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研究生(外文):Yu-Jen Lien
論文名稱(外文):Void fraction measurements in vapor chamber under different power inputs and tilting angles using electrical capacitance method
指導教授(外文):Chen-Li Sun
口試委員(外文):Chih-Yung HuangMing-Tsang Lee
外文關鍵詞:vapor chamberelectrical capacitance methodvoid fraction measurementasymmetric heatingtilting anglestart-up temperature
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由實驗結果可知,當進行非對稱加熱並搭配自然對流冷卻時,受到均溫板中央位置密集的毛細圓柱排列設計的影響,均溫板的空隙率分布會以中央的外環且遠離熱源的位置有較高的空隙率,而以熱源附近的空隙率較低,顯示在此液體回補良好。隨加熱功率增加,高空隙率區域會向外擴張,在10.7 W及傾角為90°時,局部最高空隙率可達0.96。當傾角固定時,隨加熱功率增加,均溫板的穩態平均空隙率亦上升,顯示內部汽化程度與加熱功率為正相關。由空隙率變化可知,在加熱功率為5.7 W與8.5 W時,均溫板的空隙率在傾角0°至90°間較不受傾角變化的影響,穩態平均空隙率的最大變異量分別僅有3.5%與1.7%;隨加熱功率增加至10.7 W時,均溫板的穩態平均空隙率較易受傾角變化的影響,在傾角小於30°時,穩態平均空隙率介於0.897與0.898,但傾角大於30°時,穩態平均空隙率會增加為0.906與0.908之間,代表在高汽化程度下,高傾角所造成之較大的重力作用會導致均溫板內的液體回補速度變緩,使整體空隙率上升。此外,傾角對於啟動溫度之影響亦取決於加熱功率之大小。在加熱功率為5.7 W與8.5 W時,均溫板的啟動溫度較不易受傾角變化的影響,而當加熱功率增加為10.7 W時,高加熱功率所產生之高汽化程度與高傾角(60°與90°)的重力作用,會導致均溫板的均溫性下降,且液態水無法即時回補,進而提高空隙率與內部壓力,啟動溫度隨之上升。
In this study, we utilized the electrical capacitance method to measure the change in void fraction of an off-the-shelf vapor chamber with different orientations under asymmetric heating. Due to difference in dielectric properties between liquid water and steam, we were able to determine the distribution of void fraction from the measurements of electrode pairs on flexible printed circuit boards. The tilting angle varied from 0° (horizontal) to 90° (vertical) in order to investigate the ability of the vapor chamber against gravity effect.
From the results, when the vapor chamber was subject to asymmetric heating at lower left corner and natural convection cooling, the far-side close to the center tended to have higher void fractions due to the highly-packed wick columns at the center. In contrast, the region adjacent to the heat source had lower void fractions, indicating sufficient replenishment of water liquid. When the tilting angle was fixed, the augmentation of the power input increased the average void fraction, leading to the expansion of high-void-fraction region and further deterioration of the vapor chamber.
With the vertical orientation at 10.7 W, void fraction could reach as high as 0.96. At low- to mid-level of power inputs (5.7 W and 8.5 W), on the other hand, both void fraction and start-up temperature were nearly independent of the tilting angle. As the power input increased to 10.7 W, the void fraction became susceptible to the tilting angle. The steady-state void fraction increased from 0.897 for tilting angles less than 30° to 0.909 for tilting angles greater than 60°. Moreover, severe vaporization at 10.7 W and great influence of gravity for tilting angles larger than 60° altogether aggravated the temperature uniformity, impeded the circulation of condensed liquid, elevated the void fraction and internal pressure, leading to higher start-up temperatures. The results of this study could facilitate more robust applications of phase-change devices and provide a mean to improve the design of the vapor chamber in the future.
論文口試委員審定書 i
誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
符號索引 vii
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
第一章 導論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.2.1均溫板 2
1.2.2外部工作環境對均溫板之影響 6
1.2.3毛細結構上之相變化 8
1.2.4空隙率量測 10
1.3 研究目的 13
第二章 實驗架構與不確定性分析 14
2.1 實驗架構 14
2.1.1 均溫板與平行電極板 14
2.1.2 測試環境與傾斜平台 16
2.1.3 電容與溫度量測系統 17
2.2 空隙率量測原理 18
2.2.1 蒸氣與液態水對電容之影響 18
2.2.2 等效電路分析 19
2.2.3 均溫板內部壓力分析 20
2.3 實驗量測程序 23
2.4空隙率與電容之校正 24
2.4.1 Cw溫度校正 24
2.4.2 Cs溫度校正 24
2.4.3 工作流體相對介電常數之溫度校正 25
2.5 自動化數據分析程序 26
2.6 不確定性分析 27
2.6.1均溫板表面溫度之不確定性 28
2.6.2 電容量測之不確定性 28
2.6.3 電極面積之不確定性 30
2.6.4 電極對距離之不確定性 31
2.6.5均溫板空隙率之不確定性 31
2.6.6 傾角之不確定性 32
2.6.7 加熱功率之不確定性 32
2.6.8 工作流體填充率之不確定性 32
2.6.9 均溫板內部壓力之不確定性 33
第三章 實驗結果與討論 34
3.1 位置之影響 34
3.1.1 溫度隨時間之變化 34
3.1.2 電容隨時間之變化 35
3.1.3 空隙率溫度隨時間之變化 36
3.1.4 壓力隨時間之變化 39
3.2 加熱功率之影響 40
3.2.1 溫度隨時間之變化 40
3.2.2 電容隨時間之變化 41
3.2.3 空隙率隨時間之變化 42
3.2.4 壓力隨時間之變化 44
3.3 傾角之影響 46
3.3.1 溫度隨時間之變化 47
3.3.2 電容隨時間之變化 51
3.3.3 空隙率隨時間之變化 53
3.3.4 壓力隨時間之變化 58
3.4 空隙率之量測靈敏度 59
3.5從電容量測推算燒乾現象—以雷射光源加熱為例 60
第四章 結論與建議 62
4.1 結論 62
4.2 建議 64
參考文獻 65
附錄 70
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