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研究生(外文):Kuan-Lin Wu
論文名稱(外文):Weakly Supervised Learning for Video Anomaly Detection via Temporal Attention Clustering
指導教授(外文):Ming-Sui Lee
口試委員(外文):Yung-Yu ChuangMing-Chun Hu
外文關鍵詞:Anomaly DetectionWeakly Supervised LearningMultiple Instance Learning
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In the current surveillance video system, to detect the occurrence of accidents or crimes in time, the labor cost of monitoring screens is expensive, and the efficiency is very low. Also, such data are rare and hard to collect. Manually labeling the frames costs a lot as well. Therefore, this paper proposed a weakly supervised learning model, which can be trained by video-level ground-truth that only labeled whether the video contains abnormal events, and finds the keyframes that contain abnormal behaviors.
Our proposed model includes (1) Temporal attention module that helps the model detect the key instances. (2) Cluster module that divides the video by segment features. (3) Entropy smoothness loss that helps to stabilize the predict curve.
The experiment is implemented on UCF-crime and ShanghaiTech datasets. Remarkably, our model achieved a state-of-the-art result on UCF-Crime dataset (AUC 84.75\%).
口試委員審定書 (i)
Acknowledgements (ii)
摘要 (iv)
Abstract (v)
Contents (vi)
List of Figures (viii)
List of Tables (ix)
1. Introduction (1)
2. Related Work (3)
2.1. Video Anomaly Detection (3)
2.1.1 Unsupervised Learning Method (3)
2.1.2 Weakly-Supervised Learning Method (4)
2.2 Multiple Instance Learning for Key Instance Detection (5)
2.3 Action Analysis (6)
3. Method (7)
3.1 Data Organization (8)
3.2 Feature Backbone (9)
3.3 Temporal Attention Module (9)
3.4 Cluster Mechanism (11)
3.5 Loss Function (14)
4. Experiment (17)
4.1 Datasets (17)
4.1.1 UCF-Crime (17)
4.1.2 ShanghaiTech (18)
4.2 Evaluation Metrics (18)
4.3 Implementation Details (19)
4.4 Experiments on UCF-Crime (19)
4.4.1 Quantitative comparison (19)
4.4.2 Qualitative analysis (20)
4.5 Experiments on ShanghaiTech (24)
4.5.1 Quantitative comparison (24)
4.5.2 Qualitative analysis (25)
4.6 Ablation Study (27)
4.6.1 Temporal Convolution Network (27)
4.6.2 Temporal Attention Module (28)
4.6.3 Cluster Mechanism (29)
4.6.4 Entropy Smoothness Loss (31)
5. Conclusion (33)
References (34)
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