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研究生(外文):HUANG, HUNG-YU
論文名稱(外文):Design and Assessment of Staged Toddler Organizational Furniture and Teaching Aid with Visual Working Memory Training.
指導教授(外文):CHANG, JO-HAN
外文關鍵詞:Organizational SkillsVisual Working MemoryFurniture DesignTeaching Aid
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Organizational skills consist of motor skills and high-level cognitive ability. When training a toddler’s organizational skills, the learning tools provided should be suited to their age and skill level. This study found by compiling past literature that cognitive ability is comprised of classification cognition, inductive reasoning, and spatial ability. It was further discovered that visual working memory training can effectively improve organizational cognitive skills in toddlers. The objectives of this study are therefore to develop usage suggestions for multi-stage storage organizers, design a multi-stage storage organizer that can facilitate the development of visual working memory, and assess how visual working memory training can affect organizational cognitive skills. The first stage of this study used a questionnaire and an organizational cognitive test to investigate the effect of differently designed storage organizers on organizational cognitive skills. The second stage used the compilation of past literature, content analysis, product design and development, and testing and prototyping to design furniture and training aids. The third stage used a questionnaire, experimental methods, and non-participant observation to investigate the training’s effect on organizational cognitive skills. The analysis result showed that out of the existing storage organizer designs, toddlers aged one to two years old are recommended to use uncategorized organizers, toddlers aged three to six years old are recommended to use categorized organizers (basic sorting and memory-based sorting), and children aged seven years and older should decide for themselves. This study proposed two design elements for the multi-stage storage organizers of toddlers: multi-stage design and modular design. For the development of visual working memory in children aged three to six years old, the furniture’s interactive mechanic should feature multifunctional information processing tasks, varied difficulty, visual memory training, and constructive play. The experiment result of the third stage showed that toddlers aged three to four years old did not show significant growth in the organizational cognitive skills questionnaire nor on the organizational cognitive test. However, the training showed significant results on the organizational cognitive test for toddlers aged five to six years old, indicating that it can effectively enhance the development of organizational cognitive skills.
摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 收納行為與幼兒發展歷程 5
2.1.1 動作技能發展歷程 6
2.1.2 認知發展歷程 7 嬰幼兒認知發展 7 收納行為與相關認知能力 8
2.1.3 小結 10
2.2 收納認知能力及評估試題 11
2.2.1 收納認知與分類認知、歸納推理、空間認知的關係 11 分類認知的發展 12 歸納推理的發展 13 空間能力的發展 14 小結 15
2.2.2認知能力評估試題 15
2.2.3 小結 19
2.3 現有市售幼兒收納櫃型式與身體發展常模 19
2.3.1 幼兒收納櫃型式分析與設計參考 20
2.3.2 幼兒身體發展常模 24
2.4 視覺工作記憶 25
2.4.1 視覺工作記憶能力 25
2.4.2 訓練視覺工作記憶 26
2.4.3 視覺工作記憶教具 28
2.4.4 小結 31
2.5 小結 32
第三章 研究方法 33
3.1 研究架構 33
3.2 第一階段:探討家中使用收納櫃型式對於幼兒收納能力影響 34
3.2.1 幼兒基本資料與收納表現問項設計 34
3.2.2 客觀認知能力試題設計 34
3.2.3 資料彙整與分析 41
3.3 第二階段:設計一款具有視覺工作記憶訓練之階段式幼兒收納家具 42
3.4 第三階段:評估訓練視覺工作記憶教具對幼兒收納能力表現的影響 43
第四章 研究結果 47
4.1 第一階段:家中收納櫃型式對幼兒收納能力分析結果 47
4.1.1 幼兒基本資料 47
4.1.2 幼兒收納能力表現在不同收納櫃型式的問卷結果 50
4.1.3 幼兒客觀認知能力試題在不同收納櫃型式的表現結果 58
4.1.4 小結 60
4.2 第二階段:結合視覺工作記憶訓練之階段式幼兒收納家具設計結果 61
4.2.1 階段式收納家具設計發展結果 61
4.2.2 視覺工作記憶教具設計發展及測試結果 65
4.2.3 具視覺工作記憶教具訓練之階段式幼兒收納家具製作結果 76 階段式幼兒收納家具製作過程 76 視覺工作記憶教具製作過程 78 具視覺工作記憶訓練之階段是幼兒收納家具製作結果 80
4.3 第三階段:評估視覺工作記憶教具對於幼兒收納表現之影響 80
4.3.1 主觀收納表現問卷描述性統計 80 幼兒基本資料 81 主觀收納表現問卷描述性統計 82
4.3.2 以視覺工作記憶教具訓練對主觀收納表現問卷之影響 83 3-4歲以視覺工作記憶教具訓練對主觀收納表現問卷之影響 84 5-6歲以視覺工作記憶教具訓練對主觀收納表現問卷之影響 85
4.3.3 以視覺工作記憶教具訓練對客觀認知能力試題之影響 86 3-4歲以視覺工作記憶教具訓練對客觀認知能力試題之影響 86 5-6歲以視覺工作記憶教具訓練對客觀認知能力試題之影響 87
4.3.4 檢視5-6歲幼兒前測與後測收納觀察結果 89
第五章 討論與結論 92
5.1 階段式幼兒收納家具操作建議 92
5.2 具視覺工作記憶訓練之階段式幼兒收納櫃設計要素 94
5.2.1 階段式幼兒收納櫃型式設計要素 94
5.2.2 視覺工作記憶遊戲機制設計要素 94
5.3 有無訓練對於幼兒收納表現影響 95
5.3.1 有無接受訓練對於主觀收納表現問卷之影響 95
5.3.2 有無接受訓練對客觀認知能力試題之影響 96
5.3.3 5-6歲幼兒前測與後測收納觀察討論與結論 98
5.4 收納認知能力與分類認知、歸納推理及空間能力的關係 99
5.5 研究建議、限制與範圍 100
參考文獻 101
附錄A 幼兒收納櫃圖片出處 109
附錄B 主觀收納表現問卷 111
附錄C 客觀認知能力試題 114
附錄D 幼兒收納觀察表 118
附錄E 幼兒收納觀察分析結果 119

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