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研究生(外文):Chiu-Hsia Wang
論文名稱(外文):Relationship between earning announcement investor sentiment and stock return
指導教授(外文):William T. LinWilliam T. Lin
外文關鍵詞:Earning AnnouncementInvestor SentimentAbnormal Return
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本篇論文研究主要目的是探討盈餘宣告對股價影響和投资人情緒的關性。因此分成兩個面向來探討,在盈餘宣告部份,如Ball and Brown (1968)首次結合會計資訊進行盈餘與股價之相關研究,實證結果顯示公司的預定盈餘宣告會產生股價的異常報酬。而在投資人情緒部分,因投資人直接情緒指標取得不易,故本篇研究參考Baker and Wurgler(2006)及其他文獻所提供的投資人間接情緒指標為代理變數做為本篇論文的依據,以盈餘宣告所存在的異常報酬做OLS迴歸分析,來探討投資人情緒對於盈餘宣告報酬的影響。
本篇以台灣證券交易所(TWSE)上市公司為研究對象,並且參考沈中華與李建然(2000)事件研究法的市場模型來探討在IFRSs一致性的會計準則規範下,預定事件之盈餘宣告及投資人情緒是否會產生股價的異常報酬(Abnormal returns),
The main purpose of this research article is to explore the impact of earning announcement on stock price and investor sentiment, so the research article is divided into two aspects for discussion. In the aspect of early announcement, for example, Ball and Brown (1968) first combined accounting information to study earnings and stock prices, and empirical results showed that the company's scheduled early announcement would generate abnormal return in stock price. In the aspect of investor sentiment, it is not easy to obtain direct investor sentiment indicators, so this research refers to the direct investor sentiment indicators provided by Baker and Wurgler (2006) as well as other papers as proxy variables and the basis of this article and uses existing abnormal return of the earning announcement for the OLS regression analysis to explore the impact of investor sentiment on earning announcement and return.
This article took the listed companies of Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (TWSE) as the research object and referred to the market model of the event study of Shen, Chung-Hua and Lee, Jan-Zan (2000) to study whether or not the early announcement and investor sentiment of scheduled events under the consistent accounting standards of IFRSs would generate abnormal returns in stock prices, so the sampling period was from 2015 to 2017, a total of three years, to explore whether there are abnormal returns, the estimation period was 239 days, and the event period was from 3 days before the announcement to 3 days after the announcement, a total of 7 days.
Empirical results showed that earning announcement definitely had abnormal returns generated from stock price, and stock price only reacted to the information contained in the earning announcement on and after the announcement day, rather than before the announcement day.
As to the market liquidity under the event of earning announcement, investors can obtain information from newspapers, magazines or news reports, so that the layout in advance causes an increase of liquidity. In addition, the short-sale/margin purchase ratio the proportion of day trades of the investor sentiment proxy variable are inversely correlated, indicating that if the investor sentiment tends to be pessimistic, then the stock will be sold out, and the abnormal return on the stock price will increase.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 3
第三節 研究目的 5
第四節 研究架構 7
第五節 研究流程 8
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 盈餘宣告相關的文獻 9
第二節 投資人情緒與股價報酬 14
第三節 投資人情緒指標方式及選取原則 18
第三章 研究方法 23
第一節 研究資料 23
第二節 事件研究法 26
第三節 變數說明 32
第四章 研究結果與分析 35
第一節 盈餘宣告分析 35
第二節 投資人情緒分析 37
第三節 事件期之最小平方法迴歸分析 38
第五章 結論 41
參考文獻 42

圖1-1研究架構流程圖 8
圖3-1樣本個股觀察期間整理圖 24
圖3-2事件日、估計期及事件期之關係整理圖 27
表3-1樣本期間表 24
表4-1 SUE敍述統計 35
表4-2盈餘宣告敍述統計 36
表4-3投資人情緒代理變數敍述統計 37
表4-4 SUE迴歸分析表 39
表4-5迴歸分析表 40
4.周賓凰、張宇志、林美珍,2019。「投資人情緒與股票報酬互動關係」,證券市場發展季刊;行為財務學特別專刊,第153 - 190頁。
5.許溪南、郭玟秀、鄭乃誠,2005。「投資人情緒與股價報酬波動之互動關係:台灣股市之實證」,台灣金融財務季刊,6卷3期 ,第107-121頁。
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