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研究生(外文):Jing-Wen Wang
論文名稱(外文):Development of Hyphenated Differential Mobility Analyzer-spICP-MS Method for Size-resolved Analysis of Metallic Nanoparticles in Water
指導教授(外文):Yi-Pin LinTa-Chih Hsiao
口試委員(外文):Wen-Che HouCheng-Chih Hsu
外文關鍵詞:metallic nanoparticleshyphenated systemdifferential mobility analyzerspICP-MStap water
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因人類活動而產生釋放至環境中的人造奈米顆粒可能會對人體健康及環境造成傷害,其中奈米顆粒的特性及毒性和其大小、濃度及元素組成具有高度相關。此篇研究中使用了一套串聯霧化器(atomizer, ATM)、微分電移動度粒徑分析儀(differential mobility analyzer, DMA)和單顆粒感應耦合電漿質譜儀(single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, spICP-MS)之系統藉以分析環境樣品中奈米顆粒之大小、濃度及元素組成。透過在霧化器後連結一個管狀高溫爐可提升該ATM-DMA-spICPMS串聯系統的表現,並通過標準金奈米顆粒的驗證。同時,也能以該系統分析得到金核/銀殼奈米顆粒的真實粒徑及元素組成。這套ATM-DMA-spICPMS串聯系統應用於分析自來水中的鐵及鉛奈米顆粒。結果顯示,串聯系統的分析可獲得奈米鐵和奈米鉛顆粒之大小及濃度,且粒徑分析結果和掃描式光學顯微鏡相符合。然而,樣品中的溶解態金屬離子亦被發現會對顆粒數目濃度之結果產生些微影響。總結來說,ATM-DMA-spICPMS串聯系統相較於單獨使用spICP-MS可更精確地提供水中金屬奈米顆粒的粒徑、濃度及元素組成的分析結果,對於了解環境中奈米顆粒的特性及毒性具有重要意義。
Release of engineered nanoparticles (NPs) produced by human activities may cause harm to the human health and the environment. The properties and toxicity of NPs are closely related to their size, concentration and elemental composition. In this study, a system hyphenated the atomizer (ATM), differential mobility analyzer (DMA) and single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (spICP-MS) was used to characterize nanoparticles. By coupling with the tubular furnace after the ATM, the performance of the hyphenated ATM-DMA-spICP-MS system was validated using the standard Au nanoparticles (AuNPs). The actual size and the elemental composition of Ag-shelled AuNPs can also be observed. The hyphenated system was applied for FeNPs and PbNPs characterization in tap water samples. It was found that their size results from the hyphenated ATM-DMA-spICP-MS system were consistent with the SEM observations. However, the soluble metal ions in the sample was found to slightly interfere with the results of particle number concentration due to crystallization of the metal ions during the drying processes. To conclude, the hyphenated ATM-DMA-spICP-MS system can provide more accurate sizing results of metallic NPs in water than stand-alone spICP-MS, which is essential for better understanding the transport and toxicity of NPs in the environment.
摘要 I
Abstract II
Acronym IX
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Literature review 2
2.1 Concerns of nanoparticles in the environment 2
2.2 Traditional size-resolved analytical methods 3
2.3 Principle of hyphenated DMA-spICP-MS method 4
2.4 Effect of aerosol generation on the hyphenated system 11
2.5 Advantages of hyphenated system on size-resolved nanoparticle analysis 13
2.6 Application of spICP-MS for tap water sample in the distribution system 15
2.7 Objectives 17
Chapter 3. Materials and methods 18
3.1 Research framework 18
3.2 Configuration of the hyphenated ATM-furnace-DMA-spICP-MS system 19
3.3 Operation of the ATM-furnace-DMA-spICP-MS System 23
3.4 Materials and Chemicals 25
3.5 System evaluation, improvement, and validation 26
3.6 Environmental sample analysis 26
Chapter 4. Results and discussion 28
4.1 Performance evaluation and improvement of the hyphenated ATM-DMA-spICP-MS system 28
4.2 Validation of the hyphenated ATM-DMA-spICP-MS system 33
4.3 Tap water samples analysis 41
Chapter 5. Conclusions and recommendations 54
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