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研究生(外文):Nai-Chia Chen
論文名稱(外文):Analysis and Improvement of Torsional Vibration for a Hybrid System
指導教授(外文):Tyng Liu
口試委員(外文):Jung-Ho ChengCheng-Chi Yu
外文關鍵詞:Hybrid systemGear boxTorsional vibrationImprovement of powertrainSpring damperMoment of inertia
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The research aims to develop methods for reducing torsional vibration from components of transmission system of hybrid system with additional gearboxes. The ultimate goal is to improve the comfortability of passengers and reduce harm of mechanical parts. In the beginning, we investigate the relationship between torsional vibration and each part of hybrid system. Then, we build the hybrid system model in SimulationX software and design the simulated situation for simulation. After these, we realize that there is inevitable torsional vibration from mutiple power sourses of system. Thus, this research proposes methods to decrease the torsional vibration by increasing moment of inertia and adding spring damper system in hybrid system. Then we check the consequent to know that if these methods really work by simulation. Therefore, we know that adding spring damper can effectively reduce torsional vibration of hybrid system. At last, this research can exactly reduce the torsional vibration by realizing the relationship between torsional vibration and each part of hybrid system.
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 xi
Chapter 1 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 1
1.2.1複合動力系統及其分類 1
1.2.2系統圖畫表示法 5
1.2.3動力系統扭力震盪 5
1.3 研究動機與目的 6
1.4 論文架構 6
Chapter 2 理論基礎 8
2.1 功能動力圖 8
2.2 車輛動力學 11
2.3 複合動力系統模型 12
2.3.1 EVX4系統模型介紹 13
2.3.2加入變速箱之複合動力系統模型 14
2.4 動力系統扭力震盪 17
2.4.1馬達 17
2.4.2引擎 18
2.4.3行星齒輪組 19
2.5 彈簧阻尼系統 19
2.6 模擬分析軟體介紹與車輛模型 20
2.6.1模擬軟體介紹 20
2.6.2車輛模型介紹 23
Chapter 3 複合動力系統扭力震盪分析與模擬 28
3.1 動力系統元件之扭力震盪分析與模擬 28
3.1.1馬達 28
3.1.2引擎 33
3.1.3行星齒輪組 37
3.1.4離合器 38
3.1.5彈簧阻尼 39
3.2 複合動力系統之整車數值模型建立 40
3.3 小結 42
Chapter 4 複合動力系統之數值模擬 43
4.1 行車操作模式 43
4.2 平地行車模擬 47
4.3 爬坡行車模擬 51
4.4 小結 54
Chapter 5 扭力震盪之改善 56
5.1 改善方法設計 56
5.1.1轉動慣量增加 56
5.1.2彈簧阻尼配置 57
5.2 改善結果比較 58
5.2.1平地行車模擬比較 58
5.2.2爬坡行車模擬比較 78
5.3 不同工況與方法綜合比較 100
5.4 小結 102
Chapter 6 結論 104
6.1 結論 104
6.2 未來展望 104
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