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研究生(外文):Wen-Te Chen
論文名稱(外文):Detection of Asymptomatic Parvovirus-Infected Dogs and Cats in Animal Shelters Using a Molecular Assay
指導教授(外文):Cho-Hua Wan
口試委員(外文):Tsun-Yung KuoShu-Chen Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:Canine parvovirusfeline parvovirusfecal multiplex PCRthe sample-pooling strategysubclinical infectionoutbreak preventionshelter medicine
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犬細小病毒(CPV)和貓細小病毒(FPV)是犬和貓最常見的感染性病原,臨床前期感染的動物經常在進入動物收容所後引發致命的疾病爆發。由於商業化的現行檢測試劑可能不能有效和準確地檢測出CPV/FPV感染初期的動物。為了能及早敏感地檢測疾病,本研究針對CPV/FPV之VP基因與顯示檢體樣本DNA品質之housekeeping基因,製備多重引子聚合酶連鎖反應檢測法技術之試劑(CPV/FPV/Actin multiplex PCR assay),此檢測法能同時檢測出CPV和FPV感染動物,同時即使在10個基因拷貝組的CPV/FPV的低感染量也能夠敏感性的被檢測出來。本研究在檢測收容所的狗和貓的糞便時,無論是明顯的臨床症狀表現還是亞臨床狀態下的患病犬貓,多重引子聚合酶連鎖反應檢測試劑成功地鑑定出所有感染的犬貓。然而,五種常用來診斷細小病毒感染方面的商業化試劑套組,卻表現出明顯較低的敏感性,特別是在臨床症狀正常或有輕度/中度腹瀉的動物身上,其敏感度更大幅下降,商業化試劑套組在已感染細小病毒的狗的檢測敏感度為75.0% ,對貓的檢測敏感度則更降低為 37.5% - 50.0% 。因此,為了防止已感染動物,特別是臨床前期無症狀之感染動物進入動物收容所,本研究之多重引子聚合酶連鎖反應檢測試劑可成為一個強有力的工具,並且建議在所有動物進入庇護所之前都必須進行以多重引子聚合酶連鎖反應檢測試劑篩選出已感染犬貓並加以隔離,避免造成更多健康犬貓受到感染,另外再結合實驗動物常見之多樣本池化檢驗策略的情況下,便可達成高成本效益和高度可靠的方法實際應用於動物收容所內大量犬貓健康監測。
Canine parvovirus (CPV) and feline parvovirus (FPV), the most prevalent infectious pathogens in dogs and cats, frequently induce lethal outbreaks in shelters through introducing the preclinical-stage infected animals. Commercialized in-house assays may not be able to effectively and accurately identify the canine parvovirus and feline parvovirus infections in early stage. In this study, a CPV/FPV/Actin multiplex PCR assay targeting the VP genes and a housekeeping gene (β-actin) was developed to simultaneously detect the canine parvovirus and feline parvovirus. The multiplex PCR assay was able to specifically detect CPV/FPV as low as 10 copies. In screening the feces of shelter dogs and cats, the multiplex PCR successfully identified all infected animals, in either overtly sick or subclinical condition. However, the three commonly-used commercialized kits exhibited distinctly lower sensitivity in diagnosing the parvoviral infections, especially in animals clinically normal or with mild/moderate diarrhea; their detection sensitivity was 75.0 % for dogs and 37.5-50.0 % for cats. Therefore, to prevent the infected animals, especially those preclinically infected ones, into shelters, the CPV/FPV/Actin multiplex PCR assay should be a powerful tool to screen all animals prior to their entering the shelters. In combining with the sample-pooling strategy, the multiplex PCR testing would be a cost-effective, practical, and highly reliable health monitoring method used in shelters.
中文摘要 iv
英文摘要(ABSTRACT) v
目錄(Table of Content) vi
縮寫List of Abbreviations x
圖次(List of Figures) xii
表次(List of Tables) xiii
第一節 前言Forword 1
第二節 Canine Parvovirus簡介 5
1.2.1 犬細小病毒(Canine parvovirus)背景 5
1.2.2 犬細小病毒(Canine parvovirus)一般性質特徵 5
第三節 Feline Parvovirus簡介 8
1.3.1 貓細小病毒 (Feline parvovirus) 背景 8
1.3.2 貓細小病毒(Feline parvovirus) 一般性質特徵 9
第四節 犬貓細小病毒的致病性與臨床症狀 10
1.4.1 致病性 (Pathogenicity) 10
1.4.2 常見的臨床症狀 (Common clinical symptom) 10
第五節 細小病毒診斷方式 (Diagnostics of CPV/FPV) 12
1.5.1 商業應用診斷方式 (Diagnostics of Laboratory) 12
1.5.2 實驗室診斷方式(Diagnostics of Laboratory) 13
第六節 動物收容所預防細小病毒的挑戰 (Challenges of parvoviral prevention in shelter) 15
第七節 建立一種檢測細小病毒感染的靈敏方法(Establishment of a sensitive method for detection of parvovirus infections) 16
第一節 實驗設計及流程(Experimental design and process) 17
第二節 動物及糞便樣本的收集 (Animals and fecal samples collection) 17
2.2.1 實驗動物倫理審查批准 (Ethical approval) 17
2.2.2 動物檢體 (Animal samples) 17
2.2.3 糞便DNA的萃取 (Extraction of fecal DNA) 18
第三節 陽性控制組DNAs的建立 (Positive control DNAs) 19
2.3.1 自然感染動物來源 (Infected animals) 19
2.3.2 VP 基因序列之增幅 (Amplification of VP gene) 20
2.3.3 DNA增幅產物之膠體萃取 (DNA Purification from Agarose)21
2.3.4 CPV與FPV VP基因之轉殖 (Transformation of CPV/FPV VP gene) 22
第四節 CPV/FPV/Actin 多重聚合酶連鎖反應試劑開發 (CPV/FPV/Actin multiplex PCR assay) 23
2.4.1 核酸引子對比對設計 (Designation of Primers) 24
2.4.1 聚合酶連鎖反應 (Polymerase Chain Reaction) 24
第五節 商業試劑套組 (Commercial in-house assays) 25
2.5.1. 酵素結合免疫吸附分析法 (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; ELISA) 25
2.5.2. 免疫層析試紙分析法 (Immunochromatographic assays; ICAs) 26
第六節 陽性檢體 PCR 產物之定序與分析 (DNA sequencing and analysis) 26
第三章 結果 (RESULTS) 28
第一節 感染細小病毒的狗和貓的鑒定 (Identification of parvovirus-infected dogs and cats) 28
3.1.1 實驗檢體收集與陽性樣本 (Collection of Samples) 28
3.1.2 感染情形與臨床症狀分類及比例 (Categories of Clinical syndrom) 28
第二節 CPV/FPV/Actin Mutiplex PCR 的特異性和敏感性 (Specificity and sensitivity of the CPV/FPV/Actin multiplex PCR) 29
3.2.1 核酸引子對評估 (Evaluation of Primers) 29
3.2.2 CPV/FPV/Actin multiplex PCR Assay 之特異性 (Specificity) 29
3.2.3 CPV/FPV/Actin multiplex PCR Assay 之敏感性 (Sensitivity) 30
第三節 五種商業內部檢測試劑和多重 PCR 檢測試劑 (Detection of three commercial in-house assays and multiplex PCR assay) 31
第四章 討論 (DISCUSSION) 33
第一節 收容所內聚合酶連鎖反應試劑開發 (PCR assay in animal shelters) 34
第二節 診斷試劑檢測數據比較 (Comparison of the multiplex PCR assay and commercial assays) 35
第三節 收容所疾病控制新策略 (New strategy in shelters) 37
第四節 未來展望 (Future work) 38
第五章 結論 (CONCLUSIONS) 40
參考文獻 (References) 66
Appendix 1 – 收容所獸醫師協會指導方針 (The Guideline of the Association of Shelter Veterinarians) 77
Appendix 2 – 動物保護法 (The Act of Animal Protection in Taiwan) 78
Appendix 3 – 全國動物收容系統 (National animal shelter early warning management system in Taiwan) 79
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