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研究生(外文):Thai-Tsuan Chang
論文名稱(外文):Perceived Effort- and Academic Grade-Related Parenting Profiles and Taiwanese Adolescent’s Adjustment: The Role of Children’s Interpretation
指導教授(外文):Keng-Ling Lay
口試委員(外文):Ruey-Ling ChuYee-San TeohWen-Ying LinYih-Lan Liu
外文關鍵詞:academic gradebelief-oriented parenting practiceeffortinterpretation to parenting practiceperson-centered approach
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From the perspective of dynamic system approaches, this study investigated effort- and academic grade- related belief-oriented parenting practices perceived by Taiwanese adolescents and adolescent’s interpretation to the parenting practices. The belief-oriented parenting practices were based on Confucian view about effort, highlighted target person (adolescent or parent) relevant to adolescent’s academic achievement, and Western theories in the field of academic motivation such as self-determination theory and growth mindset theory. The person-centered approach was adopted to separately identify potential groups characterized by different profiles of effort-related belief-oriented parenting practices and potential groups with different profiles of academic grade-related belief-oriented parenting practices. Between-group differences of effort-related parenting profiles and between-group differences of grade-related parenting profiles in adolescents’ adjustments were then investigated. Moderating effects of adolescent’s interpretation for specific parenting practice on the aforementioned relation between effort-related / academic grade-related parenting profiles and adolescent’s adjustment were further explored. A total of 724 seventh- and eighth- graders and 835 parents of seventh- and eighth- graders in the great Taipei area participated this study. These adolescents reported their perceptions about one of their parents’ parenting practices when their parents had thought the adolescents did not study hard or got bad grades in school. They also reported their interpretation to each of the aforementioned effort- and academic grade- related belief-oriented parenting practices as well as their adjustment. Parents participating this study filled out questionnaires about their beliefs toward effort and children’s academic achievement. The results revealed that four profiles of effort-related parenting practices and four profiles of academic grade-related parenting practices emerged. The effort-related parenting profiles differed in not only parent’s effort-related beliefs but also adolescent’s adjustment. Similarly, the academic grade-related parenting profiles differed in not only parent’s academic achievement-related beliefs but also adolescent’s adjustment. Moreover, adolescent’s interpretation toward specific parenting practices moderated the relations between effort-related parenting profiles and adolescent’s effort-related beliefs. Implications of the emerged effort- and academic grade-related belief-oriented parenting practices were discussed.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 父母的努力信念:美德觀、角色義務觀、常規與道德信念 3
第二節 父母對子女學業成就之信念:關乎子女未來與關乎父母自我價值 6
第三節 父母教養實作與青少年學習適應:信念取向之教養實作 10
第四節 青少年對父母教養實作的解讀 16
第五節 以個體中心取向探討教養實作 21
第六節 研究目標 24
第二章 研究方法 29
第一節 研究參與者 29
第二節 研究程序 29
第三節 研究工具 30
第四節 分析方法 36
第三章 研究結果 41
第一節 青少年覺知之父母努力與成績教養組型 41
第二節 不同父母教養組型背後的父母信念差異 46
第三節 不同父母教養組型下青少年的學習適應 50
第四節 青少年對父母信念取向教養實作之解讀對不同父母教養組型下青少年的適應的調節效果 53
第四章 討論 63
第一節 青少年覺知父母努力教養組型與父母的努力信念及青少年的適應的關係 64
第二節 青少年覺知父母成績教養組型與父母的學業成就信念及青少年的適應的關係 68
第三節 努力議題與成績議題下父母教養實作的差異性 72
第四節 研究限制與未來展望 73
參考文獻 77
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