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研究生(外文):Chun-Ting Huang
論文名稱(外文):Development and Verification of Seismic Evaluation Model for Partially Confined Masonry Walls
指導教授(外文):Lap-Loi ChungTsung-Chih ChiouLai-Yun Wu
口試委員(外文):Shyh-Jiann HwangYi-Hsin ChenYi-Hsuan TuYu-Ping Yuen
中文關鍵詞:三面圍束磚牆簡易側推分析現地試驗TEASPA V4.0ASCE/SEI 41–17
外文關鍵詞:partially confined masonry wallssimplified pushover analysisin-situ pushover testTEASPA V4.0ASCE/SEI 41–17
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國震中心耐震補強技術手冊TEASPA V2.0三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型係參考台灣磚構造規範之三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型所建立,在同時考慮近力側及遠力側三面圍束磚牆下,經驗證高寬比為2.25至4.5含三面圍束磚牆RC構件及RC構架試體側推試驗,強度為試驗值之55%至95%,勁度為試驗值之9%至39%。驗證含高寬比2.72至8.29三面圍束磚牆校舍現地試驗,強度為試驗值110%,勁度為試驗值34%,強度高估及勁度低估原因為TEASPA V2.0三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型有高寬比不得大於2之限制。
國震中心為改善TEASPA V2.0三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型勁度偏軟問題,提出TEASPA V4.0三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型,該模型勁度採用ASCE/SEI 41–17複合柱勁度扣掉柱勁度,強度方面比TEASPA V2.0多了一項磚牆劈裂強度,經驗證高寬比為2.25至4.5含三面圍束磚牆RC構件及RC構架試體側推試驗,強度為試驗值之88%至118%,勁度為試驗值之32%至174%。驗證含高寬比2.72至8.29三面圍束磚牆校舍現地試驗,強度為試驗值131%,勁度為試驗值64%。TEASPA V4.0雖然精進TEASPA V2.0三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型,但對於高寬比大於2.25以上之三面圍束磚牆,仍有強度高估及勁度偏軟問題。
為了解決TEASPA V4.0的問題,本文將TEASPA V4.0三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型單曲率勁度提升為雙曲率勁度,並依照三面圍束磚牆高寬比超過1.5,對角裂縫越少之概念,縮短TEASPA V4.0三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型水平滑移裂縫及豎向灰縫劈裂裂縫等對角破壞路徑,並給予一個較小的磚牆劈裂強度,本文提出之三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型,經驗證高寬比為2.25至4.5含三面圍束磚牆RC構件及RC構架試體側推試驗,強度為試驗值之84%至95%,勁度為試驗值之53%至167%。驗證含高寬比2.72至8.29三面圍束磚牆校舍現地試驗,強度為試驗值95%,勁度為試驗值96%,故本文提出之三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型有效改善TEASPA V4.0強度高估及勁度偏軟的問題,且可適用於高寬比大於2以上之三面圍束磚牆,能有效掌握既有老舊加強磚造建築物之耐震能力,可提供工程師作為套裝軟體評估結果之參考。
Many existing street houses and school buildings in Taiwan are low-rise buildings and mostly constructed by reinforced brick before 1980, and over its service life. The seismic capacity of these old reinforced brick buildings cannot be confirmed to meet the seismic standards. At present, more than 30% of reinforced brick buildings in Taiwan have been over 40 years old and there are still many people living in and using it., therefore, it is still necessary to retrofited these old reinforced brick buildings to avoid damage or collapse in next earthquake damage or collapse. At this time, the seismic capacity evaluation of these old reinforced brick buildings are very important. If the evaluation results can effectively grasp the seismic capacity of these old reinforced brick buildings, the supplementary funds of government will be more convincing to the public.
For lighting, ventilation, and accessibility of this these old reinforced brick buildings, it is necessary to construct a partially confined masonry walls with an aspect ratio of 2 or more. It can also provide on the column side to assist the door and window configuration. These partially confined masonry walls with an aspect ratio of 2 or more can also provide strength and stiffness to resist the earthquake. However, because engineers do not understand the seismic behavior of these partially confined masonry walls with an aspect ratio of 2 or more, they usually ignore it during seismic capacity evaluation. This leads to underestimation of seismic capacity of these old reinforced brick buildings, which increases the retrofit funds.
In view of the lack of data of partially confined masonry walls with an aspect ratio of 2 or more, the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering(NCREE) in Taiwan carried out a series of pushover tests on partially confined masonry walls with an aspect ratio of 2 or more. The test specimens include a full-size column side with partially confined masonry walls with an aspect ratio of 2.25 to 4.00, a full-size partially confined masonry walls RC frame with an aspect ratio of 2.25 and a full-size low-rise school building with partially confined masonry walls with an aspect ratio of 2.72 to 8.29 for an in-situ pushover test to understand the seismic behavior of partially confined masonry walls during earthquakes. The test results found that partially confined masonry walls can provide lateral strength and lateral stiffness no matter on the near force side or the far force side.
In TEASPA V2.0(NCREE) partially confined masonry walls seismic evaluation model is established by design and construction specifications of brick structures for buildings in Taiwan. Under consideration of both the near force side and the far force side of the partially confined masonry walls, the predicted lateral force and lateral stiffness values for pushover tests of a full-size column side and RC frame with partially confined masonry walls with an aspect ratio of 2.25 to 4.00 are 55% to 95% and 9% to 39%, respectively. The predicted maximum base shear and initial stiffness values for an in-situ pushover test of full-size low-rise school building with partially confined masonry walls with an aspect ratio of 2.72 to 8.29 are 110% and 34% respectively. The reasons for overestimation of strength and underestimation of stiffness are that TEASPA V2.0 has a restriction that the aspect ratio of partially confined masonry walls should not be greater than 2.
In order to improve the stiffness of the TEASPA V2.0 partially confined masonry walls seismic evaluation model, NCREE proposed the TEASPA V4.0 partially confined masonry walls seismic evaluation model. The partially confined masonry walls model stiffness uses ASCE/SEI 41-17 composite column stiffness and the column stiffness is subtracted. In terms of strength, there is one more brick wall splitting strength than TEASPA V2.0. TEASPA V4.0 predicted lateral force and lateral stiffness values for pushover tests of a full-size column side and RC frame with partially confined masonry walls with an aspect ratio of 2.25 to 4.00 are 88% to 118% and 32% to 174%, respectively. The predicted maximum base shear and initial stiffness values for an in-situ pushover test of full-size low-rise school building with partially confined masonry walls with an aspect ratio of 2.72 to 8.29 are 131% and 64% respectively.
Although TEASPA V4.0 upgraded the TEASPA V2.0 partially confined masonry walls seismic evaluation model with an aspect ratio greater than 2.25, but, there are still problems of overestimation of strength and underestimation of stiffness. In order to solve TEASPA V4.0 issues, for the problem of underestimation of stiffness, this paper uses TEASPA V4.0 as the main partially confined masonry walls evaluation model and improve TEASPA V4.0 columns from single-curvature stiffness to double-curvature stiffness. For the problem of overestimation of strength, in accordance with the concept that when the aspect ratio of the partially confined masonry walls exceeds 1.5, the diagonal cracks is are fewer, and the diagonal damage paths of TEASPA V4.0 of partially confined masonry walls can be shortened, such as horizontal slip cracks and vertical gray splitting cracks, and also give a smaller masonry wall splitting strength. The partially confined masonry wall evaluation model proposed in this paper can predict lateral force and lateral stiffness values for a full-size column side and RC frame with partially confined masonry walls with an aspect ratio of 2.25 to 4.00 pushover tests are, 84 to 95% and 53% to 167%, respectively. The predicted maximum base shear and initial stiffness values for full-size low-rise school building with partially confined masonry walls with an aspect ratio of 2.72 to 8.29 for an in-situ pushover test are 95% and 96% respectively.
Therefore, the partially confined masonry wall evaluation model proposed in this paper can effectively improve overestimation of strength and underestimation of stiffness of TEASPA V4.0, and can be applied to partially confined masonry walls with an aspect ratio greater than 2. The proposed model can effectively predict the seismic behavior of the old reinforced brick buildings, and also can provide engineers a reference for the evaluation results of the package software.
口試委員會審定書 ...........................i
誌謝...................................... iii
ABSTRACT ................................. viii
表目錄...................................... xvii
第一章 緒論..................................1
1.1 研究動機與目的............................1
1.2 文獻回顧.................................5
1.2.1 國內三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型..............5
1.2.2 國外含開口磚牆RC 構架耐震評估模型..........6
1.2.3 國內既有高型三面圍束磚牆側推試驗...........7
1.2.4 國外既有開口磚牆RC 構架側推試驗...........8
第二章 台灣既有含三面圍束磚牆RC 構架耐震評估......11
2.1 TEASPA V2.0 柱耐震評估模型................12
2.2 TEASPA V2.0 三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型.........15
2.3 簡易側推分析基本假設.........................17
2.4 各樓層容量曲線之建立2.5 結構容量曲線之建立........................18
第三章 ASCE-41 含三面圍束磚牆RC 構架耐震評估法...........19
3.1 ASCE/SEI 41–17 開口複合柱耐震評估模型...............19
3.2 ASCE/SEI 41–17 柱耐震評估模型......................27
第四章 國內既有與三面圍束磚牆有關之側推試驗..............30
4.1 口湖含磚牆校舍現地試驗.....................30
4.1.1 口湖含磚牆校舍試體介紹..................................31
4.1.2 口湖含磚牆校舍柱斷面細節..............................34
4.1.3 口湖含磚牆校舍測試佈置....................................35
4.1.4 口湖含磚牆校舍材料試驗結果...............................37
4.1.5 口湖含磚牆校舍現地試驗結果..............................38
4.2 口湖空構架校舍現地試驗..............................41
4.2.1 口湖空構架校舍試體介紹................................41
4.2.2 口湖空構架校舍柱斷面細節....................................44
4.2.3 口湖空構架校舍材料試驗結果...............................46
4.2.4 口湖空構架校舍現地試驗結果...............................46
4.3 柱單側或雙側含足尺寸三面圍束磚牆側推試驗..................48
4.3.1 柱單側或雙側含足尺寸三面圍束磚牆試體介紹.................48
4.3.2 柱單側或雙側含足尺寸三面圍束磚牆試體柱斷面配筋細節.........52
4.3.3 柱單側或雙側含足尺寸三面圍束磚牆試體材料試驗結果.............52
4.3.4 柱單側或雙側含足尺寸三面圍束磚牆試體試驗結果.....................53
4.4 含足尺寸三面圍束磚牆RC 構架側推試驗............................55
4.4.1 含足尺寸三面圍束磚牆RC 構架試體介紹.................56
4.4.2 含足尺寸三面圍束磚牆RC 構架柱斷面配筋細節.............61
4.4.3 含足尺寸三面圍束磚牆RC 構架材料試驗.......................62
4.4.4 含足尺寸三面圍束磚牆RC 構架側推試驗結果...............63
第五章 國內外柱側含三面圍束磚牆評估方法之驗證...........................67
5.1 TEASPA V2.0 驗證口湖含磚牆校舍現地試驗.........................67
5.1.1 TEASPA V2.0 口湖含磚牆校舍垂直構件容量曲線之建立............68
5.1.2 TEASPA V2.0 口湖含磚牆校舍容量曲線之建立...................76
5.1.3 TEASPA V2.0 對口湖含磚牆校舍分析值與試驗值比較................78
5.1.4 小結..................................................79
5.2 TEASPA V2.0 驗證口湖空構架校舍現地試驗............................80
5.2.1 TEASPA V2.0 對口湖空構架校舍分析值與試驗值比較................84
5.2.2 小結..................................................85
5.3 TEASPA V2.0 驗證柱側含三面圍束磚牆側推試驗......................85
5.3.1 TEASPA V2.0 對柱側含三面圍束磚牆分析值與試驗值比較........89
5.3.2 小結.......................................91
5.4 TEASPA V2.0 驗證含三面圍束磚牆RC 構架側推試驗....................93
5.4.1 TEASPA V2.0 對含三面圍束磚牆RC 構架試體分析與試驗比較.98
5.4.2 小結......................................................99
5.5 ASCE/SEI 41–17 驗證口湖國小含磚牆校舍現地試驗...........................101
5.5.1 ASCE/SEI 41–17 對口湖含磚牆校舍分析值與試驗值比較.........110
5.5.2 小結..............................................111
5.6 ASCE/SEI 41–17 驗證口湖空構架校舍現地試驗..........................113
5.6.1 ASCE/SEI 41–17 對口湖空構架校舍分析與試驗比較...........116
5.6.2 小結................................................................117
5.7 ASCE/SEI 41–17 驗證含三面圍束磚牆RC 構架側推試驗....................117
5.7.1 ASCE/SEI 41–17 對含三面圍束磚牆RC 構架試體分析與試驗比較127
5.7.2 小結....................................130
第六章 TEASPA 及ASCE/SEI 41–17 評估法精進.........................133
6.1 前語..............................................133
6.2 TEASPA V4.0 三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型...............................133
6.2.1 TEASPA V4.0 對口湖含磚牆校舍分析值與試驗值比較..............144
6.2.2 小結..........................................................144
6.3 ASCE/SEI 41–17 URM 純磚牆耐震評估模型............................145
6.4 ASCE/SEI 41–17+URM 對口湖含磚牆校舍驗證結果......................147
6.4.1 ASCE/SEI 41–17+URM 得口湖含磚牆校舍分析值與試驗值比較149
6.4.2 小結................................................150
第七章 三面圍束磚牆耐震評估方法開法與驗證.....................................152
7.1 前語.................................................................152
7.2 TEASAP V4.0 三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型勁度修正...........................156
7.2.1 TEASAP V4.0 三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型勁度修正試體驗證..160
7.2.2 小結......................................................168
7.3 TEASAP V4.0 三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型強度修正...........................170
7.3.1 不同高寬比三面圍束磚牆破壞路徑及臨界破壞角之建立...........172
7.3.2 TEASPA V4.0 三面圍束磚牆水平滑移強度及磚牆劈裂強度修正200
7.4 不同高寬比三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型....................202
7.4.1 高寬比2 以上小於5 之三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型...................202
7.4.2 高寬比5 以上之三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型...............................209
7.4.3 柱雙側不對稱三面圍束磚牆計算方式.........................213
7.5 本文三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型驗證構件側推試驗............................217
7.5.1 本文三面圍束磚牆評估模型得構件容量曲線分析與試驗比較...221
7.5.2 小結....................................................222
7.6 本文三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型驗證構架側推試驗............................222
7.6.1 本文三面圍束磚牆評估模型得構架容量曲線分析與試驗比較...224
7.6.2 小結............................................................225
7.7 本文三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型驗證校舍現地試驗............................225
7.7.1 本文三面圍束磚牆評估模型得校舍容量曲線分析與試驗比較...237
7.7.2 小結..............................................................238
7.8 TEASPA V2.0、TEASPA V4.0 及本文評估模型比較.............................239
第八章 結論與展望.........................................................241
8.1 結論.............................................................241
8.2 未來展望.................................................243
附錄A TEASPA V2.0 三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型..........................252
附錄B ASCE/SEI 41–17 複合柱耐震評估模型.............................255
附錄C TEASPA V4.0 三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型........................262
附錄D 本文建議三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型..............................268
附錄E 陳奕信三面圍束磚牆耐震評估模型初始勁度.........................282
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