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研究生(外文):Der-Lin Chang
論文名稱(外文):Fusion of Infrared and Visual Images Using Saliency Extraction and Feature Enhancement
指導教授(外文):Herng-Hua Chang
外文關鍵詞:Image fusionInfrared imageVisual imageSaliency mapCLAHE image enhancementMulti-scale transform based fusion
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Image fusion is an enhancement technique that aims to combine images obtained by different kinds of sensors to generate a robust or informative image, which can facilitate subsequent processing and decision making. Image fusion has been widely applied to many fields such as computer vision, surveillance, medical imaging, remote sensing, target recognition, and so on. Infrared and visual images can provide different information of the same scene. Their fusion is a hot topic in the field of multi-sensor image fusion.
An ideal image fusion method should integrate the complete bright feature of the infrared image and preserve the original visual information of the visual image without generating halos or fusion artifacts.
To achieve these goals, this thesis proposes a saliency extraction and feature enhancement image fusion method, named as the SEFE. First, the CLAHE image enhancement method is applied to the visual image for adjusting image brightness and contrast. Next, we adopt the guided filter and L0 filter to extract edge details of the infrared image, and the saliency map of both infrared and visual images. Then we calculate the weight maps of both infrared and visual images, while highlighting the salient regions in the infrared image. Finally, we combine different components and useful information to generate the fused image.
Experiment results showed that the SEFE method produced fused images with better visual perception, and achieved better performance measures than other competetive infrared and visual fusion methods.
致謝 ii
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
第 1 章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 4
1.3 論文大綱 5
第 2 章 文獻探討 6
2.1 影像融合方法 6
2.1.1 多尺度轉換類影像融合 6
2.1.2 顯著性表示類影像融合 7
2.1.3 混和模型類影像融合 7
2.2 直方圖等化 7
2.2.1 自適應直方圖等化 8
2.2.2 限制對比度自適應直方圖等化 8
2.3 平滑濾波器 8
2.3.1 導引濾波器 9
2.3.2 L0平滑濾波器 10
2.4 顯著圖生成 10
2.5 融合權重分析 11
2.6 現存影像融合方法 12
2.6.1 混合型多尺度影像融合(HMSD) 12
2.6.2 導引濾波與細節強化影像融合(GFCE) 13
2.6.3 微梯度濾波影像融合(GREPF) 13
2.6.4 紅外光特徵強化與視覺資訊保留影像融合(IFEVIP) 14
2.6.5 顯著性三相影像融合(STS) 15
第 3 章 研究設計與方法 16
3.1 演算法設計理念與架構 16
3.2 可見光影像處理 19
3.2.1 增強可見光影像 19
3.2.2 可見光影像顯著圖 20
3.3 紅外光影像處理 21
3.3.1 紅外光影像顯著圖 21
3.3.2 紅外光影像紋路細節擷取 21
3.4 權重分析與融合 23
3.4.1 融合權重分析 23
3.4.2 融合規則 24
3.5 影像品質評估指標 25
3.5.1 資訊熵 25
3.5.2 平均梯度 25
3.5.3 影像標準差 25
3.5.4 灰階共生矩陣對比度 26
3.5.5 視覺資訊傳真度 29
第 4 章 實驗結果及討論 30
4.1 實驗說明 30
4.1.1 實驗環境 30
4.1.2 資料集 30
4.1.3 比較方法 31
4.2 參數討論 31
4.2.1 CLAHE影像增強參數 31
4.2.2 改良顯著圖生成參數 31
4.2.3 權重圖生成計算參數 32
4.3 實驗結果 44
4.3.1 融合視覺效果評估 44
4.3.2 評估指標數據 50
第 5 章 結論及未來展望 56
5.1 結論 56
5.2 未來展望 57
參考文獻 58
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