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研究生(外文):Huai-Chien Kuo
論文名稱:全球車用半導體產業分析-後疫情時代台廠因應策略 以T公司為例
論文名稱(外文):Global Automotive Semiconductor Industry Analysis – Business Strategy of Taiwanese Enterprise The Case Study of T Company
指導教授(外文):Chia-Lin Chen
口試委員(外文):Jiun-Yu YuMing-Daw Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Business EcosystemAuto SemiconductorPackage and testingCMOS Image SensorCore Competence Model(VRIN)Boston growth MatrixEcosystem StrategyTong Hsing Electronic
  • 被引用被引用:8
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Many industries have been forced to transform, adjust production processes and plans worldwide, or adjust their overall business strategies as a result of the pandemic since 2019. The field of automotive chip due to the end-vehicle plant wrongly estimated of market demand, resulting in poor supply and production capacity shortage situation. Consequently, this research would like to elaborate start from the global automotive market size to from the first chapter, in order to understand the actual market demand changes and manufacturing supply-side situation.
The second chapter mainly reviews the relevant theory and managerial tools related to the core competence and business strategy, in order to assists the follow-up chapter of this study to analyze and discuss the current situation and future development of case study companies in a more structural way, including resource-based theory, strategy theory, business ecosystem, ecosystem strategy, core competitiveness analysis model and Boston growth matrix.
The third chapter is mainly aimed at the semiconductor industry analysis. First of all, this study conduct the global semiconductor industry supply chain analysis, to understand the chip market end application products and their competing relationship with each other. Second, according to statistics, to understand how consumer market be affected by chip shortage, including consumer electronics supply or potential price increase, automotive design changes. At last, analyzing the global industrial semiconductor market size to predict the future market prospects and development. By gradually focusing on the auto chip field from the semiconductor market in the preceding chapter, including a number of statistics to understand the development of the global auto parts and chips industry, as well as to explain the auto semiconductor-related components and major market participants, we could know more about the top market players and their deep-cultivated areas, as the basis for the strategic recommendations and direction of strategy planning.
This chapter also discusses the technical level of auto chips and their supply chain relationship, in order to explain the reason why vehicle manufacturers still difficult to avoid supply chain exercise risks in post-epidemic era. As the conclusion of chapter, this study conducts overall auto market trends and future auto market growth estimates, to understand Taiwan's auto chip manufacturers how to encounter increasingly complex international supply chain relations, and assist them to seize market opportunities and derivative challenges.
In chapter four and five, this study mainly aimed at the analysis of case study company and its response strategy. On the basis of case study company's past development history, management culture, core business and financial analysis to understand its competitive advantage and future strategies which it can utilize. Through product line analysis, this study also mentions the approaches to establish business ecosystem and conducting of ecosystem strategies from a research perspective. At the end of the chapter, analyzing the overall external environmental risks for case company as a reference when settling business strategy in the future.
To summarize the results of this research, this study considers that case study company could continuously keep its short-term competitive strengths through technology innovation and providing one-stop service. However, in the face of challenges from group-type alliance and ecosystem, the establishment of business ecosystem for long-term stability of enterprise development will be crucial.
謝辭 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iv
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xii
第一章、緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究方法與研究流程 2
第四節 研究限制 3
第二章、 文獻回顧及探討 5
第一節 資源基礎理論 5
第二節 商業生態系統與生態圈策略 7
2.1 商業生態系統 7
2.2 生態圈策略 9
第三節 核心競爭力分析模型 13
第四節 波士頓成長矩陣 14
第三章、 產業分析 18
第一節 全球汽車市場需求供給 18
1.1 全球汽車銷售市場規模 18
1.2 全球汽車製造規模 19
1.3 全球二手車市場 21
第二節 全球半導體產業概覽 22
2.1 半導體產業供應鏈 23
2.2 消費性電子產品需求 25
2.3 全球各產業半導體市場規模 29
第三節 全球車用晶片市場概覽 30
3.1 全球車用晶片市場規模 30
3.2 車用半導體市場概覽 32
第四節 車用晶片產業技術層次及供應鏈 40
4.1 車用晶片技術層次 40
4.2 車用晶片供應鏈 42
第五節 台灣車用晶片商之機會與挑戰 44
5.1 車用發展趨勢 44
5.2 未來車用成長預估 47
5.3 台灣車用晶片廠商之機會與挑戰 49
第六節 台廠CIS封測產業競爭分析 50
第四章、 個案台廠策略分析暨因應策略 55
第一節 台廠車用CIS供應鏈 55
第二節 個案公司介紹 56
2.1 個案公司簡介 56
2.2 個案公司理念與文化 56
2.3 個案公司發展歷程 58
2.4 個案公司業務 60
第三節 個案公司財務表現 65
3.1 整體財務分析 65
3.2 產品別財務分析 71
3.3 小結 72
第四節 個案公司資源能力與活動 73
4.1 資源 73
4.2 能力 79
4.3 核心資源能力分析 82
4.4 策略活動 84
第五節 個案公司事業組合分析 86
第六節 個案公司事業策略與作法 91
第五章、 個案公司商業生態系統分析 98
第一節 商業生態系統參與 98
第二節 管理及策略思維意涵 107
第三節 總體環境發展風險 109
第六章、 研究結論與建議 111
第一節 研究結論 111
1.1 策略擬定 111
1.2 未來發展風險與隱憂 112
第二節 結語 112
參考文獻 113
英文文獻 113
中文文獻 115
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