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研究生(外文):Yu-Mei Gao
論文名稱(外文):Intention to help persons at risk of suicide and its associated factors in the general population: a national telephone survey in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Shu-Sen Chang
口試委員(外文):Ying-Yeh ChenDuan-Rung Chen
外文關鍵詞:suicidehelping intentionmisconceptionsattitude
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方法:資料來自於2020年6月1日至7月 31日期間執行的全國代表性電話調查,我們詢問台灣20歲以上成人對自殺風險者的助人意圖,對自殺的誤解與態度,人口與社會經濟特徵,及心理健康狀況。本研究使用多項式羅吉斯回歸檢驗助人意圖及其他因子的關聯性。
結果:低度意圖、中度意圖以及高度意圖的比例分別為43.6%,20.8%,與 35.7%。對自殺的誤解並不罕見(22.7-46.6%),然而參與者普遍對自殺預防措施持有正向態度(41.6-92.5%)。中度與高度助人意圖與「多數自殺的發生都沒有徵兆」及「說要自殺的人多數都不是當真的」的誤解呈現負相關,與覺得「超過半數的自殺是可預防的」呈正相關,但也與認為半數以上的自殺企圖者最後仍會自殺身亡呈現正相關。
Introduction: Many individuals with suicidal risk do not actively seek help from professionals. Therefore, those surrounding the individual at risk may play an important supporting role. However, there are few previous population-based studies of helping intention toward suicidal individuals and its associated factors. This study aimed to investigate helping intention toward individuals at risk of suicide and its association with misconceptions and attitudes toward suicide and suicide prevention using a national representative sample from Taiwan.
Method: The data were from a national telephone survey conducted in Taiwan between June 1 and July 31, 2020. Adult participants aged 20 years and above were asked about their helping intention, misconceptions and attitudes toward suicide, socio-demographic characteristics, and mental health status. Multinomial logistic regression was used to investigate factors associated with helping intention.
Results: The percentage of participants with low-, medium- and high-level of helping intention were 43.6%, 20.8%, and 35.7%, respectively. Misconceptions about suicide were not uncommon (22.7-46.6%), while most participants also had positive attitudes toward suicide prevention measures (41.6-92.5%). Medium- and high-level helping intention was negatively associated with the misconception “most suicides happen suddenly without warning”, “people who talk about suicide do not mean to do it” and positively associated with feeling that more than half of suicides are preventable but was also positively associated with feeling that more than half of suicide attempters would eventually die by suicide.
Conclusion: High helping intention toward suicide was reported in only around one third of individuals in our national representative sample. Efforts to enhance helping intention should consider its various associations with different misconceptions and attitudes toward suicide in the population.
口試委員會審定書 ii
誌謝 iii
中文摘要 iv
Abstract v
Table of contents vii
Tables viii
Appendix viii
Chapter 1. Background 1
Chapter 2. Methods 4
2.1 Data 4
2.2 Measurements 4
2.2.1 Socio-demographic characteristics 4
2.2.2 Mental health status 5
2.2.3 Misconceptions about suicide 5
2.2.4 Attitude toward suicide and its prevention 6
2.2.5 Attitude toward specific suicide prevention measures 7
2.2.6 Helping intention 7
2.3 Statistical analysis 8
Chapter 3. Results 9
Chapter 4. Discussion 12
4.1 Main finding 12
4.2 Strengths and limitations 12
4.3 Helping intention 13
4.4 The association between socioeconomic factors, mental health status and intention to help 14
4.5 The association between knowledge, attitude toward suicide and intention to help 15
4.6 Implication 16
4.7 Conclusion 17
Reference 18
Tables 20
Appendix 24
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