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研究生(外文):Chi-Ren Chen
論文名稱(外文):Combination of Ensemble Method and Deep-Learning Method to Forecast Sediment Yield in Watershed
指導教授(外文):Hong-Yuan Lee
口試委員(外文):Keh-Chia YehHao-Che Ho
外文關鍵詞:deep learningensemble calculusptimization of the number of ensemble membersSRH2DHEC-HMS
  • 被引用被引用:1
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The reservoir sedimentation issue which caused by Typhoon events become serious in Taiwan. If the sedimentation is effectively evaluated and predicted during typhoon events, the authority can make preparations and disaster response in advance to mitigate the quantity of incoming sediment and increase the life of reservoirs. The hydraulic model has been widely applied to predict the sedimentation in engineering practice. The estimation of sediment transport is mainly based on the simplification of the complex process through empirical equations and momentum equations, but it takes a lot of time for the parameters calibration and verification. Considering the climatic and topographic complexities in Taiwan, the variability of rivers is very large, so the parameters of the above numerical model will change with time. Therefore, this study is intended to reduce the uncertainty of model simulation by using the principle of system integration algorithm, which is widely used in meteorological forecasting, to simulate the river channel with multiple parameters of a single model by Monte Carlo method. The accuracy and efficiency of soil and sand hazard prediction in catchment areas are very important. In recent years, there have been many achievements in machine learning and deep learning for prediction, which have the advantages of simulating non-linear systems, fast computation, and continuous learning, and have been widely applied to hydrological simulation and prediction, such as inundation extent and inundation depth.
In this study, we simulate the water and sand values by using the parameter combinations obtained from the coefficient set algorithm, and then use the simulation results for soil and sand prediction by machine learning and deep learning. In this study, the study area is the upper reaches of Shimen Reservoir, and the data of the antecedent tributaries are firstly constructed by HEC-HMS model, and then the sand transport is simulated by SRH-2D model combined with the principle of system integration. The data is learned and predicted by MLP, DNN, RNN, LSTM, and GRU, and the prediction of sand delivery is provided for the next 1 to 6 hours. The results of the study show that the number of optimizing system integrators is 20 and the simulation results of Parker's formula are used as the data source for forecasting.
摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3研究架構 3
1.4 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 水理輸砂數值模式 5
2.2 不確定性及系集演算原理之應用 6
2.3 機器學習與深度學習之應用 9
第三章 研究方法 11
3.1 HEC-HMS模式介紹 11
3.1.1模式理論介紹 12
3.2 SRH-2D模式介紹 16
3.2.1 模式介紹 16
3.2.2水理控制方程式 17
3.2.3 輸砂控制方程式 19
3.2.4 模式參數說明 24
3.3系集演算法 25
3.4 機器學習介紹 27
3.4.1 多層感知器(Multi-Layer Perceptron,MLP) 28
3.4.2 深度神經網路(Deep Neural Networks,DNNs) 29
3.4.3 遞迴神經網路(Recurrent Neural Network,RNN) 31
3.4.4長短期記憶網路(Long Short-Term Memory,LSTM) 32
3.4.5閘門循環單元神經網路(Gated Recurrent Unit,GRU) 35
3.5 評鑑指標 37
第四章 基本資料蒐集及模型建置 40
4.1基本資料蒐集 40
4.2 HEC-HMS模式建置 46
4.3 SRH-2D模式建置 50
4.4 砂量預報建置 58
第五章 結果與討論 60
5.1 HEC-HMS模式之率定驗證 60
5.2 SRH-2D模式之率定驗證 63
5.2.1水理模式結果 63
5.2.2輸砂模式結果 66
5.3 建立土砂量預報 78
第六章 結論與建議 91
6.1 結論 91
6.2 建議 92
參考文獻 93
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