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研究生(外文):Jenness Opara
論文名稱(外文):The Challenges and Opportunities of Taiwan’s International Quest Case Studies of the UN and WTO
指導教授(外文):Dr. Chin- Mo Cheng
口試委員(外文):Dr. Hsi-Hsun TsaiDr. Su Yen-Pin
外文關鍵詞:TaiwanUnited NationsWorld Trade OrganizationInternational OrganizationAnomalousParticipation
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定性方法被用來探索可用的文獻,並從關於確定主題的不同論點中得出推論。為了回答首要問題,該研究提出了四個子問題。即: 1. 阻
礙台灣加入聯合國的潛在因素是什麼? 2. 什麼因素使台灣能夠加入
世貿組織? 3. 如何克服台灣面臨的挑戰? 4. 台灣作為自治國家的未來生存是否取決於其是否被納入國際和多邊組織?
Taiwan functions like a sovereign state but it is denied and devoid of proper international recognition. While it has attempted to be included in multilateral and international organizations, it has failed on most counts. Its quest for greater international participation has become a common phenomenon, and a current topical and hotly debated topic. It has faced countless challenges.
The research sought to examine Taiwan’s quest for participation in international and multilateral organizations. It identified and described the challenges and opportunities of Taiwan’s quest for international participation as an anomalous state. The United Nations was used as a case study to assess the challenges confronting Taiwan in its quest for international participation, while the WTO was used as a case study to assess the opportunities of Taiwan’s international participation.
Qualitative methods were used to probe the available literature and draw inferences from the different arguments on the determined topic. In an attempt to answer the overarching question, the study posed four sub questions. i.e.: 1. What are the underlying factors hindering Taiwan from joining the UN? 2. What factors enabled Taiwan’s membership in the WTO? 3. How can the challenges confronting Taiwan be overcome? 4. Does Taiwan’s future survival as a self- governing state depend on its inclusion in international and multilateral organizations?
The findings of this study revealed that Taiwan’s current anomalous status poses considerable challenges to its quest for international participation, and as such must take pragmatic steps to maximize it self-governing posture. This study purports complete independence and a change Taiwan’s constitution as ways to correct Taiwan’s ill-fated status within the international community. Having analyzed Taiwan’s political and international dilemma, it was found that the Taiwanese people through the principle of self-determination has the power to transform Taiwan into an undisputed sovereign state.
CHAPTER 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Background 3
1.3 Aim/Objective of Study 6
1.4 Research Statement of the Problem 8
1.4.1 Research Questions 9
1.5 International and Multilateral Organizations 9
1.6 Theoretical Approaches 11
1.6.1 Realism/Neo-Realism 13
1.6.2 Liberalism 14
1.6.3 Globalization 15
1.6.4 Sovereignty 17
1.6.5 Self-determination 17
1.6.6 Foreign Policy Analysis 18
1.7 Literature Review 19
1.8 Research Framework 25
1.9 Domain/Scope of Research 26
1.10 Restrictions/Delimitations 27
Chapter 2: Taiwan: An Overview 28
2.1 Historical Perspective 28
2.2 From Chinese to Japanese to Chinese Rule 28
2.2.1 Chinese Rule 1662-1895 28
2.2.2 Japanese Rule 1895-1945 29
2.2.3 Chinese Rule 1949 – Present? 29
2.3 The Constitution of Taiwan 30
2.4 Taiwan’s Major Political Parties: Ideologies 32
2.4.1 The KMT 32
2.4.2 The DPP 33
2.5 The Taiwanese People: Perceptions on National Issues 33
2.6 Foreigners Perception of Taiwan’s International Exclusion 35
2.7 Taiwan: A Problem that Requires a Solution 37
Chapter 3: The United Nations: Taiwan’s Exclusion 39
3.1 The Origins of the United Nations 39
3.2 Taiwan's Participation in the United Nations: Backdrop 40
3.3 Proposals for Taiwan’s UN Inclusion 42
3.4 Taiwan and the WHA/WHO 44
3.5 Theoretical Application to Taiwan and the United Nations 49
3.6 Challenges to Taiwan’s UN Quest 52
Chapter 4: Taiwan and the WTO 61
4.1 Historical Overview 61
4.2 GATT 62
4.3 The WTO 63
4.4 The Structure of the WTO 65
4.5 Functions of the WTO 65
4.6 Trade Rules 66
4.7 Arguments Against the WTO 67
4.8 Taiwan’s Acceptance into WTO 69
4.8.1 Taiwan, the WTO, and Globalization 72
4.8.2 Factors That Enabled Taiwan’s WTO Membership 75
4.8.3 Opportunities of Taiwan’s WTO Membership 76
Chapter 5: Results/ Discussion 78
5.1 Categorical Implications of Taiwan’s International Engagement 88
5.1.1 Political Implications 88
5.1.2 Economic Implications 90
5.1.3 National Security Implications 91
5.1.4 Diplomatic and International Implications 92
5.2 How can the Challenges Be Overcome? 96
5.3 Does Taiwan’s survival as a self-governing state depend on its participation in global institutions? 98
Chapter 6: Conclusion/Recommendation 102
6.1 Conclusion 102
6.2 Recommendation 108
6.3 Future Study 108
Bibliography 110

List of Tables
Table 1: Taiwan’s Bid for WHA/WHO 1997-2019 ....................................................... 44
Table 2: Taiwan’s Bid for Re-entry in UN 1993-2015 .................................................. 53
Table 3: Taiwan’s World Economic Ranking GDP (PPP) 1980-2020 .......................... 68
Table 4: Names used by Taiwan in International and Multilateral Organizations......... 83
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