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研究生(外文):Che-Wei Ku
論文名稱(外文):The Factors Affecting Councilors’ Question Content- A Study on the 18th Councilors of Miaoli County
指導教授(外文):Hong-Wung Wang
外文關鍵詞:local self-governmentlocal councilorsMiaoliquestionagendacouncilors’ backgroundpolicy domain
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代議與民主政治本被期盼是由專業的菁英來監督地方公共事務與行政執行的工作,但若代議士或行政首長共同分贓或壟斷地方自治資源,則會對地方自治造成負面的影響(趙永茂,2002)。地方層級的縣市議員身為選民的代議士,其言行應是為民喉舌,傳達選民心聲,並監督政府,因此縣市議員在議會裡究竟「說了什麼」是值得研究的議題,但台灣過去比較少學者探討地方議員之總質詢內容,因此本文想要針對縣市議員的總質詢內容來進行分析,主要的原因是縣市議員總質詢較容易被媒體及選民所關注,且議員自己有較大的自由去決定質詢的內容,也就較能展現議員自己的態度與立場(Martin, 2011a)。
受限於有限的時間與精力,本文僅針對第十八屆苗栗縣議員的總質詢內容進行分析,選擇苗栗縣作為研究個案的主要原因是:苗栗縣的總預算在2020 年以前曾連續廿六年分文未刪,此外,縣議員在議事廳中常出現爭議言論,而被外界戲稱為「苗栗國」,而這些現象可能與議員的問政行為相關,因此引發本文的研究興趣。本文具體的研究問題是:每位苗栗縣議員的質詢內容字數各是多少?其質詢內容多元性是為何?其所關注的政策領域是哪些?其所質詢的內容與其選區相關的比例各是多少?其所質詢的功能是什麼?其質詢內容是否與議員的個人特性或選區特性相關?
過去文獻顯示議員為了連任,會從事各種問政行為及選民服務來獲得選民的支持,因此,本文認為議員在決定質詢內容時,都有其策略及自身的考量,此外,因苗栗縣議會規定每位議員的總質詢時間上限都是45 分鐘,因此本文預期議員質詢內容字數的多寡會與其對某議題的重視程度成正比。
在研究方法上,本文依照選舉公報記載資料將議員個人背景進行編碼,並首創以比較議程計畫(CAP)來將地方議會質詢內容區分為不同的政策領域,也將質詢內容區分為是否與個別議員的選區相關,另外依照周萬來(2004)的實務見解將總質詢的功能進行分類,最後將上述的研究問題進行敘述統計及OLS 回歸統計分析。
Representative democracy is expected to oversee local public affairs and policy executions by professional elites. However, if representatives and executive heads manipulate pork-barreling or monopoly of the resource of local autonomy, it brings negative influences to the local self-government (Chao, 2002). councilors as elected representatives, they are supposed to speak for the people and oversee the government.Hence, “what councilors say”in the council chamber is a topic worth being studied.This study attempts to analyze the content of plenary question because fewer researchers make a study of it. The main reason is that councilors’ plenary question is
apt to draw attention from media and constituency, and it is opener for councilors to determine what to question. Then their standpoint and attitude tend to be exposed accordingly (Martin, 2011a).
Due to time constraints, this study solely analyzes the plenary question of 18th councilors of Miaoli County. Taking Miaoli County as the case is because Miaoli County has never cut a single penny from its general budget for 26 years (1995~2020). In addition, its councilors have repeated controversies during question, thus a nickname was given jokingly, “Miaoli Nation”. These phenomena may be relevant to councilors’ representative behavior. Hence it generates the research motivation of this study. The specific research questions are: How many words are there in each councilor’s question? How is the diversity of their question? What is their interested policy domain? How is the correlation between their question and constituency? What is the function of their question? Is their question relevant to councilors’ personal characteristics or constituency attributes?
Literature review reveals that councilors are engaged in law-making and constituency service for re-election. Therefore, this study assumes that councilors have their strategies and considerations when determining what to question. Furthermore, according to Miaoli County Council’s rules of procedure, provides only 45 minutes maximum for each councilor’s question. Thus, this study expects the word amount of question is proportional to the importance of certain issues.
Regarding research methods, this study transcribes each councilor’s background from the election bulletin; moreover, this is the first time a study categorizes question content into different policy domains by Comparative Agenda Project(CAP) as well as the correlation between question content and each councilor’s constituency. In addition, the function of plenary question is classified according to Chou(2004)’s practical insights, it finally proceeds to descriptive statistics and regression analysis.
The research result presents individual background indeed has effects upon the content of plenary question. Councilors of opposition party have higher amount of words of question. Councilors’ times of question increases during sessions close to elections; city-councilors and councilors without college degree or higher education have more diverse content of question; councilors of ruling party, councilors without college degree or higher education, and when during sessions close to elections, the question content has higher connection to their individual constituency; councilors of opposition party, councilors of the Liu faction ,councilors with college degree or higher education, they tend to review and inspect the administrative performance during plenary question; councilors without college degree or higher education, and when elections are approaching, they tend to express public opinions about constituency during plenary question; political parties, constituency attributes, and education have effects upon policy domains of question.
中文摘要 .............................................................................................. iii
第一章 緒論 ........................................................................................... 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 ......................................................................... 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 ......................................................................... 8
第二章 苗栗縣人文地理與政治生態 ....................................................... 11
第一節 人文地理概述 ............................................................................ 11
第二節 苗栗地方政治生態概述 .............................................................. 14
第三節 苗栗縣議會政治生態概述 ........................................................... 18
第三章 文獻回顧 ................................................................................... 23
第一節 議員個人背景對於質詢內容關注領域的影響 ................................ 23
第二節 議員個人背景對於質詢內容與選區相關程度的影響 ...................... 30
第三節 質詢的功能 ................................................................................. 32
第四章 研究方法 ..................................................................................... 37
第一節 研究步驟 ..................................................................................... 37
第二節 內容分析法 ................................................................................. 40
第五章 總質詢字數數量分析 ................................................................... 55
第一節 苗栗縣議員總質詢字數總體分析 .................................................. 55
第二節 苗栗縣議員在不同背景下的總質詢字數—敘述性統計分
析 ........................................................................................................... 57
第三節 苗栗縣議員在不同背景下的總質詢字數—回歸統計分析
............................................................................................................... 65
第六章 總質詢多元性分析 ....................................................................... 69
第一節 苗栗縣議員總質詢多元性總體分析 ............................................... 69
第二節 苗栗縣議員在不同背景下的總質詢多元性-敘述性統計
分析 ....................................................................................................... 71
第三節 苗栗縣議員在不同背景下的總質詢多元性—回歸統計分
析 .......................................................................................................... 82
第四節 議員總質詢字數與多元性的關係 .................................................. 85
第七章 總質詢關注領域分析 ................................................................... 87
第一節 苗栗縣議員總質詢關注領域總體分析 ........................................... 87
第二節 苗栗縣議員在不同背景下的總質詢關注領域—敘述性統
計分析 ................................................................................................... 91
第八章 總質詢內容與選區相關程度分析 ................................................. 111
第一節 苗栗縣議員總質詢內容與選區相關程度總體分析 ......................... 111
第二節 苗栗縣議員在不同背景下的總質詢與選區相關程度—敘
述性統計分析 ........................................................................................ 113
第三節 苗栗縣議員在不同背景下的總質詢與選區相關程度—回
歸統計分析 ............................................................................................ 119
第九章 總質詢的功能 ............................................................................. 123
第一節 苗栗縣議員總質詢的功能總體分析 .............................................. 123
第二節 苗栗縣議員在不同背景下總質詢的功能—敘述性統計分析.......................................................................................................... 125
第三節 苗栗縣議員在不同背景下總質詢的功能—回歸統計分析
.............................................................................................................. 135
第十章 結論 ........................................................................................... 139
第一節 研究結果 .................................................................................... 139
第二節 綜合討論 .................................................................................... 142
第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議 ............................................................ 145
參考文獻 ............................................................................................... 148
附錄一 CAP 編碼表 ................................................................................ 154
附錄二 苗栗縣議員背景表 ...................................................................... 159
附錄三 回歸統計結果總表 ...................................................................... 162
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