain and cognition, 52(1), 106-128.
Belk, R. W. (1974). An exploratory assessment of situational effect in buyer. Journal of Marketing Research, 11(5).
Belk, R. W. (1975). Situational variables and consumer behavior.Journal of Consumer Research,12(2), 157-164.
Belk, R. W. (1988). Possessions and the extended self. Journal of Consumer Research, 2, 139-168.
Blijlevens, J., Creusen, M. E. H., & Schoormans, J. P. L. (2009). How consumers perceive product appearance: The identification of three product appearance attributes. International Journal of Design, 3(3), 27-35.
Creusen, M. E., & Schoormans, J. P. (2005). The different roles of product appearance in consumer choice. Journal of product innovation management, 22(1), 63-81.
Duggirala, M., Rajendran, C., & Anantharaman, R.N. (2008). Provider-perceived dimensions of total quality management in healthcare. Benchmarking, 15(6), 693-722.
Dodds, W. B., K. B. Monroe, & D. Grewal.(1991). The Effects of Price, Brand, and Store Information on Buyer's Product Evaluations. Journal of Marketing Research, 28(3), 307-319.
Grubb, E. L., & Grathwohl, H. L. (1967). Consumer self-concept, symbolism and market behavior: A theoretical approach. Journal of Marketing, 31(4), 22-27.
Douglas, M., & Isherwood, B. (1979). The world of goods. New York: Basic Books.
Garella, P. & Lambertini, L. (1999). Good v.s. Bad Characteristics in Vertical Differentiation, Economics Letters, 65, 245-248.
Govers, P. C., & Schoormans, J. P. (2005). Product personality and its influence on consumer preference. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 22(4), 189-197.
Howard, J. A. (1977). Consumer Behavior: Application of Theory, NY: McGraw-Hill Inc.
Kakkar, P., & Richard, J. L. (1975). The psychological situation as a determinant of consumer behavior. Advance in Consumer Research, 2, 439-454.
Kotler, P. et al., (1999). Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism ( 2nd ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Lutz, R. J., & Kakkar, P. (1975). The psychological situation as a determinant of consumer behavior. Advances in Consumer Research, 2(1), 439-453.
Lee, H. J., Lim, H., Jolly, L.D., & Lee, J. (2009). Consumer lifestyles and adoption of high- technology products: A case of South Korea. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 21(2), 153-167.
Leong, B.D., (2003). “Culture-Based Knowledge Towards New Design Thinking and Practice—A Dialogue,” Design Issues, 19, 48-58.
Morwitz, V. G. & Gavan J. F. (2004) . The Mere Measurement Effect : Why Does Measuring Intentions Change Actual Behavior. ” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 14(2), 64-74.
Malär, L., Krohmer, H., Hoyer, W. H. and Nyffenegger, B. (2011). Emotional brand attachment and brand personality: The relative importance of the actual and the ideal self, Journal of Marketing, 75(4), 35-52.
Morwitz, V. G. and Schmittlein, D. (1992). Using segmentation to improve sales forecasts based on purchase intent: Which "intenders" actually buy? ” Journal of Marketing Research, 29(4), 391-405.
Newberry, C. R. et al., (2003). Managerial Implications of Predicting Purchase Behavior from Purchase Intentions: A Retail Patronage Case Study. The Journal of Services Marketing, 17(6), 609-620.
Norman, Donald A. (2004). Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things. New York: Basic Books, 63-98.
Peter, J. P., & Olson, J. C. (2001). Consumer behavior and marketing strategy (6th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Peter, J. P., & Olson, J. C. (2001). Consumer behavior and marketing strategy (6th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V.A., &Berry, L.L., “SERVQUAL: A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality,” Journal of Retailing, 64(1), 12-40.
Swann, W. B., Jr. (1983). Self-verification: Bringing social reality into harmony with the self. in Social Psychological Perspectives on the Self, Vol. 2, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Swann, W. B., Stein-Seroussi, A. and Giesler, R. B.(1992). Why people self-verify, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 62(3), 392–401.
Sirgy, M. J. (1982). Self-concept in consumer behavior: A critical review, Journal of Consumer Research, 9(3), 287-300.
Sirgy, M. J., Grewal, D., Mangleburg, T. F., Park, J., Chon, K. and Claiborne, C.B. (1997). Assessing the predictive validity of two methods of measuring self-image congruence, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 25(3), 229-241.
Verganti, R (2011).Design Driven Innovation: Changing the Rules of Competition by Radically Innovating What Things Mean.
Yalch, R.F., & Spangenberg, E.R. (2000). The effects of music in a retail setting on real and perceived shopping times. Journal of business Research, 2(49), 139-147.
Zeithaml, V. A. (1988). Consumer Perceptions of Price, Quality and Value :A Means End Model and Synthesis of Evidence. ”Journal of Marketing, 52(3), 2-22.
Zeithaml,V. A. and Bitner,M.J., (1996) , Service Marketing, McGraw-Hill,NewYork.
取自2020年7月13日。網址: https://reurl.cc/XkDpAM
朱柏穎、陳立杰、俞維昇(2010)。產品認知價值之情感向度指標萃取與評價 模式研究。設計學報,15 (1),25-49。
林家屏(2002)。青少年自我概念與行為困擾之相關研究。國立成功大學教育研究所碩士論文。長町三生(1989)。感性工学 : 感性をデザインに活かすテクノロジー。海文堂出版。
徐啟賢(2004)。以臺灣原住民文化為例探討文化產品設計的轉換運用。長庚大學 工業設計研究所碩士論文。徐慈儂(2013)。消費者不同購買動機對購買意願之影響─以不同虛擬環境因素為調節變項。國立中央大學企業管理學系碩士論文。莊明振、張耀仁與陳勇廷(2010)。產品觸覺意象的探討-以握杯為例。臺灣感性學會研討會論文(頁223-228),臺中市:東海大學。
陳俊智、莊明振 (2006)。以行動電話為例探討灰色田口方法於產品美感品質最佳化設計之研究。設計學報,11(1),65-84。
陳秀羽(2009)。文化產品訊息設計之研究。銘傳大學設計管理研究所碩士論文。陳怡君(2014)。消費者知覺風險、自我形象一致性對其購買意願與口碑之影響-以文創產品市場的行銷溝通為調節變項。淡江大學企業管理學系碩士班論文。陳淑慧(2004)。促銷推廣對化妝品消費者之消費價值評估與購買意願之影響。南華大學管理科學研究所碩士論文。陳莉莉(2012)。促銷方式、參考群體、購買情境對購買意願之關聯性研究-以現調茶飲為例。大葉大學碩士論文。陳守仁(1997)。百貨公司保養品購買動機類 型與購買形象關係之研究。國立中興大學碩士論文。陳穎(2010)。星巴克品牌形象與消費者生活型態之自我一致性研究。國立臺北教育大學文化創意產業經營學系碩士論文。郭為藩(1996)。自我心理學。臺北:師大書苑。
張俊傑(2010)。創意產品特性、購買情境對大學生衝動性購買行為之影響-以衝動性購買特質與組合價格為區隔變數。正修科技大學經營管理研究所碩士論文。張文櫻(2007)。文化創意產業商業模式之研究-以文化創意商品產業價值鏈觀點。國立臺灣科技大學工業管理系碩士班碩士學位論文。彭紹燕(2011)。炫耀商品對提升自信與自我價值關聯。大葉大學碩士論文。楊士弘(2014)。文化資產的文創商品設計行銷與消費者購買行為之研究。國立屏東教育大學文化創意產業學系碩士論文。楊敏英、游萬來 (2008)。Alessi 產品之產品個性。設計學研究,11 (1),1-22。
Ashby, M., & Johnson, K. (2003). The art of materials selection. Materials today, 6(12), 24-35.
Beckett, et al., (2000). An Exposition of Consumer Behavior In the Financial Services Industry, International journal of Bank Marketing,18(1),15-26.
Blackwell, R. D. et al. (2001). Consumer Behavior, Ninth Edition,Publisher: Ohio, Mike Roche.
Berridge, K. C. (2003). Pleasures of the brain. Brain and cognition, 52(1), 106-128.
Belk, R. W. (1974). An exploratory assessment of situational effect in buyer. Journal of Marketing Research, 11(5).
Belk, R. W. (1975). Situational variables and consumer behavior.Journal of Consumer Research,12(2), 157-164.
Belk, R. W. (1988). Possessions and the extended self. Journal of Consumer Research, 2, 139-168.
Blijlevens, J., Creusen, M. E. H., & Schoormans, J. P. L. (2009). How consumers perceive product appearance: The identification of three product appearance attributes. International Journal of Design, 3(3), 27-35.
Creusen, M. E., & Schoormans, J. P. (2005). The different roles of product appearance in consumer choice. Journal of product innovation management, 22(1), 63-81.
Duggirala, M., Rajendran, C., & Anantharaman, R.N. (2008). Provider-perceived dimensions of total quality management in healthcare. Benchmarking, 15(6), 693-722.
Dodds, W. B., K. B. Monroe, & D. Grewal.(1991). The Effects of Price, Brand, and Store Information on Buyer's Product Evaluations. Journal of Marketing Research, 28(3), 307-319.
Grubb, E. L., & Grathwohl, H. L. (1967). Consumer self-concept, symbolism and market behavior: A theoretical approach. Journal of Marketing, 31(4), 22-27.
Douglas, M., & Isherwood, B. (1979). The world of goods. New York: Basic Books.
Garella, P. & Lambertini, L. (1999). Good v.s. Bad Characteristics in Vertical Differentiation, Economics Letters, 65, 245-248.
Govers, P. C., & Schoormans, J. P. (2005). Product personality and its influence on consumer preference. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 22(4), 189-197.
Howard, J. A. (1977). Consumer Behavior: Application of Theory, NY: McGraw-Hill Inc.
Kakkar, P., & Richard, J. L. (1975). The psychological situation as a determinant of consumer behavior. Advance in Consumer Research, 2, 439-454.
Kotler, P. et al., (1999). Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism ( 2nd ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Lutz, R. J., & Kakkar, P. (1975). The psychological situation as a determinant of consumer behavior. Advances in Consumer Research, 2(1), 439-453.
Lee, H. J., Lim, H., Jolly, L.D., & Lee, J. (2009). Consumer lifestyles and adoption of high- technology products: A case of South Korea. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 21(2), 153-167.
Leong, B.D., (2003). “Culture-Based Knowledge Towards New Design Thinking and Practice—A Dialogue,” Design Issues, 19, 48-58.
Morwitz, V. G. & Gavan J. F. (2004) . The Mere Measurement Effect : Why Does Measuring Intentions Change Actual Behavior. ” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 14(2), 64-74.
Malär, L., Krohmer, H., Hoyer, W. H. and Nyffenegger, B. (2011). Emotional brand attachment and brand personality: The relative importance of the actual and the ideal self, Journal of Marketing, 75(4), 35-52.
Morwitz, V. G. and Schmittlein, D. (1992). Using segmentation to improve sales forecasts based on purchase intent: Which "intenders" actually buy? ” Journal of Marketing Research, 29(4), 391-405.
Newberry, C. R. et al., (2003). Managerial Implications of Predicting Purchase Behavior from Purchase Intentions: A Retail Patronage Case Study. The Journal of Services Marketing, 17(6), 609-620.
Norman, Donald A. (2004). Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things. New York: Basic Books, 63-98.
Peter, J. P., & Olson, J. C. (2001). Consumer behavior and marketing strategy (6th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Peter, J. P., & Olson, J. C. (2001). Consumer behavior and marketing strategy (6th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V.A., &Berry, L.L., “SERVQUAL: A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality,” Journal of Retailing, 64(1), 12-40.
Swann, W. B., Jr. (1983). Self-verification: Bringing social reality into harmony with the self. in Social Psychological Perspectives on the Self, Vol. 2, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Swann, W. B., Stein-Seroussi, A. and Giesler, R. B.(1992). Why people self-verify, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 62(3), 392–401.
Sirgy, M. J. (1982). Self-concept in consumer behavior: A critical review, Journal of Consumer Research, 9(3), 287-300.
Sirgy, M. J., Grewal, D., Mangleburg, T. F., Park, J., Chon, K. and Claiborne, C.B. (1997). Assessing the predictive validity of two methods of measuring self-image congruence, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 25(3), 229-241.
Verganti, R (2011).Design Driven Innovation: Changing the Rules of Competition by Radically Innovating What Things Mean.
Yalch, R.F., & Spangenberg, E.R. (2000). The effects of music in a retail setting on real and perceived shopping times. Journal of business Research, 2(49), 139-147.
Zeithaml, V. A. (1988). Consumer Perceptions of Price, Quality and Value :A Means End Model and Synthesis of Evidence. ”Journal of Marketing, 52(3), 2-22.
Zeithaml,V. A. and Bitner,M.J., (1996) , Service Marketing, McGraw-Hill,NewYork.
取自2020年7月13日。網址: https://reurl.cc/XkDpAM