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研究生(外文):Quang-Hao Lu
論文名稱(外文):Distinction between military activities and law enforcement activities: Use of force by maritime law enforcement in sovereignty disputed territory
指導教授(外文):Huang-chih Chiang
口試委員(外文):Winston Yu-Tsang WuChen-Ju Chen
外文關鍵詞:law enforcementterritorial disputesovereign dispute territoryuse of forceenforcement jurisdictionlaw enforcement measuresthreat of force
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Upon gaining the status of customary international law, the principle of non-use of force has become the cornerstone of the contemporary international law. Combining with the introduction to Weapon of Mass Destruction, war has become less common, consecutively replaced by small scale armed incidence between major States. In place of the traditional method, States have shift to many less provocative measures, which are called the Gray Area by many international relations scholars. One of these measures are the reliance on law enforcement officials to enforcing claims on many fronts.

Traditionally, the use of force by law enforcement is straightforward excluded under the scope of the prohibition. However, with the growing stead of the conflicts, this so-called traditional dichotomy has become more blur than ever. In the Guyana/Suriname Award, the Tribunal explicitly pronounced what Suriname believed was merely law enforcement operation a threat of force that violates international law. This case is the first and will not be the last of determining this issue. Facing the growing challenge of this aspect, and the gap that international law currently has, this thesis endeavors to resolve the issue and tackle the challenge of distinguishing between these concepts.

Moreover, while it is common sense that the traditional role of law enforcement officials is to maintain public law and order, more States have used them to enforce maritime claims in sovereignty disputed territory. This growing threat is no doubt relevant to the distinguishment, and it is essential to determine what is the nature of such activity. The matter is nonetheless political sensitive, but as a part of the international law community, it is our responsibility to resolve and clarify what kind of issues that this challenge may possibly bring.
Table of contents
致謝詞 i
Abstract iv
中文摘要 vi
Chapter 1 1
Maritime security, creeping jurisdiction and the challenges from the use of force by law enforcement 1
I. Challenges from maritime security and the growing reliance on law enforcement 1
II. Creeping jurisdiction, excessive maritime claims, overlapping waters and the use of force in sovereignty disputed territory 2
III. Law enforcement and Gray Zone 5
A. Definition of Gray Zone 6
B. Law enforcement as one of the Gray zone activities 8
C. The problem of incorporating the “Gray zone” concept in international law 9
IV. The use of force by law enforcement in contemporary international law 10
V. Research purposes, scope of the research, and structure of the research 15
A. Research purposes 15
B. Scope of the research 16
C. Thesis’s structure 16
D. Overview 17
Chapter 2 1
Maritime enforcement jurisdiction and the use of force under the United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea 1
I. Introduction 1
II. Maritime jurisdiction under UNCLOS 2
A. Internal waters 2
B. Territorial sea 4
C. Contiguous zone 5
D. Exclusive Economic Zone 7
E. The High Seas 9
III. Use of force under UNCLOS 12
A. Use of force at the high seas: the demilitarization of UNCLOS? 12
B. Use of force against vessels in the innocent passage 17
IV. Conclusion 22
Chapter 3 24
Use of force by law enforcement in international law 24
I. Bilateral and Multilateral treaties framing the law enforcement use of force 25
A. United Nations Convention of the law of the sea and the 1995 Fish Stocks Agreement 26
B. Enforcement in the context of suppressing illicit trafficking in Narcotic drugs and Psychotropic Substances 27
II. Principles govern the law enforcement use of force under customary international law 30
A. The Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials 30
B. Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials 31
III. Judicial decisions regarding the law enforcement use of force 33
A. I’m Alone case 33
B. Red Crusader 38
C. M/V Saiga 40
IV. The contemporary regime of law enforcement use of force 45
A. Principle of necessity 45
B. Principles of proportionality 50
C. Principle of precaution 52
V. Crossing law enforcement use of force and other regimes 54
A. International human rights 54
B. International humanitarian law 56
VI. Conclusion 57
Chapter 4 60
Use of force by law enforcement officials in sovereignty disputed territories 60
I. Law enforcement and the use of force 60
A. The prohibition of the use of force 61
B. Minimum threshold of using force – the use of force by law enforcement 63
II. Use of force at sovereign disputed areas 70
A. Definition of the use of force at sovereign disputed areas 70
B. Sending military and police toward sovereignty disputed territory as a threat of force 72
C. Case law concerning the use of force under sovereignty disputed territories 79
D. Principles that govern the use of force under sovereignty disputed territory 89
III. Conclusion 102
Chapter 5 104
The distinction between military and law enforcement 104
I. Military activities v. law enforcement activities 105
A. Military activities 106
B. Law enforcement activities 112
C. The distinguishing between military activities and law enforcement activities 114
D. Concluding remarks 131
II. Law enforcement use of force under the law enforcement regime and ius ad bellum regime 133
A. First criterion: elements of Article 2(4) 135
B. Second criterion: the task of the action 139
C. Third criterion: basis for jurisdiction 142
D. Fourth criterion: the gravity and scale of the act 148
E. Fifth criterion: the author and the subjected vessel 151
F. Concluding remarks 156
III. Conclusion 157
Chapter 6. Conclusions 159
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