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研究生(外文):Cheng-Ya Yang
論文名稱(外文):The War and Journey of Taigi Writing System: A Cognitive Linguistic Study on its Ideology
指導教授(外文):Wen-Yu Chiang
口試委員(外文):Chia-Rung LuChang-Mo Hsu
外文關鍵詞:Conceptual Metaphor TheoryCritical Metaphor AnalysisframeTaigiTaiwanesewriting systemorthographyideology
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台語文字標準化的爭議已持續數十年,過往已有許多研究對於各派台語書寫系統做了詳盡的分析與歷史調查,然而,很少有人以認知語言學的方法來分析台語書寫系統中不同派別的人背後的意識形態。Lakoff 和 Johnson(1980)指出,我們使用的隱喻不僅反映了我們的思維機制,還反映了我們對世界的文化、社會和政治之意識形態,甚至認為我們使用的隱喻反映了我們落入的框架(Lakoff,2014)。 提出批判性隱喻分析的Charteris-Black (2004)進一步指出,隱喻分析應該是批判性話語分析的核心。因此,本論文將重點放在分析隱喻使用背後的意識形態上。本論文採用CMT、CMA和框架的認知概念並進一步提出了我們的新框架,即「意識形態隱喻框架」。 此外,我們將採集到的語料以不同主題的方式,呈現各派書寫系統的支持者對於漢字、羅馬字、甚至對於整個漢文化圈等主題所使用的隱喻為何。
透過「意識形態隱喻框架」的使用,我們分析出學術場域和教育場域中在不同主題下所使用的隱喻關鍵詞和隱喻表達式。根據我們結果,我們有主要三大發現,第一,在存在鎖鏈(Great Chain of Being)的概念下,我們發現不同的人在面對自己所支持和反對的書寫系時,在來源域的選擇上有向上映射(upward mapping)和向下映射 (downward mapping)的現象,此外儘管不同人使用同一個隱喻,他們從來源域中所提取的元素會受到他們的意識形態而有不同的選擇。最後,在眾多異質的聲音中,我們透過其所使用的隱喻發現到同質性意識形態。
This study aims to explore how the metaphors were used in discourse from different advocates of Taigi writing systems by adopting the concepts of Conceptual Metaphor Theory, Critical Metaphor Analysis and frame. Specifically, we explore the ideological frame behind the metaphor keywords and metaphor expressions in the discourse. Furthermore, the study also investigates the current situation of Taigi and the metaphor usages in the educational field through semi-structured interviews. Through the analyzation of the metaphors in discourse, we endeavor to fill the gap of capturing the ideology behind the metaphorical usage critically and systematically with a cognitive linguistic view.
Controversies over the standardization of the Taigi writing system have continued for decades. Previous studies have investigated the historical background and the long-running disputes over Taigi writing systems, however, few of them analyzed the ideology of the proponents through a cognitive approach. Lakoff and Johnson (1980) pointed out that metaphors we use reflect not only the mechanism of our mind but also our cultural, social and political ideology towards the world. It is also indicated that the metaphors we use reflect the frame we fall into (Lakoff, 2014). Charteris-Black (2004), who proposed Critical Metaphor Analysis, further pointed out that metaphor analysis should be at the heart of critical discourse analysis. Thus, we find it important to put our emphasis on the study of metaphors used in the debate of the Taigi writing system. Adopting and modifying the concepts of CMT, CMA and frame, we further propose our new framework, that is, an “Ideological Metaphor Framework”. Moreover, we put emphasis on investigating various discourse data from the academic field and the educational field under several topics such as, Han character sphere, Han character, Roman alphabet (including Peh-oe-ji, and Tai-lo and other Taigi romanization systems), all Han character writing, all Roman alphabet writing, Han-lo writing, the process of writing Taigi, standardization of the Taigi writing system, and the relation between different factions of the Taigi writing system.
In our study, with the aid of the Ideological Metaphor Framework, we examine the metaphor keywords and metaphor expressions used by the academic representatives of all Han character writing, the representative of all Roman alphabet writing, the representative of all Han-lo writing, and the teachers who teach Taigi. According to our results, we have three major findings. First, with the concept of the Great Chain of Being, we found that there is downward mapping and upward mapping (Krzeszowski, 1997) among the mappings of metaphors used by advocates and teachers when it comes to the disagreeing with opponents’ views and persuading them regarding the Taigi writing system that they promote. Second, even though the same source domain is used by different people, the different elements in that source domain are chosen selectively by people who are influenced by their ideological frame. Last but not least, there is consensus among these different ideological frames.
In sum, our study not only gives a holistic picture of the metaphors used in Taigi orthography and the ideological frame from different voices in terms of Taigi writing system, but also shows the consensus in different opinions.
口試委員會審定書 #
中文摘要 iv
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Motivation and Background Information 3
1.2.1 Why investigate Taigi orthography? 3
1.2.2 Why use CMT and CMA as theoretical frameworks? 5
1.2.3 Why collect discourse data from the educational field? 7
1.3 Aims of the Study 8
1.4 Significances 9
1.5 Organization of the Study 13
Chapter 2 Background Information and Literature Review 15
2.1 Orthography: Morphograms and Phonograms 15
2.2 Han Character Sphere 17
2.3 The Development of Taigi orthography 19
2.3.1 The Development of Han Characters in the Taigi Writing System 19
2.3.2 The Development of the Roman alphabet in the Taigi Writing System 21
2.3.3 The Standardization of Taigi Orthography and Language Situation in Taiwan Society 23
2.4 The Cognitive Mechanisms behind Metaphor: Conceptual Metaphor Theory 26
2.4.1 Structural Metaphors 28
2.4.2 Ontological Metaphors 29
2.4.3 Orientational Metaphors 30
2.4.4 Metaphor and Metonymy 31
2.4.5 Frame 32
2.4.6 Orthography, Ideology and Metaphor 34
2.5 Critical Metaphor Analysis 35
2.6 The Great Chain of Being 37
Chapter 3 Methodology 39
3.1 Data Collection in the Academic Field 39
3.2 Data Collection in the Educational Field: Semi-structured Interviews 40
3.2.1 Interviewees 42
3.2.2 Interview Outline of the Current status in Taigi Teaching 43
To see the original online in Taiwan Mandarin version, please see Appendix B. The following interview questions are the translations of the outline from Taiwan Mandarin version. 43
3.3 Ideological Metaphor Framework: The Combination of CMT, CMA and Frame 44
3.4 Interim Summary 46
Chapter 4 Metaphor Analysis in the Academic Field 47
4.1 The Proponent of All Han Character Writing: Ui-jin Ang 48
4.1.1 General Background and Ideological Frame 48
4.1.2 Ang’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of the History of Taigi Orthography 49
4.1.3 Ang’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of the Han Character Sphere 50
4.1.4 Ang’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of Han Characters 51
4.1.5 Ang’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of the Roman Alphabet 56
4.1.6 Ang’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of All Han Character Writing 59
4.1.7 Ang’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of Han-lo Writing 60
4.1.8 Ang’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of the Process of Writing Taigi 61
4.1.9 Ang’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of the Standardization of Taigi Writing System 62
4.1.10 Ang’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of the Relation Between Different Factions of Taigi Writing System 63
4.2 The Proponent of All Roman Alphabet Writing: Wi-vun Taiffalo Chiung 64
4.2.1 General Background and Ideological Frame 64
4.2.2 Chiung’s Ideology Under the Topic of the History of Taigi Orthography 65
4.2.3 Chiung’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of the Han Character Sphere 66
4.2.4 Chiung’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of Han character 69
4.2.5 Chiung’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of Roman alphabet 71
4.2.6 Chiung’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of all Han character Writing, All Roman Alphabet Writing, and Han-lo Writing 73
4.3 The Proponent of Han-lo Writing: Robert L. Cheng 76
4.3.1 General Background and Ideological Frame 76
4.3.2 Cheng’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of the Han Character Sphere 77
4.3.3 Cheng’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of Han character 79
4.3.4 Cheng’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of Roman Alphabet 83
4.3.5 Cheng’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of All Han Character Writing 85
4.3.6 Cheng’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of All Roman Alphabet Writing 85
4.3.7 Cheng’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of Han-lo Writing 86
4.3.8 Cheng’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of the Standardization of Taigi Writing System 88
4.3.9 Cheng’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of the Process of Writing Taigi 90
4.4 Interim Summary: The Influence of Ideological Frame 91
Chapter 5 Metaphor Analysis in Educational Field 93
5.1.1 General Background and Ideological Frame 93
5.1.2 Teachers’ Metaphor Use Under the Topic of Teaching Taigi 94
5.1.3 Teacher’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of Han Character 95
5.1.4 Teacher’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of Roman Alphabet 102
5.1.5 Teacher’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of All Roman Alphabet writing 110
5.1.6 Teacher’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of Han-lo Writing 111
5.1.7 Teacher’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of the Standardization of Taigi Writing System 111
5.1.8 Teacher’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of the Relation Between Different Factions of Taigi Writing System 115
5.1.9 Teacher’s Metaphors Used Under the Topic of the Process of Writing Taigi 117
5.2 Interim Summary: The WAR and JOURNEY Metaphor 118
Chapter 6 Conclusion 123
6.1 Recapitulation of Major Findings 123
6.1.1 The Ideology Behind the Downward Mapping and Upward Mapping 123
6.1.2 The Choice of Elements in Source Domain Under Different Ideologies Frames 125
6.1.3 Consensus Among Different Ideological Frame 126
6.2 Significance and Future Directions 127
Appendix A: The Declaration from Ministry of Education 138
Appendix B: Interview Outline 140
Appendix C: The Discourse Context of (85) 142
Appendix D: The Discourse Context of (86) and (95) 143
Appendix E: The Discourse Context of (90) 145
Appendix F: The Discourse Context of (84) and (93) 147
Appendix G: The Discourse Context of (94) 150
Appendix H: The Discourse Context of (101) and (102) 151
Appendix I: The Discourse Context of (103) 152
Appendix J: The Metaphors Used in Discourse Under Different Topics 154
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