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研究生(外文):Kuan-Yu Zheng
論文名稱(外文):Simulation and analysis of the effects of a muddy seabed on water waves through obstacles
指導教授(外文):I-Chi Chan
口試委員(外文):Meng-yu LinChih-Chieh Yang
外文關鍵詞:underwater obstaclesmuddy bottom bedOpenFOAMOlaFlownumerical simulation
  • 被引用被引用:1
  • 點閱點閱:115
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  • 收藏至我的研究室書目清單書目收藏:0
The issue of waves passing through obstacles at different locations has always attracted much attention in the academic and engineering circles. As we all know, the setting of obstacles affects the behavior of waves passing through, and the waves will also produce a cyclical force on the obstacles. The interaction between waves and obstacles will be affected by the conditions of the bottom bed, and it will also affect the transportation of sediment. This article refers to the interaction between the above three as "wave-obstacle-sediment interaction" . Since there are few theories, experiments, and numerical simulations about the interaction between the three, this research intends to establish a numerical flume to simulate the influence behavior between the three.
In this study, the open numerical simulation software OpenFOAM's solver multiphaseInterFoam and the static wave-making boundary conditions provided by OlaFlow are used to establish a numerical tank that can describe periodic waves and multiphase flows. By simulating waves, it passes through floating obstacles on the water surface, submerged obstacles on the bottom, underwater submerged obstacles, and bottom troughs containing sediment. Then compare with the corresponding analytical solutions or experimental measurements to verify the model in this article.
Finally, this paper carried out the above-mentioned three obstacle configuration methods to add the bottom groove containing sediment to carry out the numerical experiment, and analyzed and compared the free surface wave height, flow field, velocity profile, and obstacle force. Among them, the simulation results of waves passing through obstacles on the water surface in the bottom trough containing sediment are compared with the analytical solutions derived by Chang (2021), and the results are quite consistent. From the results of numerical experiments, it can be found that the conditions of the bottom mud bottom bed will cause wave attenuation, resulting in a decrease in reflected waves and transmitted waves, and will cause the vertical force of the obstacle to decrease, but it has little effect on the horizontal force of the obstacle.
口試委員審定書 I
致謝 II
摘要 III
Abstract IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XV
符號表 XVI
第1章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與意義 1
1.2文獻回顧 4
1.2.1 波浪通過障礙物之問題 5
1.2.2 底泥問題 8
1.3研究方法 11
1.4論文架構 12
第2章 數值模式 14
2.1 OpenFOAM概要 14
2.2 控制方程式 15
2.2.1 VARANS方程式介紹 15
2.2.2 流體體積法(VOF) 16
2.3 邊界條件 16
2.4造波原理 17
2.4.1 olaFlow造波概要 17
2.4.2 槳式造波器 18
第3章 數值波浪水槽的建立與驗證 21
3.1 造波測試 21
3.1.1數值水槽之建立 22
3.1.2 造波結果呈現 23
3.2 波浪通過水面上浮式障礙物驗證 29
3.2.1 數值水槽之建立 30
3.2.2 物理參數計算方法 36
3.2.3 結果呈現 39
3.2.4 結果驗證 51
3.3 波浪通過底床上潛式障礙物驗證 54
3.3.1 數值水槽之建立 54
3.3.2 結果呈現 57
3.3.3 結果驗證 69
3.4 波浪通過水中障礙物驗證 72
3.4.1 數值水槽之建立 72
3.4.2 物理參數 75
3.4.3 結果呈現 76
3.4.4 驗證結果 90
3.5波浪通過泥質底床之驗證:與實驗值比較 95
3.5.1 數值水槽之建立 96
3.5.2 驗證結果 97
3.6波浪通過泥質底床之驗證:與理論值比較 104
3.6.1 數值水槽之建立 104
3.6.2 驗證結果 105
第4章 底泥條件對於水波通過障礙物影響性之討論 112
4.1波浪通過水面上浮式障礙物 112
4.1.1 數值水槽之建立 112
4.1.2 與解析解比較分析 114
4.1.3 自由液面分析 120
4.1.4 流場比較 122
4.1.5 水域水平最大速度剖面比較 124
4.1.6 障礙物受力分析 127
4.2 波浪通過底床上潛式障礙物 129
4.2.1 數值水槽之建立 129
4.2.2 自由液面之比較分析 130
4.2.3 流場比較分析 130
4.2.4 水域水平最大速度剖面比較分析 132
4.2.5 受力分析 135
4.3 波浪通過水中浮式障礙物 137
4.3.1 數值水槽建立 138
4.3.2 自由液面比較 139
4.3.3 流場比較分析 139
4.3.4 水域水平最大速度剖面比較 141
4.3.5 受力分析 144
第5章 結論與建議 147
5.1 結論 147
5.1.1模型測試 147
5.1.2數值實驗 147
5.2 建議 148
參考文獻 150
附錄 152
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張振緯(2021) 波浪通過泥質底床上之水面結構物的理論分析(未出版碩士論文)國立臺灣大學
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