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研究生(外文):Amy Le
論文名稱(外文):Area Ethnic Density and Self-Harm in City of Manchester, England
指導教授(外文):Shu-Sen Chang
口試委員(外文):Chin-Kuo ChangHsien-Ho Lin
外文關鍵詞:self-harmethnicityethnic density
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這項研究使用了曼徹斯特自殘項目的數據,這是一項前瞻性隊列研究,該研究收集了在英格蘭西北部曼徹斯特市急診科就診的個人數據。使用負二項式回歸模型來估計曼徹斯特市 258 個小區域的三個最大種族群體(即白人、黑人和南亞人)中與地區種族密度相關的自殘發生率比率。
2003-2016 年曼徹斯特市有 15,889 次自殘指數事件。白人的自殘率高於其他少數民族。在所有被調查的種族群體(白人、黑人和南亞人)中,女性自殘的發生率高於男性; 45 歲以下的年輕群體的自殘率高於 45 歲或以上的老年群體;面積剝奪與較高的自殘率有關。地區種族密度是白人和南亞人自殘的保護因素,但在黑人人口中則不然。
Past research shows that the incidence rates of self-harm varied by ethnic group, but little research has been done on the relationship between area ethnic density and ethnicity-specific self-harm incidence.
We investigated the association of area ethnic density with ethnicity-specific self-harm incidence in the City of Manchester, England.
This study used data from the Manchester Self-Harm Project, a prospective cohort study that gathered data of individuals presenting with self-harm to emergency departments in the City of Manchester, North West England. Negative binomial regression models were used to estimate the incidence rate ratios for self-harm associated with area ethnic density in each of the three largest ethnic groups, i.e., White, Black, and South Asians, across 258 small areas in the City of Manchester.
There were 15,889 index episodes of self-harm in the City of Manchester in 2003-2016. People of White origin had higher incidence rate of self-harm than other ethnic minority groups. Across all ethnic groups investigated (White, Black, and South Asian), females had higher incidence rates of self-harm than males; younger groups aged below 45 years had higher self-harm rates than older groups aged 45 years or above; and area deprivation was associated with higher self-harm rates. Area ethnic density was a protective factor for self-harm in White and South Asians, but not in the Black population.
Area ethnic density is a protective factor for self-harm in White and South Asians but not in the Black population in the City of Manchester, England.
Acknowledgement ii
中文論文摘要 iii
Abstract v
Introduction 1
Burden of Self-Harm 1
Ethnicity and Self-Harm 1
Ethnic density and self-harm 3
Importance of the Study 5
Study Objectives 6
Methods 6
Self-harm episode and population data 6
Data for area-level characteristics 7
Ethnicity and ethnic density 8
Ethics Statement 8
Statistical Analysis 9
Results 10
Discussion 11
Main Findings 11
Comparison to previous findings 12
Strengths and Limitations 14
Implications 14
Figures 15
Figure 1: Flow chart of study sample. 15
Tables 16
Table 1: The total number and annual rate of self-harm episodes by ethnicity, sex, and age in City of Manchester, England (2003-2016). 16
Table 2: Self-harm incidence rate ratio (IRR) and their confidence intervals for female (reference: male), age groups (reference: 0-24 years), and one standard deviation (SD) increase in 2000 index of multiple deprivation (IMD) and ethnicity density by ethnic group 17
Table 3: Self-harm incidence rate ratio (IRR) and their confidence intervals for female (reference: male), age groups (reference: 0-24 years), ethnicity (people of specific ethnic group vs others), and one standard deviation (SD) increase in 2000 index of multiple deprivation (IMD) and ethnicity density, for White (vs Non-White), Black (vs Non-Black), and South Asians (vs non-South Asians) 18
Table 4: Self-harm adjusted incidence rate ratio (aIRR), controlling for sex, age, 2000 index of multiple deprivation (IMD), for one standard deviation (SD) increase in ethnicity density in White vs Non-White, Black vs Non-Black, and South Asians vs Non-South Asians, and the interaction between ethnicity and area ethnic density with regard to self-harm risk 19
References 20
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