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研究生(外文):Wen-Yu Huang
論文名稱:品牌標誌改變對品牌權益之影響 —以標誌扁平化為例
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Brand Logo Changes on Brand Equity—In the Case of Flat Logo Desgin
外文關鍵詞:brand equityflat designbrand personalitybrand judgmentbrand resonance
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As the times evolve, people's fashion and aesthetics will also change accordingly. The "brand logo" with the title of brand name will continue to face the harsh challenges of reality, and many brands will recreate their logos one after another. However, the Internet has now occupied the lives of modern people. In the process of continuous technological innovation and advancement, devices for browsing the web have gradually changed from desktop computers to tablets and smart phones, and screen devices have changed from large to small screen devices. In order to reduce the gap in visual conversion during browsing, an upsurge of "flat design" has been raise in high. In the past ten years, many companies have changed their logos from skeuomorphism to flat design. Therefore, this study will use the brand equity perspective to explore the thought of customers after the brand logo has been flattened.
This research adopts an online questionnaire survey, which contains a total of 8 real brands, 1 fictitious brand and 3 product categories. The main findings are: brand equity has been significantly improved after the brand logo is flattened; in the customer-based brand equity model proposed by Keller (2001), brand judgment has a more significant positive impact on brand resonance than brand personality, followed by excitement brands Personality; and verified that brand personality, brand judgment, and brand resonance still influence each other after the transformation of the brand logo, and the brand judgment has a partial mediation effect; However, putting brand awareness into the mediator variable confirms that between the influence of brand personality on brand resonance and the influence of brand judgment on brand resonance, neither high brand awareness nor low brand awareness is enough to cause interference; finally, the test results show that there is no significant differen
ces in high or low brand awareness and product categories have significant differences in brand resonance.
The results of this research fill up the research gaps in brand logo flattening and brand equity, and combine brand awareness and product categories to conduct empirical research. In addition to using real brand logos, fictitious brand is also included in the discussion, giving corporate decision-makers a basis for academic argumentation and evaluation. Based on the empirical results, this research suggests that although companies can flatten their logos to increase brand equity, in the face of a rapidly changing competitive environment, the key to long-term wining outstanding brand equity is to know the customer’s thought, follow the structure of Keller (2001), and step by step to establish a solid and strong brand resonance.
第一章 緒論………………………1
第一節 研究背景與動機………………………1
第二節 研究問題與目的………………………7
第二章 文獻回顧………………………9
第一節 品牌標誌(BRAND LOGO)………………………9
第二節 扁平化設計(FLAT DESIGN)………………………12
第三節 品牌個性(BRAND PERSONALITY)………………………14
第四節 品牌判斷(BRAND JUDGEMENT)………………………16
第五節 品牌共鳴(BRAND RESONANCE)………………………17
第六節 品牌權益(BRAND EQUITY)………………………20
第七節 知名度的高低與產品類別………………………22
第三章 研究方法………………………23
第一節 研究架構………………………23
第二節 問卷設計與變數衡量………………………25
第三節 研究流程………………………27
第四節 前測及正式問卷………………………30
第五節 信效度分析………………………32
第六節 迴歸分析、獨立樣本T檢定與單因子變異數分析………………………34
第四章 實證結果………………………35
第一節 樣本描述………………………35
第二節 假設檢定………………………40
第三節 品牌個性、品牌判斷與品牌共鳴關係之檢定………………………47
第四節 「品牌判斷」對品牌個性與品牌共鳴之中介效果………………………52
第五節 「知名度的高低」對品牌個性、品牌判斷與品牌共鳴調節效果之檢定………………………54
第六節 知名度的高低對品牌共鳴的影響之檢定………………………56
第七節 產品類別對品牌共鳴關係之檢定………………………58
第五章 結論與建議………………………62
第一節 研究結論………………………62
第二節 研究貢獻………………………64
第三節 研究限制與未來方向………………………66
附錄一 正式問卷………………………72

表1- 1近年品牌標誌扁平化實例………………………4
表3- 1假說描述一覽表………………………24
表3- 2 變數衡量表………………………26
表3- 3 品牌標誌一覽表………………………29
表3- 4 信度檢驗結果表………………………33
表4- 1填答者性別分布………………………35
表4- 2 填答者年齡分布………………………36
表4-3 填答者教育程度分布………………………37
表4- 4 填答者職業分布………………………37
表4- 5 填答者每年零用金/收入所得分布………………………38
表4- 6 總樣本之母體平均數檢定結果………………………42
表4- 7 BMW之母體平均數檢定結果………………………42
表4- 8 VOLKAWAGEN之母體平均數檢定結果………………………43
表4- 9 BURBERRY之母體平均數檢定結果………………………43
表4- 10 BALMAIN之母體平均數檢定結果………………………44
表4- 11 GOOGLE之母體平均數檢定結果………………………44
表4- 12 YAHOO!之母體平均數檢定結果………………………45
表4- 13 BUDWEISER之母體平均數檢定結果………………………45
表4- 14 INSTAGRAM之母體平均數檢定結果………………………46
表4- 15 虛構品牌之母體平均數檢定結果………………………46
表4- 16 品牌個性對品牌判斷之影響………………………50
表4- 17 品牌個性與品牌判斷對品牌共鳴之影響………………………50
表4- 18 品牌個性對品牌共鳴之影響(複迴歸)………………………51
表4- 19 「品牌判斷」對「品牌個性」與「品牌共鳴」間之中介效果………………………53
表4- 20 「知名度的高低」是否具有調節效果之分析結果………………………55
表4- 21 知名度的高低對品牌共鳴之影響(獨立樣本T檢定)………………………57
表4- 22 產品類別對品牌共鳴關係之描述統計………………………60
表4- 23 產品類別對品牌共鳴關係之ANOVA分析………………………60
表4- 24 產品類別對品牌共鳴關係之事後比較表………………………61
圖1- 1 運用光影製造立體感之標誌對比圖………………………3
圖1- 2 襯線字體與無襯線字體………………………4
圖2- 1品牌個性之構面………………………15
圖2- 3 以顧客為基礎的CBBE模型………………………17
圖3- 1研究架構圖………………………23
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