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研究生(外文):Samuel Garcia
論文名稱(外文):Dragging Up Taiwan: The Construction of Queer Genders through Drag Performance in Taipei
指導教授(外文):Yamauchi Fumitaka
口試委員(外文):Eva TsaiEno Chen
外文關鍵詞:Queer MusicologyTaiwan StudiesGender StudiesDrag PerformanceQueer StudiesDrag LocalizationsUtopic Performativity
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In the last few years, the drag scene in Taipei has grown exponentially in terms of both performers and venues, and it shows no signs of slowing down. Exploring the development of drag in Taipei, this thesis begins with a historical overview of gender nonconforming performance in Taiwan, which continues to influence contemporary drag culture. With fieldwork conducted across drag space in Taipei from 2017 to 2021, as well as interviews with performers, Taipei’s contemporary drag culture is outlined in terms of active performers, events and venues, and popular performance styles. The following chapters provide case studies, first of localizations of global drag culture to Taiwan, including representations of Taiwanese temple cultures, indigenous Taiwanese cultures, and specific political situations regarding LGBTQ rights. As global trends and local cultures mix, globalization and localization engage in a symbiotic relationship where globalized drag culture grows from the increased diversity of queer genders represented through localizations, and local cultures’ gender constructions and discriminatory practices are challenged through drag performance. Further challenging mainstream gender ideology, the following chapter analyzes drag that break the binary by utilizing symbols of masculinity and femininity simultaneously. Through their own agency, these performers combine the butch and femme roles outline by Sue-Ellen Case’s butch-femme subject position. Moving beyond contemporary ideas of gender presentation and human behavior, the final chapter explores the posthuman in drag, including presentations as alien figures, animalistic humanoids, and bodies combined with technology. Through uncanny posthuman representations, these artists engage in a utopian performance, a concept theorized by Muñoz, orienting the space towards a future where gender is not heavily policed and being human is no longer tied to the heteronormative gender binary. It is this embedded hope that creates a utopic imagining, always on the horizon, always oriented towards a queer future.
Chapter I: Introduction
1.1 Literature Review..........................................................5
1.1.1 Gender and Sexuality Studies x Performance Studies.......................5
1.1.2 Taiwan Studies x Gender and Sexuality Studies............................7
1.1.3 Ethnomusicology x Queer Musicology.......................................9
1.2 Theoretical Concerns......................................................11
1.3 Methodology...............................................................17
1.4 Goals and Contribution....................................................21

Chapter II: A Brief History of Gender Nonconforming Performance in Taiwan.....23
2.1 Introduction: Acceptance of Gender Nonconformity Onstage versus Offstage..23
2.2 The Fanchuan Show (反串秀) as a Precursor to Drag..........................31
2.3 The Arrival of Drag........................ ..............................36

Chapter III: Ethnography of Contemporary Drag Performance Culture in Taipei...41
3.1 Introduction: Enchanted by Taipei’s Drag Scene............................41
3.2 Where is drag happening?......... .....................................44
3.3 Who is doing drag?........................................................50
3.4 What kind of drag are they doing?.........................................58

Chapter IV: Localizations: Representations of Local Cultures in Drag Performance ..............................................................................71
4.1 Introduction: Drag’s Political Power......................................71
4.2 The Taiwanization of Drag.................................................72
4.3 Representation of Indigenous Taiwanese Cultures...........................85

Chapter V: “Actually Transgressive”: Breaking the Binary of Gender Construction in Drag Performance...........................................................92
5.1 Introduction: Underground Gender Play.....................................92
5.2 Sawyer’s ButchFemme Aesthetic.............................................95
5.3 Rafaela’s Masculine Femininity...........................................102

Chapter VI: The Alien in Drag: Utopic Performativity in Posthuman Drag.......109
6.1 Outside Gender, Outside Human............................................111
6.2 Nymphia’s “Alien Experiment”.............................................114
6.3 Is Popcorn Even “Human”?.................................................119

Chapter VII: Conclusion for Dragging Up Taiwan...............................123
7.1 Summary..................................................................123
7.2 Contribution.............................................................127
7.3 Continuing Research......................................................128

Book, Journal, and Dissertation Sources:

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News Sources:

China Times, June 28, 1996.

Taiwan Daily New News, June 23, 1908.

Taiwan Daily New News, February 2, 1909.

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Online Sources:

“BLUSH,” https://www.facebook.com/blushtaipei/, Facebook.

“CUM – Create Ur Mmmagic Drag Labs,” https://www.facebook.com/draglabstw/?ref=page_internal, Facebook.

Kunai 古奈 (@kunai0905), “Make a diva 2 第二集 主題是女英雄,” Instagram, January 20, 2021, https://www.instagram.com/p/CKQ6HtslF1M/?utm_medium=copy_link

Nymphia Wind 妮妃雅 風 (@66wind99), “The Tiger Gaurdian 老虎,” Instagram, September 13, 2019, https://www.instagram.com/tv/B2T9xSBnuU8/.

Rose Mary 羅斯瑪麗 (@rosemary_besu), “Rose Mary 泰雅古訓,” Instagram, November 18, 2018, https://www.instagram.com/tv/BqHTCyWBi82/.

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TV Sources:

RuPaul’s Drag Race. “RuPaul Book Ball,” Season 8 Episode 8. Directed by Nick Murray. Logo TV, April 25th, 2016.

Interviews by Author:

Nymphia Wind, interview by author, phone recording, Taipei city, November 7, 2019.

Popcorn, interview by author, phone recording, Taipei city, November 26th, 2019.

Rose Mary, interview by author, phone recording, Taipei city, March 22, 2020.

Sawyer Darling, interview by author, phone recording, Taipei city, June 7th, 2019.
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