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研究生(外文):LIN, CHIA-JU
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Key Operational Factors of Taiwan Biotechnology Startups to enter the Accelerators
指導教授(外文):HSU, YI-HSIN
外文關鍵詞:acceleratorinnovationstartupsincubatorsprofessor entrepreneursindustrial ecosystem
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這些探討的加速器模型和訪談結構的初步研究,以及幾位國外教授企業家的創新經驗,對本研究中的加速器產業進行更進一步分析和瞭解。本研究目的,也是希望協助生技新創如何選擇一個適合自己產業進駐的加速器並加速開展業務,提高雙方新創企業的成功率。最後,總結本研究資料,對加速器、生技新創創業或企業及其相關學研政府機構,提出五點建議,包括:一、建構生技生態系及產業鏈透明資訊平台,二、宣導新創協力企業,發展健康生技產業,三、提升國際生技形象,吸引人才投入,四、簡化新創資金募集流程,如創投基金(VC)、加速器、私募基金(PE)、企業轉投資、股票上市(IPO)、公司併購 (M&A)等等,五、創新創業觀念教育普及。

Innovation and entrepreneurship drive economic growth and will also bring a brand new biotechnology ecosystem. Especially under the threat of the Covid-19 pandemic, innovation is a focused restructuring strategy for all industries. With the new emerging technologies, transparent information development, rapid industrial structure model, many individuals including small, medium-size startups companies cleverly took the shoulders of incubators, angel investors, seed funds or accelerators. They aim to quickly launch a product or service program, to initiate the commercial operation and enter into the capital market.
Accelerators represent a new entrepreneurial collaboration model and act as a multi-functional platform, which is different from the ones with single function in the past, such as innovation centers, incubators, and angel investors. The accelerator model represents a brand new field, which can further explore what factors will influence the success of startups. For the purpose of this study, four representative accelerators in the United States and Taiwan were carefully selected and analyzed, including four detailed case analysis and three individual interviews. Through the case interviews, website analysis and observation, a preliminary study of the accelerator's operating model was conducted.
This study adopts a significantly qualitative research method, examines these cases through the interviews, website studies and observation. Identifying the key factors for the cooperative operation of accelerators to improve the success rate of startups, which are: (1) duration; (2) partnership; (3) business model; (4) selection and recruiting requirements; (5) investment stage; (6) education plan; (7) investment and local collaboration; (8) mentoring system and communication. In other words, startups should well know these key factors and understand more clearly how to choose one. An accelerator fits in the startup’s industrial field and will avoid the dilemma of repeatedly “try and error” and asking for directions, which will result in less effort.
These studies based on the accelerators’ programs and interview structure, will discuss the innovative experience of several foreign professors and entrepreneurs, and will further analyze and understand the key operational factors within accelerators. The purpose of this research aims to help biotechnology startups to choose a suitable accelerator for their industry to join and accelerate their business to improve the success rate of entrepreneurship.
Finally, it concludes with research data, five recommendations for accelerators, biotechnology startups or enterprises, and related government institutions, which includes: (1) developing a biotechnology ecosystem and a transparent information platform for the industry they concerned; (2) promoting new ventures and enterprises to develop a healthy biotechnology industry; (3) improve the international biotechnology image and recruit more talents; (4) simplify the process of fund raising for startups, such as venture capital (VC) funds, accelerators, private equity (PE) funds, and corporate transaction funding, investment, initial public offering (IPO), company mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and others; (5) advocate the education of innovative and entrepreneurial concepts.

誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
一、緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 4
二、文獻探討 6
2.1 全球暨台灣生技新創產業發展 6
2.2 加速器的定義與範疇 13
2.3 加速器營運模式與計畫 25
2.4生技加速器營運計畫及關鍵要素 28
2.5文獻小結 30
三、研究方法 32
3.1 論文流程 32
3.2論文結構 33
3.3 研究設計-個案訪談 34
3.4 個案研究對象選定 35
四、研究結果與討論 36
4.1 個案介紹 36
4.2 個案分析比較 46
4.3個人訪談 48
4.4 研究限制 50
五、結論與建議 52
5.1 研究結論 52
5.2 建議 54
六、References參考文獻 55

表 1、2019「Deloitte亞太區高科技、高成長500強」 2
表 2、加速器和初創公司的利益表明比較表 3
表 3、新創團隊募資對象之比較表 4
表 4、全球生物製造產業相關新上市企業IPO業績列舉(單位:百萬美元) 6
表 5、中國、美國TOP5醫療健康科創獨角獸列表說明 8
表 6、投資人觀點:新創生技發展生態與趨勢 9
表 7、彙整我國生技產業的優劣勢及其發展機會探討 12
表 8、彙整台經院FINDIT詮釋加速器型態及營運目的 15
表 9、彙整台灣加速器型態及代表性單位 22
表 10、 2018 教育部推動創新創業團隊之成效 23
表 11、彙整科技部培訓計畫及執行結果 24
表 12、依其營運計畫程序來比較加速器與孵化器及天使投資人之間的主要差異性 26
表 13、加速器訪談之問題內容設計 34
表 14、加速器訪談對象之背景說明 35
表 15、美國、台灣加速器訪談單位表15、美國、台灣加速器訪談單位 36
表 16、Y Combinator加速器官網資訊彙整 37
表 17、訪談紀錄:「Johns Hopkins Technology Venture」科技風險投資中心及Fast Forward加速器 40
表 18、 訪談紀錄:國立交通大學產業加速器暨專利開發策略中心 43
表 19、訪談紀錄:國立成功大學-前瞻醫療器材科技中心 45
表 20、美國、台灣加速器營運計畫比較 47
表 21、三位JHU教授企業家新創訪談 49

圖 1、新創公司發展階段及合作機構共同入徑資本市場示意圖 5
圖 2、2018~2019年全球生物製造產業融資階段統計(單位:百萬美元) 7
圖 3、台灣生技產業範疇(製造業及其相關技術服務業) 10
圖 4、我國生技產業營業額正成長趨勢 11
圖 5、台灣加速器型態及比率 15
圖 6、各國代表性加速器建構里程碑圖6、各國代表性加速器建構里程碑 17
圖 7、2005-2016年美國各地啟動加速器的地理分佈 18
圖 8、台灣加速器家數及分布區域 20
圖 9、生技新創的加速計畫 30
圖 10、 本研究論文架構 33
圖 11、本研究論文論述示意圖 34

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