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研究生(外文):LO, CHING-TENG
論文名稱(外文):Technical Evaluation Report of Muscular Strength and Power Training in Elderly People
外文關鍵詞:elderlysarcopeniaresistance trainingosteoporosisarthritis
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2018年行政院衛生署調查臺灣65 歲以上人口已達到14%,正式邁入「高齡社會」,老年人因老化致使生理機能退化,使得跌倒後傷口不易癒合,這將影響高齡者的生、心理及生活品質。因此,本研究針對銀髮族為對象,進行肌力與爆發力訓練,希望藉此能讓臺灣老年人有正確的運動訓練觀念方式,讓老年人可以獨立自主生活,並找到自信。筆者針對銀髮族進行肌力與爆發力訓練,其目的改善生活品質與身體健康。學員在開始訓練3-6個月後回饋表示,感覺身體活動度比較靈活、體態上比沒訓練前緊實、精神狀況與情緒上比以往開朗、健檢報告指數皆有明顯進步與逐漸減少過去的身體疼痛感。在教學與操作過程中,整理幾項重點予以提供未來從事銀髮族教學工作者之參考。一、銀髮族在肌力與爆發力訓練上的認知較為薄弱,所以在訓練前的觀摩與訓練前溝通極為重要。二、銀髮族身體恢復狀況較慢,容易產生延遲性肌肉痠痛的現象,建議當日訓練後提醒冰敷,以減緩痠痛情形。三、針對關節退化之族群,強調訓練過程以「無痛」為原則,動作皆以自身可承受的最大角度,並不發生疼痛。四、銀髮族對阻力訓練較無經驗,課程中必須確實掌握個體在動作操作的進退階訓練原則。
關鍵詞: 老年人、肌少症、阻力訓練、骨質疏鬆、關節炎

In 2018, the Department of Health of the Executive Yuan surveyed that Taiwan’s population over the age of 65 has reached 14%, and it has officially entered the "aged society." The elderly have degraded their physiological functions due to aging, making it difficult for the wounds to heal after a fall, which will affect the health and psychology of the elderly. And quality of life. Therefore, this research is aimed at the silver-haired people to train muscle strength and explosive power. It is hoped that this will enable the elderly in Taiwan to have the correct concept of sports training, so that the elderly can live independently and find confidence. The author conducts muscle strength and explosive power training for the silver-haired people, with the purpose of improving the quality of life and physical health. After 3-6 months of training, the trainees reported that they felt that their physical activity was more flexible, their posture was firmer than before training, their mental and emotional conditions were more cheerful than before, and the health check report index had improved significantly and gradually decreased. Body aches. In the process of teaching and operation, a few key points are sorted out to provide references for future teachers of silver-haired people. 1. The cognition of silver-haired people in muscle strength and explosive power training is relatively weak, so observation and communication before training are extremely important. 2. The silver-haired people recover slowly and are prone to delayed muscle soreness. It is recommended to remind ice packs after training on the same day to relieve the soreness. 3. For groups with joint degeneration, it is emphasized that the training process is based on the principle of "painless", and the movements are at the maximum angle that they can bear without pain. Fourth, the silver-haired people are relatively inexperienced in resistance training, so the course must truly master the individual's advanced and retreat training principles in movement operations.
Keywords: elderly, sarcopenia, resistance training, osteoporosis, arthritis

第壹章 緒論………………………………………………………………………..1
第一節 研究背景與動機 …………………………………………………………1
第二節 研究目的…………………………………………………………………..3
第三節 研究範圍…………………………………………………………………..3
第四節 名詞解釋…………………………………………………………………4
第貳章 文獻探討……………………………………………………………………5
第一節 銀髮族生理特質…………………………………………………………5
第二節 銀髮族心理特質…………………………………………………………9
第參章 銀髮族肌力訓練身心反應…………………………………………………14
第一節 阻力訓練對銀髮族之益處………………………………………………14
第二節 銀髮族肌力訓練之效應……………………………………………..…16
第肆章 銀髮族肌力與爆發力訓練課程設計………………………………………19
第一節 銀髮族肌力與爆發力訓練十六週總課表……………………………20
第二節 熱身動作內容………………………………………………………27
第三節 訓練動作教學應用………………………………………………………45
第伍章 銀髮族肌力及爆發力訓練安全事項……………………………………..62
第一節 運動訓練前準備………………………………………………………..62
第二節 運動訓練潛在風險……………………………………………………..64
附件一……………….……………………………………………………………… 80
表一 銀髮族肌力與爆發力訓練課程 ……………………………………………21
表二 訓練教學計畫表………………………………………………………………24
表三 運動自覺量表…………………………………………………………………66

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