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研究生(外文):Yun-Cih Jhan
論文名稱(外文):Research on Participatory Budget of Local Governments- Cases of Taipei City and Taoyuan City (2016-2019)
指導教授(外文):Ming-Tong Chen
口試委員(外文):Jih-Shine ChouHsien-Wu Chen
外文關鍵詞:Participatory budgetingdeliberative democracycitizen participationdemocracy cubeprinciples of participatory budget design
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本研究以臺北市與桃園市(下稱兩縣市)參與式預算為案例進行質化分析,探討兩縣市不同的參與式預算模式達成公民參與之程度是否會有不同,以民主立方體檢驗之,並就提案資訊及成果進行分析,藉以瞭解兩縣市參與式預算是否符合學者Brian Wampler提出之核心精神。
When the conventional representative democracy cannot meet the need of civil society. The repeated calls for the usage of mechanism for citizen participation in the system of deliberative democracy have formed the core present of democracy. Participatory budgeting is the fruit of this trend. When the government empowers citizens to identify the need and plan the budget for implementation, the public policy not only allows the majority of citizen’s contribution rather than the minority of officialdom to influence the decision but also becomes more legitimate.

In this study, the qualitative analysis of the participatory budgeting of Taipei City and Taoyuan City (hereinafter referred to as two cities) was carried out to examine whether the different participatory budget models used by the two cities caused the different degree of citizen participation. Furthermore, this study used democracy cube model and researched on the proposals and outcome of participatory budget in two cities to know whether these results accord with the core value of participatory budget submitted by Dr. Brian Wampler.

Although the models of participatory budgeting are different in two cities because of the disparate consideration of two mayors, they still showed considerable degree of citizen participation. Moreover, the study discovered that construction connected to people’s daily life accounts for majority of proposals, and this indicated that participatory budgeting is closely related to civil society. However, the scope of the participatory budgeting for public policy which only relies on citizens’ proposal may be limited. By the mechanism of setting issues, Taoyuan City has extended the breath of participatory budgeting to vulnerable groups or non-specific construction subjects. This method makes participatory budgeting play a more crucial role in social justice and resource redistribution.

In Taiwan, participatory budgeting is still at the promotion stage. This study suggests that local governments can discuss issue in terms of both quality and quantity to optimize the use of participatory budgeting. Also, the local government should advocate the establishment of an institutionalized trained database to assist in the consideration of operations and strive to enhance the feasibility of the proposal and fully disclosure of information to strengthen accountability. As for the process and content of participatory budgeting proposals, local governments need to constantly examine the cases and take rolling-wave planning to ensure its picture and implementation.
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究緣起與問題意識 1
壹、研究緣起 1
貳、問題意識 4
第二節 研究目的與主要研究問題 4
壹、研究目的 4
貳、主要研究問題 7
第二章 相關理論回顧與文獻探討 8
第一節 公民參與相關理論 8
壹、公民參與之意涵 8
貳、公民參與之立方體理論 9
第二節 審議式民主相關理論 14
壹、審議式民主內涵 14
貳、審議式民主設計原則 15
參、審議式民主的實踐 16
第三節 參與式預算意涵與發展 18
壹、參與式預算緣起 18
貳、參與式預算發展 20
參、參與式預算設計原則 21
肆、參與式預算成功之要件 21
伍、我國參與式預算態樣 22
第三章 研究設計 25
第一節 研究途徑與研究方法 25
壹、歷史比較研究途徑 25
貳、研究方法 25
第二節 研究架構 28
壹、研究架構 28
貳、研究流程 28
第四章 臺北市參與式預算之概況 30
第一節 臺北市參與式預算緣起 30
第二節 參與式預算機制 33
第三節 參與式預算施行成果 41
第五章 桃園市參與式預算之概況 67
第一節 桃園市參與式預算緣起 67
第二節 參與式預算機制 69
第三節 參與式預算施行成果 79
第六章 兩縣市參與式預算制度之比較 106
第一節 運作機制之比較 106
第二節 坐落於民主立方體之比較 108
第三節 符合參與式預算設計原則之比較 110
第四節 小結—兩縣市PB之特色 113
第七章 結 論 115
第一節 主要研究發現 115
第二節 後續研究建議 117
第三節 政策建議 118
參考文獻 122
附 錄 126
附錄一、訪談題綱(受訪者:桃園市市長) 126
附錄二、桃園市市長訪談資料 127
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