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研究生(外文):Yin-Yin Huang
論文名稱(外文):Adjusted Investment Proportions in Portfolio Analysis Under Uncertain Environment
指導教授(外文):Ruey-Chyn TsaurRuey-Chyn Tsaur
外文關鍵詞:Fuzzy portfolio modelguaranteed rate of returnexpected returnexcess investmentshort investment
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For the changing asset market, investors can only use Linguistic description to describe the vague information of the changes in assets and related aspects. Therefore, it is not easy to obtain an accurate probability distribution of the rate of return. For such problems, relevant scholars suggest using fuzzy set theory as an alternative method to solve the best investment portfolio. Therefore, this research plans two research topics. First, a fuzzy investment portfolio model is proposed for the optimal portfolio selection related to unstable and fuzzy returns. This article attempts to introduce a new fuzzy return function based on the selection guarantee rate of return, some securities are discussed in the framework of excess investment to improve the possible average value and variance value, leading to an improved fuzzy combination analysis model. This article proves that under different investment risks, the proposed model sets the expected ret
urn on investment with a lower guaranteed rate of return, which is greater than the expected return on investment with a higher guaranteed rate of return. This portfolio analysis can provide a more contributory investment option. Secondly, in the unstable or fuzzy returns, this paper proposes another fuzzy portfolio model as the best investment portfolio selection method. Although many commentators have worked hard to study the fuzzy portfolio model, in the fuzzy portfolio model, the adjustable securities ratio is set to explore the excess investment and the short investment of the guarantee rate of return. In order to deal with such investments, we assume that certain securities are considered excess investment and certain securities are considered short investment based on the guaranteed rate of return. The illustration shows that under different levels of investment risk, the expected return rate of a lower guarantee rate of return is higher than the expected return rate of a hig
her guarantee rate of return. With higher investment risks, the ratio of securities investment with low return on investment is almost zero.
誌謝 Ⅰ
中文摘要 Ⅱ
英文摘要 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅴ
表目錄 Ⅵ
圖目錄 Ⅶ

第一章 前言 1
1.1 動機與目的 2
1.2 論文結構 4
第二章 模糊投資組合文獻及模式回顧 5
2.1 文獻探討 5
2.2 模糊數算術運用 7
2.3 模糊的投資組合模型 10
第三章 可調整式的模糊投資組合模式 15
3.1 基於保證報酬率的模糊投資組合模型 15
3.2 證券比率可調整的模糊投資組合 19
第四章 模型驗證 25
4.1 基於保證報酬率的模糊投資組合範例 25
4.1.1 範例步驟 27
4.1.2 保證報酬率模型與其他模型的比較分析 34
4.2 證券投資比率可調整的模糊投資組合範例 36
第五章 結論 43
5.1 研究成果 43
5.2 管理意涵 44
5.3 未來研究 45
參考資料 47
表 4- 1 保證報酬率1~p的可能最佳投資組合................. 29
表4- 2 保證報酬率2~p的可能效率投資組.................... 31
表4- 3 保證報酬率3~p的可能效率投資組合.................. 31
表4- 4 混合保證報酬率的可能最佳投資組合................. 33
表4- 5 模糊投資組合模型的比較.......................... 35
表4- 6 每個選擇證券的模糊報酬.......................... 37
表4- 7 保證報酬率為1~p時的可能最佳投資組合.............. 39
表4- 8 保證報酬率為2~p時的可能最佳投資組合.............. 40
表4- 9 保證報酬率為3~p時的可能最佳投資組合.............. 42
圖 4- 1 不同保證報酬率的投資組合比較分析................ 32
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